Displaying 1691-1700 of 2406 results.
Continuity of schooling: Supporting post-primary students who are at very high risk to COVID-19
Created : 13 Sep 2020, 9:04 PM
Archived : 14 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians,
I hope you are keeping well. You will remember previously that I advised that we were awaiting guidance from the DES on the arrangements for continuity of schooling for students who cannot return to school. This guidance was finally published this week and is attached in the Pdf below.
This guidance is provided to support schools in making adapted education provision for students who cannot return to school because they are medically certified as being at very high risk from contracting COVID-19.
The purpose of this adapted education provision is to ensure that students who are medically certified as being at very high risk to COVID-19 can maintain a meaningful connection with their class group and school in order to successfully continue their learning from home. Students in this category who engage with learning from home should be marked present on attendance records.
It is important to note that a very high risk student is one with an underlying medical condition that makes him/her extremely vulnerable from contracting COVID-19. Schools must be provided with a letter from a medical professional stating that the student falls into that category. The arrangements in this guidance apply to those students only. All other students are expected to return to school.
The adapted education provisions set out in this document to support students at very high risk to COVID-19 do not apply to students who are at risk of early school leaving, students who are experiencing COVID-related anxiety about the return to school or students who have been requested to self-isolate by a medical doctor or the Health Service Executive (HSE). Further information in relation to those students is provided in section 4.
While this guidance applies to all post-primary schools and centres for education from the start of the first term of the new school year, it is intended that it will be reviewed by mid-October and updated to reflect any necessary changes.
Kind regards
J Leonard
Important information for all parents/guardians
Created : 10 Sep 2020, 11:06 AM
Archived : 10 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/guardians,
I hope that your sons and daughters have enjoyed being back in school since we successfully reopened last week. It has been fantastic to see the blue jumpers and to have the buzz of the students around the building once again. As expected we are constantly looking at areas that require attention and I would like to draw your attention to the following and ask for your cooperation and support in these matters:
1. It has been brought to my attention that some students are congregating around the entrances to some of the local shops. Please speak with your son/daughter and remind them of the need to disperse and maintain distancing at all times. It can be quite difficult for the wider community if footpaths and/or entrances/exits are blocked.
2. There has been a worrying increase in the number of cars entering onto the school grounds to drop children and/or collect. Please consider the health and safety of all members of the school community. It is not necessary to drop a student to the door of the school. In this regard non-staff cars should not be in the school grounds either before or after school.
3. No student has permission to leave the school grounds at small break.
I would be grateful if you would talk with your son/daughter about the above today. We all need to work together to make sure the success we have enjoyed over the past couple of weeks continues.
Kind regards
J Leonard
First Year Subject Rotations
Created : 08 Sep 2020, 10:22 PM
Archived : 10 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
Please see information on subject choice rotations for first years. Students will rotate every two weeks until they have tried all subjects. Please make note of the dates so that students are prepared.
Thank you
Ms Mills
Please see the attached PDF to access the information.
Leaving Certificate Calculated Grades 2020 - online tomorrow from 9am
Created : 06 Sep 2020, 2:31 PM
Archived : 06 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/guardians and former students of the class of 2020,
The long wait is almost over. Tomorrow morning, you will be able to access your Leaving Certificate Calculated Grades online through the student portal you registered with previously. I am attaching an important document explaining the next steps in this process, please read it carefully.
Unfortunately, it will not be possible to gather in the school due to the public health restrictions in place. As it is a full school day for the current students, I must ask that you do not come to the school without prior approval and an appointment. This is necessary to protect your health and safety and that of the entire school community. Details of the support available is contained in the attached notice.
I would like to wish you the very best of luck with tomorrow and the days ahead as many of you finalise your next steps following the issuing of the results. Celebrate safely and sensibly, but do mark the occasion in some way with your families…you deserve it.
Best wishes
J Leonard
Parent/Guardian communication
Created : 03 Sep 2020, 9:37 AM
Archived : 03 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/guardians,
it is vital that we are able to communicate effectively now more than ever. Please ensure that we have the correct current contact details for you - if you change address, phone number, email address etc it is essential that you inform the school through admin@cpckilcullen.com immediately. The phone numbers we have for you MUST be active and you MUST be able to take a call on one of the numbers we have in case of emergency and/or Covid-19 concerns. I appreciate that this can be a challenge but it is a key part of the Covid-19 Response Plan.
Likewise, you need to be able to contact us. If the purpose of the contact relates to a subject specific matter then please phone or email the office (045) 481524 or admin@cpckilcullen.com with details and a message will be passed to the teacher concerned.
If it relates to any other matter your first point of contact should be with the year head:
1st year Ms Mills sabrinamills@cpckilcullen.com
2nd year Ms Fennell amandafennell@cpckilcullen.com
3rd year Ms Twomey marytwomey@cpckilcullen.com
4th year Mr Wheeler eoinwheeler@cpckilcullen.com / TY coordinator Ms Groome glendagroome@cpckilcullen.com
5th year Ms Gillespie margaretagillespie@cpckilcullen.com
6th year Mr Dennehy denisdennehy@cpckilcullen.com
The Deputy Principals, Ms Harney (1st year, 3rd year, 5th year) and Ms Lennon (2nd year, 4th year, 6th year) are also available should you need to contact them katrionaharney@cpckilcullen.com or fionalennon@cpckilcullen.com
I remain available of course (joeleonard@cpckilcullen.com) but with 850 students in the school it is important that a structure is in place to deal in a timely fashion with communications from parents.
Currently in line with the Response Plan, visitors to the school are being restricted. A reminder that there must be no visitors to the school without the prior approval of the principal. The vast majority of meetings that are required can take place by phone or video call if necessary.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation with this matter.
Kind regards
J Leonard
Next to return to CPC - 2nd, 4th and 5th years
Created : 02 Sep 2020, 9:38 PM
Archived : 02 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
We had another successful day welcoming back our 3rd and 6th year students today. There were many changes to explain to them but they took it in their stride and I have no doubt they will adapt to the situation well. Well done to all today.
Tomorrow we welcome back the last groups of students to return - our 2nd, 4th and 5th years.
Ms Groome and Mr Wheeler have already been in touch by email today with the 4th year parents with details about tomorrow.
We are asking 2nd year students to enter and exit using:
Red Zone entrance (doors across from Daybreak).
Base Classrooms are as follows:
2A - Rm 13 2B - Rm 2
2C - Rm 14 2D - Rm 1
2E - Ref 1 2F - Rm 20
Fifth year students should enter and exit here:
Green Zone entrance (doors by reception area)
5th year Base Classrooms are:
5A - Rm 6 5B - Rm 19
5C - Rm 17 5D - Study Hall
5E - Rm 22 5L - Comp Rm 2
Students are asked not to come to school too early if possible and to go to your base classroom when you arrive in time for a 9am start.
Remember to bring a snack and a drink for break time. Induction finishes at 1.15 tomorrow.
I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.
J Leonard
Applications for 1st year 2021/2022
Created : 02 Sep 2020, 8:56 AM
Archived : 02 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/guardians,
as you know from a previous communication, the Admissions Policy for Cross and Passion College is currently being updated in line with the enactment of the Education (Admission to Schools) Act 2018 for the year 2020/2021. The policy will be approved by the trustees (Le Chéile) and ratified by the Board of Management shortly.
An important change due to the Act is the new standardisation of dates of application for a place in 1st year for the following year. No school can accept applications before October 1st 2020 and the Admissions Notice will not be published until a week before this. The school will cease accepting applications on October 22nd 2020.
Therefore, all other application forms / policies refer to past years and are not valid and can not be used. The school website is being updated to reflect this.
I would like to thank parents/guardians for their understanding as I know many parents are anxious about securing a place in CPC but as mentioned this is a legal requirement to change the familiar dates rather than a school decision.
Details of the updated policy and application form will be posted on the school website, communicated through the school app, notified to local primary schools and a notice will be posted on the Kilcullen Diary.
Kind regards
J Leonard
3rd and 6th years returning to CPC tomorrow
Created : 01 Sep 2020, 8:34 PM
Archived : 01 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
It was lovely to welcome our new 1st year students to CPC today. They looked great in the CPC blue and adapted to the new requirements really well. Well done to all of them!
Now we are ready to welcome back our 3rd and 6th years tomorrow at 9am. Induction will take place in class base rooms detailed below. We are minimising interactions between year groups by asking students to enter and exit via dedicated doors.
3rd years:
Blue Zone entrance (doors between Rm 9 and Rm 10).
Base Classrooms
3A - Rm 8 3B - Rm 9
3C - Rm 28 3D - TY Rm
3E - Rm 27 3F - Demo Room
Sixth year:
Red Zone entrance (doors across from Daybreak).
Base Classrooms
6A - Rm 7 6B - Sacred Space
6C - Rm 24 6D - Rm 21
6E - Rm 23 6LCA - Rm 25
Students are asked not to arrive too early - induction will start at 9am and students must go directly to the rooms above.
Cloth face coverings (face masks) must be worn in line with national and school policy including in all classrooms and corridors inside the building. The exceptions to this are detailed in the response plan circulated to parents and a medical certificate should be provided to support this where relevant. Where such a medical certificate is provided a visor must be worn instead. If a student does not wear a mask (or a visor if there is a medical certificate) then they will not be allowed access to the school. Please cooperate with your school on this matter and discuss it in depth with your son/daughter.
Kind regards
J Leonard
One more sleep...
Created : 31 Aug 2020, 8:02 PM
Archived : 31 Oct 2020, 12:00 AM
We are looking forward to welcoming our new 1st year students to CPC tomorrow.
You do not need to bring all books.
Be sure to bring a snack for morning break and a drink.
Wear full school uniform.
Arrive on time for 9 am start - not too early but on time.
Parents/Guardians will not be allowed to enter the school building.
Students and parents/guardians are reminded to socially distance at all times.
Students are required to wear a face mask.
1st years will finish at 12.15pm tomorrow.
Kind regards
J Leonard
Important update
Created : 29 Aug 2020, 5:47 PM
Archived : 29 Oct 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,
The Board of Management has ratified the following addendum to the Code of Behaviour.
Please read the attached document carefully and discuss with your son/daughter.
I look forward to welcoming students back to CPC this week and will be in touch ahead of each year group's return with specific instructions for the day.
Please ensure you have set your son/daughter's correct year in the profile section of the school app (click the three lines on the top left, click on the name, select the correct year and save).
Best wishes
J Leonard