Displaying 1751-1760 of 2406 results.
CPC Fundraiser for SVP
Created : 29 Apr 2020, 8:28 PM
Archived : 30 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Good morning everybody,
a quick update on our fundraiser for the local SVP - the total raised is now €1455.
Our original target of €500 has been well and truly surpassed and it would be wonderful to break the €1500 mark.
If you can donate any amount please follow this link:
Sincere thanks to all who have donated to date.
29 April, 2020 - Minister McHugh announces revised arrangements for Junior Cycle 2020
Created : 29 Apr 2020, 2:54 PM
Archived : 29 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians/Students,
The Minister for Education and Skills Joe McHugh TD has today (Wednesday 29 April 2020) announced revised arrangements for this year’s Junior Cycle:
I will be in touch again in the coming days with further details following this announcement.
I sincerely hope that today's announcement will bring some clarity for our 3rd year students and I want to thank all parents/guardians and students for your patience in awaiting this announcement despite the media coverage and publicity surrounding this in the last week or so. We can now make informed decisions that are best suited to our students.
Wishing you all continued good health and best regards
J Leonard
Applying for a SUSI grant
Created : 27 Apr 2020, 4:41 PM
Archived : 27 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians/Students,
the following short video may be of interest to assist in applying for a SUSI grant.
The video explains the 5 eligibility criteria and gives a quick run through the 6 sections on the on-line form. This is done in the simplest and quickest way possible. It may be very useful for students to help get them started.
The guide here may be useful too:
Kildare Youth Project
Created : 27 Apr 2020, 3:47 PM
Archived : 27 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians/Students,
please find details in the attached Pdf of daily (Mon-Fri) live online workshops/chat for young people aged 12-18 years, hosted by the youth work team in Kildare Town Youth Project.
Hosted by Youth Workers, the workshops are focussed on helping young people during this time.
Updates 24th April
Created : 24 Apr 2020, 4:10 PM
Archived : 24 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Good afternoon everybody,
I hope you are keeping safe and well. The fabulous weather has been a real blessing again this week but I have no doubt it has made the challenge of re-engaging with school work and study that little bit trickier this week after the Easter break. Hopefully you have managed to establish a good routine again.
For parents and guardians, I would like to thank you all for your support again this week. Many of you completed the survey to help us understand the challenges you are facing in assisting your children with their studies. The issues around internet connectivity and access to devices is a real challenge for many of our students and indeed staff. Despite that, it was heartening to see that the majority of you feel that your son/daughter is making good progress despite the circumstances. Distance learning is certainly not ideal and there are many problems associated with it. Self motivation can be difficult and it is important that you support your son/daughter as best you can to keep going and be resilient during this time.
To our non-exam class students, your teachers will be in touch shortly regarding end of year assessments. We will be working on the best way forward to do this in the coming weeks.
6th year students will have seen confirmation that the Leaving Cert exams are scheduled to begin on 29th July. Further details regarding the exact timetable will issue in the first week of June, pending the medical advice at that time. Further announcements regarding practicals etc may be made in the interim and I will confirm this with you when they are made. I know this is far from ideal for you and I hope you are taking good care of yourselves as well as maintaining focus on your studies. Ms McDonnell remains available to 'meet' with you remotely and Ms Mills, you will remember, also sent you a message saying that she is available to support you in any way she can. Indeed, we are all here to support you.
3rd year students are already aware that the Junior Cycle final examinations have been postponed. There has been much media coverage on this over this week. I would urge parents and students to remain patient until official announcements are made with regard to arrangements for assessment. The last thing I want to do is contribute further to any anxieties that may exist by making a knee-jerk decision that I subsequently have to reverse, thereby furthering the anxiety you may be experiencing.
Could I remind everybody of the official sources of information:
Department of Education
There is a dedicated Covid-19 section on the DES site
The State Examinations Commission
I would like to thank all of you who have donated to the SVP fundraiser set up by Ms Mills to support families in the local community. After an initial target was set to raise €500 I am delighted to say that as I write this message we have reached €1,005 already. If you can donate, follow the link here:
I want to finish by wishing you all a pleasant weekend. Stay safe, stay home.
J Leonard
Reminder of Post-Primary School Transport Scheme Applications - deadline 24th April
Created : 22 Apr 2020, 2:43 PM
Archived : 22 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Post-Primary School Transport Scheme Applications
It should be noted that in regard to the Primary and Post-Primary School Transport Schemes, applications for School Transport for the 2020/2021 school year are currently open and can be accessed online at www.buseireann.ie/schooltransport . .
The closing date for applications is Friday 24th April 2020.
Survey by the National Parents Council - deadline 5pm today
Created : 22 Apr 2020, 1:03 PM
Archived : 22 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians,
the following survey was brought to my attention for the parents/guardians of exam year students. If you are a parent of a 3rd or 6th year student and would like to give your views the two minute survey can be found here:
The deadline is 5pm today.
Kind regards
J Leonard
Cross and Passion College Fundraiser for our local Saint Vincent de Paul.
Created : 22 Apr 2020, 12:49 PM
Archived : 22 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Good afternoon everybody,
I'm delighted to support an initiative organised by Ms Mills to support members of the local community through St Vincent de Paul. Please see the message from Ms Mills and the link to donate here:
This is a difficult time for many people and for some more difficult than others with added financial worries. The CPC community has always given generously to various causes and would like at this time to support the work of our local SVP. I have been in contact with the SVP east region fundraising co ordinator and she is delighted and hugely thankful that we would think of them and support their work at this time. We are aiming to raise 500 euro for SVP which will help out many families at this time. Can I please ask staff, parents, students and our wider CPC community if you can support in any small way please click the link below and donate whatever little you can.
Thank you for supporting our fundraiser on behalf of the work at SVP – we really appreciate you taking the time to help. We will keep you updated on how much we are raising and if we reach our target.
The link is now live for this fundraiser - www.svp.ie/crossandpassion
Thank you
J Leonard
6th year Higher Level Maths
Created : 20 Apr 2020, 1:05 PM
Archived : 20 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Welcome 'back'
Created : 20 Apr 2020, 12:14 PM
Archived : 20 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians/Students,
I hope this message finds you all safe and well. The Easter break was very welcome I'm sure and provided an opportunity to come away from the screens a little and recharge and refresh ahead of this term. Today marks the beginning of that term and no doubt the students are re-engaging with their teachers this morning.
I want to thank the many parents who took the time to fill out the survey on distance learning. This survey has provided us with really useful information about the reality of how you are finding this experience. There are serious and genuine challenges being experienced but overall families are coping magnificently given the circumstances we all find ourselves in. Things are far from perfect but together we can overcome many of these challenges.
To our 6th years, thank you to those of you who filled in the survey specifically for you. Again, your feedback is vital in helping your teachers to effectively help you through this time. I'm sure you still have many questions around the arrangements for your exams and I hope that there might be some further clarity provided in the coming days. However, in the meantime, keep going with your learning, revision and study. As I said in a previous message, time spent thinking about things that are beyond your control is time wasted. You can control your own work and study and I know this is an extremely challenging time, but you can do this!
I will be in regular contact with updates as always, but to start this term please enjoy the following which involve contributions from CPC students:
Florence of ‘Florence and the Machine’ had invited fans to contribute to a poem. Over ten thousand fans responded and Florence selected some of their lines to create a collective poem. Tia Boyd Burke's (6th year) lines were selected; ‘we sung choruses from our balconies,
To give ourselves some company,
Hiding from the phantom in our city,’
Florence Welch; A collective poem about solidarity and support through quarantine
“Alone, yet together,
Threads apart weaving as one,
I am worried about what the future will bring for my mother,
I lit a match for you,
In the calmness of my room,
Rituals return to the stovetops and altars arrive in our bellies.
“And I shall wait three days, 20 years,
Or even an age for a brighter moment,
Falling in love,
Like never before,
On opposite sides of a long-locked door,
And one day looking back,
I will find a reason to hug you tighter.
“I recall the hands touching the violin while exiting the church,
Every petal a loved one,
The gathered children looking out.
“Sometimes I forget the sun,
But there it is again,
Spring is pouring from my mouth,
I’m enjoying feeling small and perishable,
Then becoming the sky,
I let myself fall in.
“And then it all began,
This drowsiness is scary,
The days blurred,
I kiss your ribs because I want to feel the way you breathe,
I keep the smallest stick wedged in the door.
“The God in me begins to pray and knows that we sung choruses from our balconies,
To give ourselves some company,
Hiding from the phantom in our city,
An overwhelming sense of contradiction,
Staying away from what I love out of love,
I was waiting for the birds to tell me it was over,
Afraid as a fevered child, bound to the bed.
“Just look for the grace of your mother, my daughter, the health care worker,
Who comes with a cloth for your head,
A long forgotten astronaut caught in the atmosphere,
And as it spins aimlessly,
And now alone in the dark,
It remembers how to breathe,
How to close its eyes,
How to simply be.
“Maybe this i permission, to rest, to love, to breathe, to make beauty in madness,
Music in silence, to write letters, to say sorry, to feel our bodies, to feel compassion.
Maybe this is a lesson in deepest truths and simplest pleasures.
Will we ever again be asked to stay still to save lives?
“Early spring thaws the ground enough to make it kind to girls who run barefoot through woods,
Palm leaves glittering in the sky,
A hurricane of fear,
And despite it all, we’re still here,
Only now we understand the perils of our fathers.
“Somewhere out of it but right,
Right here,
Now is our turn to take care of you.”
Please also take a moment to enjoy the wonderful creativity of Leo Brychta (5th year) and friends in their musical tribute to healthcare workers:
Best wishes for the term ahead. Take good care everyone.
J Leonard