Displaying 1721-1730 of 2406 results.
Final Call for Emptying of Lockers / Collection of Belongings - today 9.30 am - 12.30 pm
Created : 19 Jun 2020, 9:19 AM
Archived : 19 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Good morning everybody, Many thanks to all of you who have visited the school over the last week to collect belongings and empty lockers. I was pleased to see that everybody followed the guidelines to ensure safety for all. There is a final opportunity today to collect belongings and empty lockers between 9.30 am and 12.30 pm. All lockers must be emptied so that cleaning and preparation for next year can begin. The wearing of gloves and masks is encouraged. We must continue to ensure that we abide by social distancing guidelines so the following arrangements will apply and be strictly adhered to: a) Students must enter via the main door on the reception / assembly hall side of the school b) Students must sign in on the list on the table in the entrance foyer. c) Only 20 students will be admitted to the school building at any one time. d) If students have to wait outside the school building, they must maintain a safe 2 metre distance from each other. e) No student or parent should present at the school if they are exhibiting Covid-19 symptoms. f) Students will be allocated 10 minutes within the school building to collect their belongings. g) Students must maintain a social distance of 2 metres while in the school building. h) Students must not congregate in groups either inside or outside the school. i) Once finished students must sign out on the list on the table near the door on the 'old' side of the building (opposite Daybreak) and leave through that door. We ask all students and parents to fully comply with these guidelines to ensure the safety of all. Kind regards J Leonard
5th year Subject Choices
Created : 12 Jun 2020, 4:19 PM
Archived : 12 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Good afternoon everybody, Subject Choices for students going into 5th year were posted yesterday and may well have arrived today to your homes. If not, I'm sure they will be with you early next week. Every effort was made to ensure that as many students as possible received their choices. The vast majority of students received their first 3 choices and well over 90% of students received their first 2 choices. Where this did not happen it is either because two subjects a student wanted to do ended up being on at the same time (this is determined by student preferences for subjects) and/or that the preferred subject was oversubscribed. Below are the subject codes that show the option blocks for 5th year this year. So you can see that if a student wanted to study Ag Science and DCG for example, this would not be possible as they are on at the same time. These option blocks are created based on the preferences of the students and accommodate the maximum possible preferred subject combinations. Option Block 1 Ag Sci , Bio , Eco , DCG , Che , Rel Option Block 2 Geo , Bus , Tec , Acc , Hom , Mus , Art , Option Block 3 Geo , Bio , Con St , Phy , Hom , His What can seem like a very simple request of a change usually is not straightforward at all as classes may be full or require a change from a subject you are happy with. However, where a change is possible it will be looked at. We hope to be able to offer Applied Maths as an additional subject to those interested. Wishing everybody a pleasant weekend and continued good health, J Leonard
Emptying of lockers on designated days - please read carefully
Created : 10 Jun 2020, 5:18 PM
Archived : 10 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
The school will open at certain times over the next week (Thurs 11th – Thurs 18th June from 9.30 am – 12.30 pm each day) for students to collect books and belongings from their lockers We must ensure that we abide by social distancing guidelines so the following arrangements will apply and be strictly adhered to: a) There are designated days for students to visit the school to collect belongings. This is organised alphabetically according to surname: A-B: Thursday 11th C-E: Friday 12th F-K: Monday 15th L-M: Tuesday 16th N-R: Wednesday 17th S-Z: Thursday 18th Students will only be admitted to the school on their allotted day. They will not be admitted if they arrive on a different day. The wearing of gloves and masks is encouraged. b) Students must enter via the main door on the reception / assembly hall side of the school c) Students must sign in on the list on the table in the entrance foyer. d) Only 20 students will be admitted to the school building at any one time. e) If students have to wait outside the school building, they must maintain a safe 2 metre distance from each other. f) No student or parent should present at the school if they are exhibiting Covid-19 symptoms. g) Students will be allocated 10 minutes within the school building to collect their belongings. h) Students must maintain a social distance of 2 metres while in the school building. i) Students must not congregate in groups either inside or outside the school. j) Once finished students must sign out on the list on the table near the door on the 'old' side of the building (opposite Daybreak) and leave through that door. We ask all students and parents to fully comply with these guidelines to ensure the safety of all. Kind regards J Leonard
TY End of Year Celebration of Work
Created : 05 Jun 2020, 10:53 AM
Archived : 05 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians and Students, it is with great pleasure that I am sharing the link to the virtual TY 2020 celebration of work livestream.com/accounts/285324/events/8664950/videos/207003564/player?width=640&height=360&enableInfo=true&defaultDrawer=&autoPlay=true&mute=false I would like to congratulate the TY class of 2020 on a fantastic year's work. This video celebrates your achievements and experiences this year and is a true reflection of the outstanding quality of the Transition Year in Cross and Passion College. Particular thanks to Ms Groome for the extraordinary work involved in putting this celebration together. Normally there is a huge amount of work involved in putting on our celebration evening - it is multiplied when trying to do it remotely. My sincere thanks for the countless hours spent producing such a wonderful memory of the year and my thanks also to all who contributed. I hope our TY class of 2020 enjoy re-living the year and share the celebration with your families. Take good care J Leonard
SEC Examination Fee Refunds
Created : 03 Jun 2020, 12:41 PM
Archived : 03 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians, I hope you are all keeping well. I received the following message from the SEC and have been asked to pass it on to you: 'Dear Principal, I refer to the announcements made by the Minister for Education and Skills, Mr. Joe Mc Hugh T.D., on Friday 10th April and Friday 8th May regarding the postponement and the revised arrangements of the Junior Cycle and Leaving Certificate examinations. As a result of these decision I wish to confirm that the State Examinations Commission (SEC) is refunding all candidates who have paid their examination fee for 2020. Refunds were processed on May 26th for all candidates that paid the examination fee online. Refunds will go back to the card/account which was used to pay the fee. The process can take up to 7 days to process. If candidates have not received the refund by June 10th , they should email us at fees@examinations.ie with their exam number. Please bring the contents of this email to the attention of the candidates/parents/guardians.' Kind regards J Leonard
End of school year message
Created : 29 May 2020, 6:23 PM
Archived : 29 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians/Students, today marks the end of the school year, albeit a year like no other. We would have loved it to finish differently to how it did, the final weeks of the summer term are always a very exciting time to be in school. I want to congratulate our students for the way you have engaged in your work since schools closed in March. I'm sure there have been many challenges but I have been hugely impressed with the level of commitment shown by our students throughout. This is in no small part down to the support parents and guardians have been providing throughout this period, while also juggling work and family commitments. Congratulations to everybody on this achievement. Your teachers have worked extremely hard in difficult circumstances to ensure that teaching and learning continued and I want to publicly put on record my thanks to them for the extraordinary lengths they have gone to. I have received a number of messages of thanks from parents and guardians and they are appreciated. We will be in touch regularly during the coming weeks with regard to summer reports, booklists, subject choices, calendar, expenses and other pieces of information. While it is unclear exactly what the arrangements will be for reopening we will keep you posted. We will also be in touch regarding the collection of any outstanding items in student lockers etc in the coming days. I will finish for now by wishing the students a wonderful summer break. Stay safe and I look forward to seeing you all in the new school year. Final thought: a thought provoking piece I came across Some people are concerned about the students "falling behind" due to the closure of schools for 9 weeks BUT WHAT IF .... What if … instead of falling “behind", this group of kids are ADVANCED because of this? Hear me out. What if … they have more empathy, they enjoy family connection, they can be more creative and entertain themselves, they love to read, they love to express themselves in writing. What if …. they enjoy the simple things, like their own garden and sitting near a window in the quiet. What if … they notice the birds and the dates the different flowers emerge, and the calming renewal of a gentle rain shower? What if …. this generation are the ones to learn to cook, organise their space, do their laundry, and keep a well run home? What if …. they learn to ride a bike, play a board game, do simple crafts, learn to bake, climb a tree, play without a screen? What if …. they learn to Understand the value of money, what’s important and to live with less? What if …. they learn to plan shopping trips and meals at home. What if … they learn the value of eating together as a family and finding the good to share in the small delights of the everyday? What if … they learn to just be, to be more resilient, to be content ? What if … they are the ones to place great value on our teachers and educational professionals, librarians, public servants and the previously invisible essential support workers like truck drivers, grocers, logistics, and health care workers and their supporting staff, just to name a few of the millions taking care of us right now while we are sheltered in place? What if … among these children, a great leader emerges who had the benefit of a slower pace and a simpler life to truly learn what really matters in this life? What if … they are AHEAD? Best wishes J Leonard
The Leaving Certificate 2020 - Calculated Grades Student Portal will be open until 12pm midday Friday 29 May. - deadline extended
Created : 29 May 2020, 12:57 AM
Archived : 29 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Good morning everybody, The DES have announced that the student portal to register for calculated grades remains open until 12pm midday Friday 29th May All 6th years and students of 5L must register here lc2020.education.gov.ie/ Best wishes J Leonard
Final reminder (all 6th years and 5L) - student portal closes tonight 10pm
Created : 28 May 2020, 4:58 PM
Archived : 28 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians/Students, I have been asked by the DES to again remind all Leaving Certificate students that the Calculated Grades Student Portal for Leaving Certificate 2020 Calculated Grades closes at 10pm tonight, Thursday 28 April. Before this time, students following the Leaving Certificate Applied programme (including 5L) are required to register on the portal while students following the other Leaving Certificate programmes (Established and Vocational) must register and also confirm their final level for each subject in which they are entered. It is essential that students register on the portal at this time and, as required, confirm their levels. The sooner that this is done, the sooner the Calculated Grades Executive Office can provide schools with confirmation of final subject levels for students so that schools can complete their task of providing an estimated percentage mark and class rank order for each student Later on, students will use the portal to opt to receive calculated grades, to access their calculated grades, and to access later stages of the process such as the appeal procedures. This is a tight timeframe, so students need to gather the following information before commencing the registration process; - their Leaving Certificate examination number - their Personal Public Service (PPS) number (which they need to create a Personal Identification Number) - an email address to which they will have regular access over the coming months - their mobile telephone number. There is Helpdesk support available to students by telephone and email. Please note that due to COVID19 restrictions the helpdesk phonelines (1800-111135 or 1800-111136) are available between 9.00 am and 5 pm each day. Outside of these hours, students can email lcsupport2020@education.gov.ie. If you do not have your examination number or PPS number, which you need to create a Personal Identification Number to confirm their identity, please email admin@cpckilcullen.com immediately . The portal is can be accessed via lc2020.education.gov.ie/ Thank you for your attention to this matter. Kind regards J Leonard
For the attention of 2nd year students going into 3rd year
Created : 28 May 2020, 4:43 PM
Archived : 28 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/Guardians/Students, I hope you are keeping safe and well. I received the following communication from the Department of Education today regarding Classroom Based Assessments (CBAs) that may have been impacted by school closure: "This is to let you know that the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) has posted details on its website ncca.ie/media/4586/ncca_cbas-for-student-cohort-2018-2021_en.pdf of revised arrangements for the completion of Classroom Based Assessments (CBAs) for the cohort of students currently coming to the end of their 2nd Year (2019/20). These revised arrangements are on foot of the disruption to their learning caused for these students by the Covid-19 pandemic and the desire to avoid an excessive assessment burden in 2020/21. A summary of the revised arrangements include: 1. Extension of the deadline for completion of CBA 1s into the first term of the school year 2020/21, while also allowing for the possibility that some teachers and schools may wish to, and be able to, complete them before the end of the current term. 2. Removal of the requirement for students currently in second year of Junior Cycle to complete two CBAs in each subject, to a requirement to complete just one CBA in each subject. Students will be required to complete an Assessment Task in respect of whatever CBA they complete. 3. The school management and its teachers, in discussion where feasible with students, will choose the one CBA to complete for each subject. However, there will be some exceptions to this choice: - To ensure assessment of oral communications skills, students must complete CBA 2: Communicative Task in Irish, and CBA 1: Oral Communication in Modern Foreign Languages. - As they are linked in each case with the final examination in the subject, students studying Visual Art, Home Economics, and Music must complete CBA 2. These arrangements will also be set out in the Junior Cycle circular for 2020/21 which will be published during the summer. It would be appreciated if this information could be brought to the attention of the cohort of your students in question using the school’s usual communications channels." There is no need to to take any action on foot of this, it is for information only at this point. Kind regards J Leonard
Urgent reminder of registration on the portal for calculated grades - all 6th years and 5L
Created : 27 May 2020, 12:22 PM
Archived : 27 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Reminder to all 6th years and students of 5L to register for calculated grades through the following link: lc2020.education.gov.ie/ If you have any issues or need your exam number or PPS number please email admin@cpckilcullen.com immediately. The portal will close tomorrow (Thursday 28th) at 10pm. Kind regards J Leonard