Displaying 1661-1670 of 2354 results.
Opt in to receive calculated grades Leaving Cert 2020 (6th year LCE and LCA 5th and 6th year)
Created : 21 Jul 2020, 7:33 PM
Archived : 21 Sep 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/guardians and students, I hope you all are well. Further to my previous notification regarding the Minister for Education’s press release please see the following email I received with further reminders for students to log into the calculated grades portal to opt in to receive grades. This applies to all 6th years, both LCE and LCA, as well as 5L. You will also find links here to further information on the process. Best wishes JLeonard Dear Principal Thank you for your continued assistance in supporting Leaving Certificate students this year to get Calculated Grades so that they can progress to further education and employment. We are aware that schools are closed at this time but we would appreciate your further assistance in alerting students, if this is feasible, that the Calculated Grades Students Portal will open at 12am on Monday 20 July and close at 4pm Monday 27 July to allow LC and LCA (Year 1 & 2) students to opt-in to receive Calculated Grades. You should note that as we have captured the student contact details previously, all students will receive direct contact by text and email about the portal re-opening so the school contact would serve to further remind them. The Department is also publishing some further information about calculated grades as follows; www.gov.ie/en/publication/a4aa0-getting-my-calculated-grades-a-guide-for-students/ www.gov.ie/en/publication/2fc71-a-short-guide-to-the-calculated-grades-data-collection-national-standardisation-and-quality-assurance-processes/ Last week’s announcement by Minister Foley regarding the re-opening of the Portal, and information regarding the date of release of the Calculated Grades results, can be found here; www.education.ie/en/Press-Events/Press-Releases/2020-press-releases/PR20-07-16a.html
Press release from Minister Foley
Created : 17 Jul 2020, 4:20 PM
Archived : 17 Sep 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians and students, I hope everybody is keeping well. You will no doubt have seen the information released through the media last night regarding the Leaving Certificate results for 2020. I am attaching the Press release in Pdf. Best wishes J Leonard

Kildare County Council Educational Bursaries
Created : 07 Jul 2020, 12:18 PM
Archived : 07 Sep 2020, 12:00 AM
Please see this message received from Kildare County Council RE: 2020 Education Bursaries Applications for the 2020 Education Bursaries are now open. Please note the primary residence of applicants outside of the academic year must be in Co. Kildare for them to apply. Application forms and further information are available at the following link, kildare.ie/CountyCouncil/Community/GrantSchemes/EducationBursaries/ Due to current Covid-19 restrictions and guidelines we would ask that applications are submitted by post and email. If it is necessary for you to attend the Aras, you will need to schedule a meeting. If you have any further queries you can contact me at rglynn@kildarecoco.ie or 045-980 811 The closing date for applications is Friday, September 4th at 5pm. At present Kildare County Council runs three educational bursaries: 1. The William G Carroll Education Bursary: The William G Carroll Bursary is mainly but not exclusively, for third level courses in the field of community development. 2. Kildare Education Bursary for people with Disabilities: this bursary for people with disabilities is for any third level course. 3. Kildare County Council Memorial Bursary in remembrance of deceased elected members and staff: This bursary provides support to students wishing to undertake any third level courses (PLC, undergraduate etc) specifically from DEIS Schools. Applicants primary residence outside of the academic year must be in County Kildare. The bursaries are designed to provide an opportunity to study at third level to persons who may not be able to undertake a course of study, because of serious disadvantage or disability. The Bursaries are available for each of the succeeding years of attendance at the third level institution subject to a maximum of five years, recipients must re-apply each year. The continuation of the bursary is subject to certification by the Head of the relevant faculty of the candidate’s satisfactory performance, including attendance and results for each academic year. In most cases bursary awards will not cover the full cost of registration fees for the academic year. Students who apply and are successful for other higher education
Draft Admissions Policy
Created : 30 Aug 2020, 1:23 PM
Archived : 03 Sep 2020, 1:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians, the Board of Management has been working on updating the Admissions Policy of Cross and Passion College following the enactment of the Education (Admission to Schools) Act 2018 for the year 2020/2021. Adjustments have been made based on advice from Management Bodies, the school trustees (Le Chéile) and some parent communications. The attached draft will be approved by the patron/trustees and come into effect for admissions for the 2020/2021 school year. As part of the process before such approval, we invite parents of current students to offer their observations as part of the consultation process. Parents/guardians of current students who wish to submit observations should email admin@cpckilcullen.com with "Admission Policy Consultation FAO Secretary to the Board of Management" in the subject line of the email, no later than Wednesday 2nd September. Please note that this draft document relates to admission applications in 2020/2021 only and not admission applications made during 2019/2020. Kind regards J Leonard

6th year hoodies
Created : 26 Jun 2020, 10:35 AM
Archived : 26 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Good morning all, it was lovely to recently receive a picture of some of our 6th years wearing their hoodies. This was another small piece of the final weeks of 6th year that you missed out on but I hope you will wear them with pride and treasure them all the more as a reminder of the good times in CPC. Best wishes J Leonard
Kildare Credit Union Chris Kelly Bursary Draw for 2020
Created : 26 Jun 2020, 10:14 AM
Archived : 26 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians/Students, I hope everyone is keeping well. Kildare Credit Union have been in touch with me to ask if I would bring the following to your attention: Kildare Credit Union is launching the Chris Kelly Bursary Draw for 2020. This would normally have been done in April but with Covid-19 all events etc were cancelled. The application form is on their website www.kildarecu.ie and attached here as a Pdf. Best of luck to everybody who applies J Leonard

CAO information from Ms McDonnell
Created : 24 Jun 2020, 11:32 AM
Archived : 24 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Good morning everybody, Please see the following message from Ms McDonnell: The CAO Change of Mind will close this day next week Wednesday 1st July at 5:15pm. It is extremely important that students list their courses in order of preference and also not to leave it until the last minute to submit their final choices. Students are welcome to email me (elainemcdonnell@cpckilcullen.com) up until Tuesday 30th June should they have any queries they would like to discuss/questions they would like answered. Also HEAR/DARE applicants were notified of the outcome of their application yesterday (23rd June) so please check CAO accounts and/or the email used to register with CAO to see the application outcome.
Unemptied lockers and belongings - very last chance this Wednesday
Created : 22 Jun 2020, 7:18 PM
Archived : 22 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians/Students, As you know arrangements were put in place for students to empty lockers over the past couple of weeks. The vast majority of lockers have been emptied and I want to thank everyone for their cooperation in ensuring it was done safely. We need to progress with the cleaning of the school and the lockers ahead of next year but there are still a small number of lockers unemptied and/or with locks on them. There will be one final opportunity to collect belongings and empty lockers this WEDNESDAY 24th between 9.30 am and 12.30 pm. Please note that after this time, locks will be cut from lockers and all books will be removed and presumed unwanted. The College takes no responsibility for the safe keeping of any books / belongings removed from lockers after this time. As before the following procedures must be adhered to: a) Students must enter via the main door on the reception / assembly hall side of the school b) Students must sign in on the list on the table in the entrance foyer. c) Only 20 students will be admitted to the school building at any one time. d) If students have to wait outside the school building, they must maintain a safe 2 metre distance from each other. e) No student or parent should present at the school if they are exhibiting Covid-19 symptoms. f) Students will be allocated 10 minutes within the school building to collect their belongings. g) Students must maintain a social distance of 2 metres while in the school building. h) Students must not congregate in groups either inside or outside the school. i) Once finished students must sign out on the list on the table near the door on the 'old' side of the building (opposite Daybreak) and leave through that door. We ask all students and parents to fully comply with these guidelines to ensure the safety of all. Kind regards J Leonard
Final Call for Emptying of Lockers / Collection of Belongings - today 9.30 am - 12.30 pm
Created : 19 Jun 2020, 9:19 AM
Archived : 19 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Good morning everybody, Many thanks to all of you who have visited the school over the last week to collect belongings and empty lockers. I was pleased to see that everybody followed the guidelines to ensure safety for all. There is a final opportunity today to collect belongings and empty lockers between 9.30 am and 12.30 pm. All lockers must be emptied so that cleaning and preparation for next year can begin. The wearing of gloves and masks is encouraged. We must continue to ensure that we abide by social distancing guidelines so the following arrangements will apply and be strictly adhered to: a) Students must enter via the main door on the reception / assembly hall side of the school b) Students must sign in on the list on the table in the entrance foyer. c) Only 20 students will be admitted to the school building at any one time. d) If students have to wait outside the school building, they must maintain a safe 2 metre distance from each other. e) No student or parent should present at the school if they are exhibiting Covid-19 symptoms. f) Students will be allocated 10 minutes within the school building to collect their belongings. g) Students must maintain a social distance of 2 metres while in the school building. h) Students must not congregate in groups either inside or outside the school. i) Once finished students must sign out on the list on the table near the door on the 'old' side of the building (opposite Daybreak) and leave through that door. We ask all students and parents to fully comply with these guidelines to ensure the safety of all. Kind regards J Leonard
5th year Subject Choices
Created : 12 Jun 2020, 4:19 PM
Archived : 12 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Good afternoon everybody, Subject Choices for students going into 5th year were posted yesterday and may well have arrived today to your homes. If not, I'm sure they will be with you early next week. Every effort was made to ensure that as many students as possible received their choices. The vast majority of students received their first 3 choices and well over 90% of students received their first 2 choices. Where this did not happen it is either because two subjects a student wanted to do ended up being on at the same time (this is determined by student preferences for subjects) and/or that the preferred subject was oversubscribed. Below are the subject codes that show the option blocks for 5th year this year. So you can see that if a student wanted to study Ag Science and DCG for example, this would not be possible as they are on at the same time. These option blocks are created based on the preferences of the students and accommodate the maximum possible preferred subject combinations. Option Block 1 Ag Sci , Bio , Eco , DCG , Che , Rel Option Block 2 Geo , Bus , Tec , Acc , Hom , Mus , Art , Option Block 3 Geo , Bio , Con St , Phy , Hom , His What can seem like a very simple request of a change usually is not straightforward at all as classes may be full or require a change from a subject you are happy with. However, where a change is possible it will be looked at. We hope to be able to offer Applied Maths as an additional subject to those interested. Wishing everybody a pleasant weekend and continued good health, J Leonard