Displaying 1451-1460 of 2408 results.
Wellbeing Support Material
Created : 27 Aug 2021, 9:19 AM
Archived : 27 Oct 2021, 12:00 AM
Welcome to our First Year Students
Created : 25 Aug 2021, 11:45 AM
Archived : 25 Oct 2021, 12:00 AM
We were delighted to welcome our First Year students this morning. They engaged with our teachers, SNA's and prefects in a variety of activities. A wonderful start to our six year adventure
CPC emails and Password
Created : 06 Oct 2021, 2:40 PM
Archived : 20 Oct 2021, 1:00 AM
Just to say we have resorted to Plan B for distribution of emails and passwords. Your First Year will have a letter containing both pieces of information going home this evening. I have encouraged that it will not be open anywhere but in you presence. The Password is set and cannot be changed. The advice is keep it safe and memorise but do not bring it back into school. At any time if there is concern about somebody having accessed a First Year account I have advised that it would be reported to me and I will reissue.
You are asked to read through our Acceptable Use Policy which is found on the CPC school website www.cpckilcullen.com/information/policies/ I would be grateful if you can return page 13 & 14 signed. Page 13 looks for a student signature amd page 14 asks for a parent/guardian signature Note there are fourteen pages so please print and sign two sided just one page,
the arangement for collection is that it should eb returned to Class Teacher at class meeting on Tuesday or Thursday next week (or tomorrow at class meeting if that is more convenient.
Kind regards
Important information for all parents/guardians regarding the return to school
Created : 19 Aug 2021, 10:42 AM
Archived : 19 Oct 2021, 12:00 AM
Good morning everybody,
I hope you are keeping well and have enjoyed the summer break. The heatwave of July seems a distant memory with the current weather but nonetheless I hope our students and families have managed to unwind and recharge the batteries ahead of the new school year.
As you would expect, preparations have been well underway for some time ahead of reopening and we are looking forward to welcoming our students both new and returning to CPC.
The schedule for the opening days is as follows:
Wednesday 25th August 1st year induction only, 9am to 1.15pm
Thursday 26th No students - staff meetings
Friday 27th 1st, 3rd and 6th year induction only, 9am to 11am
Monday 30th 2nd and 5th year induction only, 9am to 11am
Tuesday 31st Full timetabled classes for all year groups (except TY), 9am to 3.55pm
Wednesday 1st September Full classes for all and Induction programme for TY students.
Please note carefully the days and times your child is expected to attend.
The Department of Education has produced material for parents and students ahead of our return and I would ask that you take the time to view the relevant material here:
and here:
Material is also available in multilingual form here:
Communications to Parents regarding School Transport – SEN and Post Primary is available here:
As we are all aware, the past two years have been disrupted by nationwide school closures and the DE has published the following document which outlines the changes they have made to assessment for both Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate to take account of the disruptions. The document can be accessed here:
Finally the DE has also published an updated COVID-19 Response Plan for the safe and sustainable operation of Post Primary Schools. This plan will be adopted by the Board of Management at their next meeting but it remains broadly similar to the system in operation last year. Therefore, the wearing of face masks is mandatory for all staff and students and distancing will be maintained in so far as possible. Sanitising and cleaning routines will also be in place. We enjoyed a fantastic team effort from the entire CPC wider community last year and I look forward to same this year.
We will be in regular touch as the year approaches and gets underway.
With every best wish
J Leonard
Parents' Association AGM - Thursday 14th October 2021 - 7.30pm
Created : 11 Oct 2021, 11:21 AM
Archived : 15 Oct 2021, 1:00 AM
The Cross and Passion College Parents' Association AGM will take place this Thursday, 14th October at 7.30pm via Zoom. All parents are invited to attend this online meeting.
The Parents' Association are always looking for new members to get involved in any capacity to assist in their work to support the school.
To join the meeting please click the link below on Thursday.
Topic: CPC Parents' Association Annual General Meeting
Time: Oct 14, 2021 07:30 PM Dublin
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 968 4796 9871
Passcode: 055793
3rd Year parent teacher meeting - reminder re classes finishing at 3.40pm
Created : 11 Oct 2021, 9:33 AM
Archived : 12 Oct 2021, 1:00 AM
Good morning all,
a quick reminder that due to the 3rd year Parent/Teacher meeting today, classes will finish at 3.40pm. The meetings will take place via Zoom and we look forward to 'seeing' parents again.
Kind regards
J Leonard
3rd Year Online Parent Teacher Meeting: Important Information PLEASE READ
Created : 01 Oct 2021, 10:43 AM
Archived : 12 Oct 2021, 1:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian,
This year due to Covid restrictions and public health guidance we are unable to carry out parent teacher meetings in the traditional manner. Last year, in lieu of a meeting we issued a report to all parents.
This year we are planning to host online parent teacher meetings.
These will take place using the Zoom meeting software and appointments will be scheduled using PTMorganiser software.
As a staff we have agreed that it would be beneficial for the student to be present with you at their meeting. This is a new initiative in the school and we would be grateful for your support with it.
PTMorganiser is a web-based system that allows parents to enter their own preferences to meet with teachers and then print their own rota. Parents can log onto the system using the following link. ptmorg.com/ParentLogin.php
Attached to this email is a step by step guide to help you log into this system and make your appointments.
You will need your student’s VsWare ID number. This has been stuck to the inside cover of their school journal in case you do not have access to the VsWare app.
Appointments are allocated in order of preference so that as far as possible all parents will receive an equal number of appointments depending on the number of preferences they entered and the demand for a particular teacher. If a teacher is oversubscribed, appointments will be allocated in order of preference until all appointment slots are used. The maximum number of appointments a teacher can have is 30 slots, so in some instances where a teacher teaches up to two class groups, the slots will be filled more quickly and subsequently that teacher will be booked up.
Please follow the steps outlined in the attached user guide to book in your appointment slots for the teachers you wish to meet with.
Parents/Guardians will be able to enter their preferences from 12pm Friday 1st October to Tuesday 5th at 12pm.
Please make sure to select your preferences during this time as you will not be able to schedule an appointment after this date and time.
We do appreciate your time and patience with this change from our usual parent teacher meetings, it is new for both parents and staff in the school and we hope it is a positive experience.
If for some reason you do not get to see all the teachers you had hoped to we would like to remind you that a full report will be going home in late November.
We are running a whole school assessment week from 8th - 12th November. 3rd years will be doing 90 minute exams in all their 10 junior cycle subjects. The results of these assessments will be shared as part of the November report.
We will be in touch again next week with further details once you have completed your preferences.
Please get in touch if you need any further information or support,
Kind Regards,
Aisling Reigh, Deputy Principal
Reminder re uniform sale dates in CPC
Created : 11 Aug 2021, 4:55 PM
Archived : 11 Oct 2021, 12:00 AM
Please see the attached Pdf for details of the uniform sale, which will take place in the school tomorrow 12th August 10 – 12 and for the same times on the 19th and 26th August.
No school on Monday
Created : 24 Sep 2021, 5:18 PM
Archived : 29 Sep 2021, 1:00 AM
A reminder to everybody that, as per the school calendar, there is no school on Monday. Look forward to seeing everybody back in CPC on Tuesday.
Career Guidance Webinar
Created : 09 Sep 2021, 4:05 PM
Archived : 16 Sep 2021, 1:00 AM
The Guidance Department will host a webinar for parents/guardians of 6th Year students on Wednesday 15th September at 7pm.
The aim of the webinar is to inform parents/guardians of key dates over the coming months and the resources available to help their son/daughter continue the process of career exploration.
Topics for the webinar include:
The points system
Online resources - for college and course research
Open days
Studying in the UK and Europe
HEAR/DARE applications
SUSI applications
A webinar concentrating specifically on the CAO application process will take place in late November/early December.
Registration for the webinar next Wednesday will be required and a link to register will follow in the coming days.
Any queries in relation to the webinar please email elainemcdonnell@cpckilcullen.com
Kind regards,
Elaine McDonnell and Denis Dennehy
CPC Guidance Department