Displaying 1441-1450 of 2408 results.
CPC Sports
Created : 17 Sep 2021, 9:12 AM
Archived : 17 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Hi CPC students, The extra curricular sports teachers would like to conduct a quick survey with the entire school body to determine the interest levels in the various sports on offer at CPC. The survey will only take two minutes to complete and you will have until lunchtime on Monday to complete it. Students can only access the survey using their @cpckilcullen email address. Please click the link below to complete. forms.gle/2fkb1GiDreF3rZL89
5th Year LCA Bread Making
Created : 15 Sep 2021, 9:55 PM
Archived : 15 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Well done to the 5th year LCA Hotel Catering and Tourism class who made a selection of white and brown soda breads on Tuesday. Fantastic effort by all students.
CPC’s Fabulous Little Forest
Created : 13 Sep 2021, 8:45 PM
Archived : 13 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
CPC’s Transition Year students are seriously enjoying the Fabulous Forest Workshop this week. They’re loving learning out in the fresh air and they’re gaining an greater appreciation of the beauty we have around us. The little CPC forest is such an amazing resource for the school and amenity for the town. It has been developed over the last year through a lot of clearing and cleaning from a few hard working individuals along with help from Kilcullen Credit Union. All the work is paying off.
Career Guidance Webinar - Registration Link
Created : 13 Sep 2021, 1:28 PM
Archived : 13 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents of sixth Year you are invited to attend the Career Guidance Webinar for Sixth Year on Wed 15th Sept at 7 00pm. Please Register using the link below Register in advance for this webinar: zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ell432SrS3CnlpH9rQeItA Best Denis Dennehy and Elaine McDonnell CPC Guidance Department
The importance of sleep for our teenagers - This Thursday at 7pm
Created : 09 Nov 2021, 2:57 PM
Archived : 12 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/guardians, There is a free webinar taking place this Thursday the 11th of November at 7pm called The importance of sleep for our teenagers. The main speaker is Lucy Wolfe and she will be giving some information and guidance around this topic. Lucy is best known for the books she has written on sleep for young children, but she has prepared some very useful material specifically for this webinar and the parents of teenagers. You can register for this free webinar using this link: event.webinarjam.com/channel/PlanetYouthTeenSleep, or through the www.planetyouth.ie website news section. Parents can also submit questions on the night through chat or in advance by email to events@planetyouth.ie.
A great start for TY Students
Created : 06 Sep 2021, 7:14 AM
Archived : 06 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
TY students enjoyed a varied and interesting induction programme last week. Team building, Circus skills ( we have some pretty impressive jugglers and plate spinners in the year!), preparing for work experience and Wellbeing were just some of the areas with which our TY students engaged. They are ready to embark on a great year of developing existing skills and acquiring new ones while having fun.
Message from Cllr Tracey O'Dwyer
Created : 03 Sep 2021, 4:58 PM
Archived : 03 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Cllr Tracey O'Dwyer has been in touch on foot of some calls she received about putting on a private bus from Blessington/Ballymore/Brannockstown to CPC. She understands that there used to be one but maybe it stopped due to lack of demand. If parents are interested in such a service please contact Cllr O'Dwyer directly on 087 6533705.
Important information for all parents/guardians
Created : 03 Sep 2021, 4:32 PM
Archived : 03 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/guardians, I hope this message finds you well. We have had a fabulous first week of classes here in CPC and it has been wonderful to see the students return in such good form. They really are a credit to themselves and their families. There will always be little issues that we will have to work together on, so just a reminder that if you need to contact a teacher to do so through the office and they will assist you. Your child’s Year Head is the contact for most issues that arise. Ms Harney and Ms Reigh, our Deputy Principals are always ready to assist too. Of course, I remain available but as you can imagine, with over 830 students my availability can be limited. Class Expenses Many thanks to all of you who have paid the class expenses for your son/daughter. I can not stress enough how important the expenses are to the running of the school. I wish it was the case that we never needed to ask parents for such financial support but the reality is that without this contribution towards the costs, the students would be adversely affected. Be assured that the money goes towards expenses such as Photocopying, School Journals, School Texting/School App, Sports Equipment, Musical Instruments, Practical Subjects Material, Art Materials, Lockers (not in use this year due to public health guidelines) / alternative storage boxes, Student 24 hour School Insurance, Heat and electricity costs, Repairs, upkeep and improvement of the facilities, Student awards, student testing, Teaching aids, Bus hire for student activities, to mention a few. Please make every effort to pay the expenses as soon as possible. Thank you. Covid Response Plan A reminder that all of the Covid protocols that were in schools last year will continue and it is essential that we are all compliant with public health advice and guidance. Please ensure that your son/daughter has sufficient face masks for the school day. In the absence of lockers students from first to third year have been supplied with a storage box for their books to be stored under their desks. This will support their organisational skills and minimise the amount of books being carried daily. In line with Covid restrictions it is not appropriate for us to organise a whole school sports day which had been provisionally scheduled for September 24th. This will be a normal school day and we hope we will be able to reschedule at a later date. The HSE has asked that I remind all parents and staff to keep an eye on their health and to check for symptoms of COVID-19. Symptoms of Covid-19 can include some or all of the following - fever (temperature of 38◦C or higher), cough, shortness of breath, any loss or change to the senses of smell or taste, headache, sore throat, or a runny nose. If any pupil or member of staff develops these symptoms they must self-isolate and contact their GP for advice regarding a COVID-19 test. Furthermore the HSE has stated that even with high population uptake of COVID-19 vaccination, it is important to reinforce to the school community that all public health guidelines still need to be followed to protect the health of pupils and staff, these include: 1. Wearing face coverings 2. Cleaning hands regularly 3. Maintaining physical distance from others 4. Being mindful of the ventilation of classrooms by opening windows and doors as appropriate The HSE continue to encourage all those who are eligible for vaccination within our school community to access appropriate information around this (available at www2.hse.ie/screening-and-vaccinations/covid-19-vaccine/) For those wishing to arrange vaccination, they can do so at either: a. Register using the HSE Vaccine portal (vaccine.hse.ie/#register) b. OR phone the HSE at 1800 700 700 Uniform It has been great to see our new senior PE uniform being worn by students this week and we would like to thank the whole school community for their support with its introduction. The feedback has been very positive. It is wonderful to see students walking the corridor in an item of clothing designed and chosen by their peers, they look very smart indeed! We understand that some of you are awaiting delivery at the moment and hope that this matter is resolved for you as soon as possible. With a community of more than 920 people on the CPC campus each day being able to identify our staff and students is a priority. The school uniform plays a key role in our ability to identify people as members of the CPC community and this in turn allows us to have a safe and secure school. Wearing the correct uniform to school every day is essential. We take pride in the way our students present themselves and ask that all would familiarise themselves with pages 23 and 24 of the school journal which outlines our expectations around uniform. There will be notes/calls going home over the coming weeks as we work to ensure all students have the correct uniform to participate in the school day. Punctuality A reminder that all students must adhere to the starting times in the morning and when they return from lunch. It is expected that all students are seated at their desks ready for class at these times. Class Meetings This week saw the welcome return of class meetings to CPC. Classes will meet with their assigned class teacher on Monday and Thursday for 10 minutes. In this short time there will be a programme delivered by the teachers and also a chance to build on the relationship each class will have with its class teacher. This pastoral link can be highly effective in supporting students and I hope your son/daughter will enjoy the benefits this year. Leaving Certificate Results 2021 Finally, today was a very important day for the class of 2021 as they received their results. I know many of them have siblings in our current year groups and I would like to pass on congratulations to them. Early analysis suggests that they have done remarkably well and we are very proud of them. Best wishes to everybody for a pleasant and safe weekend. Kind regards J Leonard
Leaving Certificate Results 2021
Created : 03 Sep 2021, 8:48 AM
Archived : 03 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Best of luck once more to all receiving results this morning. You will have access to your provisional Leaving Certificate results on the Candidate Self Service Portal at 10 am on Friday 3 September. The link to the Candidate Self Service Portal is on www.examinations.ie. To login you will require your Examination Number and the password you created when you registered through the Portal. Best wishes J Leonard
Leaving Certificate Results 2021
Created : 02 Sep 2021, 5:14 PM
Archived : 02 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/guardians and former students! I hope you are keeping well. As you know the provisional Leaving Certificate results 2021 will issue tomorrow morning at 10am. You should already have been contacted directly by the SEC by text and email regarding the publication of a "Short Guide to the Accredited Grades Data Collection, National Standardisation and Quality Assurance Processes". The Short Guide includes the timetable for accessing more detailed information about the provisional results; the dates for applying to view scripts; the dates of viewing scripts; and the deadline for making an appeal application. A Candidate Information Guide on Results and Appeals should also have been issued to candidates closer to the issue date for the results. Accessing Results – Candidates Leaving Certificate, Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme and Leaving Certificate Applied candidates will have access to their provisional Leaving Certificate results on the Candidate Self Service Portal at 10 am on Friday 3 September. Candidates can view their results and will also be able to print a statement of their provisional results. On the day on which the results issue, neither candidates nor schools will know whether the provisional result awarded was from an examination or an Accredited Grade. Following the issue of the provisional results, details of performance in examinations and Accredited Grades will be provided to individual candidates and to schools. Schools have always provided an important role in offering guidance and support to Leaving Certificate and Leaving Certificate Applied candidates on results day. It is recognised that for the Leaving Certificate class of 2021 the tradition of coming back to school to celebrate the results with teachers and classmates on the day that the results issue will not be the same as in normal years. In particular, we must have regard to the fact that, at the time of writing, the incidence of COVID-19 in Ireland is continuing to increase. Schools have been asked to bear in mind the strong probability that Ireland is not yet at the peak of the incidence of the Delta variant. Therefore, caution in making arrangements in relation to Leaving Certificate 2021 Results Day is strongly advised. In recognising the unusual set of circumstances for Leaving Certificate candidates of 2021 who are to receive their Leaving Certificate results, we will be able to put a number of measures in place to support candidates on the day and in the following number of days. These measures, which have been approved by the Department of Education, recognise the role that schools played in nurturing and supporting students throughout their years in post-primary. We will provide support to candidates in an appropriate way on the day, through enabling candidates to come to the school if they wish at a scheduled time, to meet with members of the Student Support Team such as Guidance Counsellors, Year Heads, Deputy Principals, Principal.. The arrangements for this should be in line with public health advice, the schools COVID-19 Response Plan and the school’s visitor policy, . Former students who attend the school for a scheduled visit will be required to respect physical distancing requirements and to behave in a responsible way. Gathering groups of students in one venue is not recommended at this time. This is in order to minimise the risk of COVID-19 for staff, students, families and the wider community. The health and safety of the entire school community must be considered. Therefore, if support/advice is needed please make contact with the school office to make an appointment with the relevant personnel. The wellbeing of the candidates who receive Leaving Certificate results will be supported through a number of additional measures. a. The Leaving Certificate candidate helpline, at 1800 265 165, which is provided by the National Parents Council post-primary will be available from 11 am on 3 September for students to reach a guidance counsellor with any queries that they may have. This helpline will operate until after the CAO first round offers and is staffed by qualified guidance counsellors. Further details can be found at www.npcpp.ie/leaving-cert-helpline/ b. HSE/HSE-funded service providers will be available to support students through the provision of e-mental health services. www2.hse.ie/wellbeing/mental-health/covid-19/minding-your-mental-health-during-the-coronavirus-outbreak.html c. Wellbeing resources developed by the National Educational Psychological Service are available at www.gov.ie/leavingcert d. SEC Candidate helpline will be available at 1800 111135 or 1800 111136 from 9 am to 5 pm from 3 September to 13 September. Outside of these hours queries may be e-mailed to candidateportal@examinations.ie. Please note this helpline is provided for queries relating to the Candidate Self Service Portal and the services provided through the portal. e. Information available from the Central Applications Office (CAO) is available at www.cao.ie Mr Dennehy has also posted information on Google Classroom. I would like to take this opportunity to wish everybody receiving results tomorrow well - I sincerely hope you get everything you wish for and although things are different in Covid times please remember that we are here to support you as best we can. Best wishes J Leonard