We are looking forward to welcoming you over the coming evenings.
The schedule for the upcoming meetings is as follows:
Tuesday 3rd September: 3rd Years @6pm and 6th Years @7:30pm
Wednesday 4th September: 2nd Years @6pm and 5th Years @7:30pm
Tuesday 17th September: 1st Years @7pm
Our thanks to Brian Byrne who has featured the work of our Erasmus team, led by Mary Quinto in the Kilcullen Diary. To access the article please go to
Our 5A students had their first Horticulture class today. It was an historic event as it is our first ever Leaving Certificate Horticulture class. Teacher Ms Lamont and her students have begun an exciting journey which will not only benefit the students of 5A but also the wider school community.
Please see the attached Letter for parents and schools from the HSE with public health advice for back-to-school
We were delighted to welcome our TY 24-25 students to their induction programme yesterday. They engaged in a variety of very interesting activities, beginning their journey in Senior Cycle. They were excited to go to CP Adventure this morning and we look forward to hearing about all the fun they will have!
You may have seen a feature on The Kilcullen Diary recently HERE regarding CPC student Richard Brede. Richard is a 6th year student in CPC and if you can help by making a donation to assist him and raise money for an excellent cause, you can support his GoFundMe page HERE
Good Morning Everyone,
We've had a busy but positive start to the new school term and are looking forward to meeting with as many of you as possible over the coming weeks.
The schedule for the upcoming meetings is as follows:
Tuesday 3rd September: 3rd Years @6pm and 6th Years @7:30pm
Wednesday 4th September: 2nd Years @6pm and 5th Years @7:30pm
Tuesday 17th September: 1st Years @7pm
You will find a copy of this years calendar on the school website, the school app, in your students journal and in an email that was sent to you in June.
Thanks to all of our supporters who have been playing the fundraiser lotto since its launch last year.
Our Jackpot currently stands at €2650 and growing - who will be our next lucky winner?
All of our lucky weekly winners over the holidays will receive their prize this week - congratulations!
See the photo for details of how you can join in the fun and support your child's school or click HERE
Thank you for your support.
With the class of 2024 having received their Leaving Cert results last Friday, there are some important key dates in relation to viewing scripts, appealing results and CAO offers. From tomorrow, Tuesday 27th August, candidates will have the opportunity to view the marks in each of their subjects on the Candidate Self Service Portal, and over the course of this week can view their actual exams scripts and lodge appeals should they wish.
Please note: The timelines for candidates to apply to view scripts and to lodge appeals are very short and these deadlines will be strictly applied. The SEC will not accept late applications for viewing scripts or lodging appeals. The first document attached outlines the relevant dates and deadlines.