Displaying 101-110 of 2403 results.
Junior Cycle Results 2024 - important
Created : 09 Oct 2024, 3:42 PM
Archived : 09 Dec 2024, 12:00 AM

Congratulations to all of our students who received their results earlier today. Today is a day of celebration, recognising the hard work of the past three years and the skills you have developed. I hope that students get to celebrate with their families, without whose support they would not have achieved today's success.

Classes resume tomorrow at the normal time. 

Please note the following information from the State Examinations Commission:


The following conditions apply to applications for a review of Junior Cycle results (appeals):

(i) Applications will be accepted only from the School Authority.

(ii) The SEC does not accept appeal applications or appeal fees directly from candidates, parents or individual teachers.

(iii) With the reintroduction of appeal fees, each appeal review carries a fee of €32 per subject.

(iv) To raise an appeal, the Principal (or authorised representative), must attest that the examination result attained by the candidate is significantly at variance with the school’s considered judgement of the performance of the candidate concerned at the examination in question.

(v) For the reason set out in (iv), the SEC will not accept School or Class based appeal applications.

(vi) A valid appeal consists of both the appeal application form, duly authorised by the Principal, and the payment from the school. Applications received where payment has been made by the candidate/parent will not be accepted.

(vii) It is the school’s responsibility to ensure that the appeal fee is collected from the individual candidates.

If you wish to appeal a Junior Cycle Result please email me on joeleonard@cpckilcullen.com as soon as possible with details of the subject and the reasons why you believe an appeal should be lodged. I will then liaise with the subject teacher and consider previous results to see if a case can be made. We will then arrange payment of the relevant fee to the school. The deadline for making an appeal to me is Monday 14th October. 

Many thanks 

J Leonard

Cycle Against Suicide - Anxiety in Children and Young People - webinars
Created : 08 Oct 2024, 8:50 AM
Archived : 08 Dec 2024, 12:00 AM
Dear Principal,

As part of the development of our HELP Programme to support parents and teachers, Cycle Against Suicide with the academic Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, UCD will continues with our parallel psychoeducational outputs/webinars.

The focus of our current series is: ‘Understanding Anxiety in Children and Young People’.

Each 1 hour session – 7pm to 8pm incorporates content on the causes, symptoms and evidence-based approaches which support recovery.
  • This coming Thursday, October 10th:  Dr Aoife Gordon, Senior Registrar in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, will cover the topic of ‘Social Anxiety’.                                  
  • On Tuesday, November 5th, Prof Fiona McNicholas, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist will cover ‘Understanding Post-traumatic Stress in Children and Teenagers’                                                                                                                                       
  • On Thursday, December 5th, Dr Michael Sweeney, Clinical Psychologist & Director of Metropolitan CBT, New York; Specialist in the treatment of Anxiety and Adjunct Professor Columbia University, ‘Explores Perfectionism and Obsessive Compulsive Characteristics’.
Please note; our webinar series are live sessions only. 

Participation is free.  If you have not already registered, please do so at: https://www.cycleagainstsuicide.com/parent-talks/

We would be grateful if you could share with parents and teachers within your networks.

Kind regards,

Caroline Lafferty

Chief Executive Officer

Cycle Against Suicide 
Break The Cycle

Junior Cycle Results 2024
Created : 08 Oct 2024, 8:46 AM
Archived : 08 Dec 2024, 12:00 AM

Dear students, parents and guardians,

As you know, the Junior Cycle examination results will be issued by the State Examinations Commission (SEC) on Wednesday 9th October
The results are available to Junior Cycle candidates online from 4 PM via the Candidate Self Service Portal (CSSP) on that date. Access to the service requires the use of an examination number and a unique candidate Personal Identification Number which will be issued in advance to schools. 
However, this online service is not intended to replace the valuable results service and advice provided by schools at results issue time.
We will be inviting all current students of Cross and Passion College to gather from class in the Assembly Hall tomorrow before lunch time to receive their results. Results will be available for collection from reception by all other candidates strictly from 2pm.
All students must be in full uniform as always.
Students will be allowed home after they receive their results - we hope that this might be an opportunity for a family celebration. All students are expected in school at the normal start time on Thursday. 
We wish all students the best of luck on results day.
Kind regards
J Leonard


Prolific Songwriter Mr Sean O'Meara visits Cross & Passion College
Created : 07 Oct 2024, 7:08 PM
Archived : 07 Dec 2024, 12:00 AM

Our TY Music Appreciation class and their music teacher Ms Sue Fox were honoured to meet Irish music songwriter Mr Sean O’Meara who visited CPC on Monday 7th October. Mr O'Meara and his brother Frank wrote many hit songs for artists such as The Fureys, Susan McCann, Daniel O'Donnell and Jim McCann. His most famous hit is Grace which has been recorded by many artists in Ireland and abroad, for example Rod Stewart. Sean spoke of how he sourced his songs and the popularity of the songs today with all age groups. Sean also shared his words of wisdom and encouraged our TYs to channel their creativity and to practise it for themselves. Thank you to Bethany Swaine 4A, Tara McNally 4C and Zoe Moran 4D who gave a beautiful rendition of Grace which was highly praised by Sean. Thank you Sean for your time and the music!

New Group Reading Test (NGRT) - 1st Years
Created : 07 Oct 2024, 5:25 PM
Archived : 07 Dec 2024, 12:00 AM

Dear Parent/Guardian, 

Your son/daughter will be completing the New Group Reading Test (NGRT) on Thursday, October 10th. This test determines your son’s/daughter’s reading age, by measuring their reading skills against the national average. The results will inform planning for all subject areas. 

Your son/daughter requires a standard set of earphones/headphones with an AUX connection (cannot be bluetooth). If you have a set at home, please send them in with your son/daughter on Thursday, October 10th. There is no need to purchase a set, there will be some spare sets available in school on the day. 

If your son/daughter is absent on the day of testing, there will be a ‘mop-up’ session scheduled after the October mid-term. 

Thanks in advance for your cooperation with this. 

Kind Regards, 

Aimee Kelly 

Leader of Student Testing 

Upcoming Sport in CPC
Created : 07 Oct 2024, 11:01 AM
Archived : 07 Dec 2024, 12:00 AM
Sport this week:
Monday: Senior and Cadette girls basketball teams are playing away to Nass CC. Best of luck to the two squads and coaches Ms Lloyd and Ms Murphy.
The CPC swimming team are participating in their first Gala of the year in Athy. Best of luck to students: Noah Mahon, Sean Hoey, Xavier Mahon, Tiarnan Donnelly, Sophia Dempsey, Erica Hulin, Mackenna Lynch, Muireann Brady, Ella-Louise Donnelly, Conall Hoey, Felix Mahon, Nia Cullen, Jack Higgins and thanks to Mr Walsh for facilitating. 
Tuesday: U16 and U19 boys basketball teams are playing at home to PDSL Bagenalstown. Best of luck to Mr Mann, Mr Mulligan and all the squad. 
The Junior Girls GAA team travel to St Wolstan's in Celbridge to play their next league game, very best of luck to all involved. 
Wednesday: Senior Boys soccer team have their first league match of the year, at home to Piper's Hill. Best of luck to Mr Regan and the squad.
Thursday: Senior Boys GAA play St Paul's Monasterevin away in their next match. Best of luck to Mr Gibbons, Mr Walsh and the team. 
Thanks for your continued support of sport in CPC.
Fifth Years Celebrate a Positive Start to the Year
Created : 04 Oct 2024, 5:02 PM
Archived : 04 Dec 2024, 12:00 AM

Congratulations to our Fifth Year students who have had a very positive start to the year. Sincere thanks to Ms Mills who arranged a lovely celebration this afternoon.

Following their wonderful journey through a hugely successful Transition Year, our Fifth Year students have embraced the challenges of Senior Cycle with both Leaving Certificate Applied and Leaving Certificate Established programmes with enthusiasm. 

We were delighted to be entertained by Mr O'Toole who sang a number of Oasis songs accompanied by Grace Doyle on The Box. This was followed by Alex Connolly and Carl Kenna on guitar. 

Students enjoyed pizza and time to chat  about their Fifth Year experiences to date. We are looking forward to celebrating many more achievements in the future. Well done everyone! 

MS Readathon@CPC
Created : 04 Oct 2024, 12:15 PM
Archived : 04 Dec 2024, 12:00 AM

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Cross and Passion College have again registered with the MS Readathon program. Last year we raised over €600 for such a worthy cause. We would love to see as many students, parents and teachers as possible participate.

There are a few steps to register:

It is up to the parents/guardians to register your child and set up a unique fundraising page for them and link in online with their school and class. Parents can also register their child and request a sponsorship card which will be sent to their home address with details on how to lodge funds directly to MS Readathon when the event is over. 

  1. You need 2 things 

  1. Parents follow the link and complete registration for their child/children, at this point they can then select the school using the roll number and join it.

  1. Once the child has been registered, they will then have their own fundraising page - they can then start fundraising – there are pre-written emails, social media tiles and links to the child’s page that are sent out from the child/adult asking for support from family and friends.

All the fundraising can be done online. But if you would also like each student to receive a sponsorship card just email us at read@msreadathon.ie with the number of students in your class and we will send one for each student out to the school. We have set up a handy page on the MS Readathon site where parents/guardians can pay in sponsorship funds with a credit or debit card and they will go against the class total. 

Your students can log and review their favourite books, build their avatars and collect virtual badges and awards. There are also some amazing prizes to be won along the way too. There are downloadable resources that you can share with your classes.

Congratulations to our 5th Year Class Ambassadors 2024-2025
Created : 03 Oct 2024, 11:54 AM
Archived : 03 Dec 2024, 12:00 AM

We were delighted to present our newly appointed 5th Year Class Ambassadors with their badges today. 

Our Class Ambassadors are an important part of our Senior Cycle Student Leadership Team. 

Ambassadors will act as an important link between students, Year Head and school management. 

They will play​ ​an​ ​active ​ role​ ​ in​ ​looking out for other students and the school​ ​environment thereby​ ​fostering​ ​a​ ​sense​ of​​ ​community​ ​within​ ​the​ ​school. 

Congratulations to our Ambassadors for 5th Year:

5A Nicholas Mitchell and Emma Harris

5B Julie Aylward and Carl Kenna

5C Liam Munnelly and Niamh Liston

5D Noah Mahon and Evey Brand 

5E Alex Connolly and Siún Egan 

5F Amber Glendon and Orlaith McCormack 


Wishing you every success in your new role. 

Ms Mills 



Halloween Giveaway Competition
Created : 02 Oct 2024, 4:37 PM
Archived : 02 Dec 2024, 12:00 AM

All CPC Lotto Fundraiser supporters will also be entered into a FREE bonus draw to win some Spooktacular prizes on October 24th. Details to follow...but the prizes will 'definitely maybe' be worth winning.... 

With our jackpot at almost €3000 make sure you don't miss out. Click HERE to play.