Displaying 801-810 of 2406 results.
Safer Internet Day 2023: A message from our Student Ambassadors
Created : 07 Feb 2023, 3:06 PM
Archived : 07 Apr 2023, 12:00 AM
A message from our Safer Internet Day Student Ambassadors:
Today we are celebrating Safer Internet Day. Our TY Safer Internet Day Committee will deliver talks to 1st years this week about their presence on social media platforms and being kind online. So be sure to ask them all about it at home. There are some useful resources for teenagers and parents to consult on at webwise.ie as well as online safety webinars in the coming days.
IMPORTANT - Leaving Certificate Examination 2023 Confirmation Of Entries
Created : 07 Feb 2023, 12:30 PM
Archived : 07 Apr 2023, 12:00 AM
In 2021, the State Examinations Commission (SEC) as part of its digital strategy, introduced a facility to allow Leaving Certificate candidates to confirm their subject and level entry details online (including adding or withdrawing from subjects), replacing the previous system of using individual Leaving Certificate candidate (E7) entry forms. The use of the online system, the Candidate Self Service Portal (CSSP) will continue for the 2023 Leaving Certificate.
The CSSP will open at 1pm on Wednesday 8 February for candidates to confirm their subject entries and levels. It will remain open for this purpose until 5pm on Tuesday 21 February.
School authorities will have a role later on in the process in checking and confirming the information provided by candidates.
During this time Leaving Certificate Applied Year 2 candidates will be required to:
Register and create their account.
During this time Leaving Certificate (excluding Leaving Certificate Applied) candidates will be required to complete the following:
Step 1: Register and create their portal account
Step 2: Activate their account by selecting the link sent to the email that they registered on the portal
Step 3: Confirm their subject and level entry details, and add or delete subjects from the records presented to them.
If applicable, amend any inaccuracy in their name and/or date of birth.
Reviewing and Confirming Subjects and Levels.
The portal will be pre-populated with the data entered by schools through the PPOD October returns process (i.e. Names, Date of Births, Subjects & Levels). This means that only those subjects which candidates have been studying in schools will be displayed on the portal.
Candidates should select the level at which they are currently studying each subject. The SEC will use this information for planning purposes. We will also provide this information to schools through a turnaround document for review. Candidates will be permitted to change levels in the written examinations on the day of the examination, as in previous years.
Candidates will have the opportunity to add any subjects that they are studying outside of school or to delete subjects if they are no longer intending to present for examinations in particular subjects.
It is extremely important that candidates take the time to ensure that their examination entries are correct on the portal before they submit. Once a candidate has confirmed their subjects and levels on the portal they will not be able to log back into the portal to update their data. Candidates will receive a confirmation email outlining the subjects and levels they are entered for. If a candidate notices an error on their confirmation email they must contact the school in relation to the error.
Reviewing and Confirming Name and Date of Birth
For 2023, a new feature has been added to the CSSP. If the prepopulated name and date of birth is incorrect, candidates will have an opportunity to update their record on the CSSP during the registration process. Once they have completed the registration process they will not be able to log back in to update.
Role of Schools in Checking and Confirming the Information Updated by Candidates
When the candidate entry confirmation process on the CSSP has concluded, the SEC will provide schools with a report of the entries(Matrix) for the candidates in the school for review and confirmation. For data and examinations integrity reasons, schools will also be issued with a turnaround document for verification in respect of any candidates who have updated their names and/or date of births. Having this data captured accurately now will reduce our requirement to contact schools and candidates in the summer period.
Further information and relevant amendment forms will be sent with the Matrix report. It is only after the portal has closed and the matrix has issued that the SEC will update candidate data at the request of school.
We appreciate your assistance at this time in ensuring that all candidates are notified about this process and complete their entry confirmation by the closing date.
Access to the Portal
Leaving Certificate candidates will access the portal at www.examinations.ie from Wednesday 8 February at 1pm. A CSSP Before You Start Guide 2023 will be provided which candidates should read before commencing the process. To access the portal, candidates will need the following:
- their examination number (The SEC provided these to schools before Christmas)
- Personal Identification Number (PIN). The PIN will be the first 4 digits of the candidate’s Personal Public Services Number (PPS number). In the event that a candidate does not have a PPS number or a PPS was not recorded a unique PIN will be created and issued to the school prior to the portal opening.
- an email address and mobile phone number to which the candidate will have regular access to over the coming months.
Examination Fees 2023
Arrangements regarding fees for 2023 will be notified at a later stage.
Saturday study - tomorrow 10am
Created : 03 Feb 2023, 6:46 PM
Archived : 03 Apr 2023, 12:00 AM
Saturday study will run tomorrow from 10am to 1pm for 6th years.
Everyone who expressed interest via saturdaystudy@cpckilcullen.com can be accommodated. If you are interested in availing of this free service please just email saturdaystudy@cpckilcullen.com so that we have an idea of numbers.
Our parents' association kindly volunteer to supervise the study so hopefully the interest is there from students to make it viable. With the Mock examinations continuing this week it is an opportunity to get some study done early in the bank holiday weekend.
Le Chéile Conference
Created : 03 Feb 2023, 1:44 PM
Archived : 03 Apr 2023, 12:00 AM
It has been a pleasure to attend the Le Chéile Schools Trust conference in Mullingar, along with our Chairperson Ms Marie O'Neill.
In attendance also are two of our students, Grace O'Donnell and Evie Sammon. As well as attending the student conference and workshops it has been an opportunity to meet some of the Cross and Passion Sisters and make connection with our sister school Cross and Passion Maryfield College. Grace and Evie sang beautifully as part of the student led Opening Liturgy this morning.
Well done to both Grace and Evie, as always we are so proud of our students.
Wishing success to all 3rd year students starting their Mock Exams.
Created : 02 Feb 2023, 8:49 PM
Archived : 02 Apr 2023, 12:00 AM
3rd Year Students start their Mock Exams on Friday 3rd February.
Best wishes to all students.
Believe in yourself and give it your best effort!
Best wishes
Ms Mills
Congratulations to the Catholic Schools Week 2023 Poster Competition Winners
Created : 02 Feb 2023, 1:56 PM
Archived : 02 Apr 2023, 12:00 AM
The Year Heads adjudicated the poster competition for CSW 2023 on Monday. The winners were announced this afternoon over the intercom by Ms. A. Reigh (deputy principal). All winners gathered to receive their prizes.
The winners were as follows;
1st Year {Theme; ‘Walking Together to Celebrate’}
1st - Karly Stone McCoy (1D)
2nd - Leah Steed (1C)
3rd - Ruth Moloney (1E)
1st Prize - €15 Food Village Voucher
2nd Prize & 3rd Prize - €10 Food Village Voucher
2nd Year {Theme; ‘Walking Together in Love/Ag Siul go Gramhar le Cheile’}
1st - Robyn Foster (2B)
2nd - Daniel Young (2A)
3rd - Sol Brennan (2E)
3rd Year {Theme; ‘Walking Together in Hope’}
1st - Amy Schmelter (3F)
2nd - Emily Singleton (3E), Ailbhe Cashin (3C), Maria Fleig (3C) & Katie Barrett (3C) (Group Poster)
3rd - Ailbhe Vanhengel (3C)
1st Prize - €15 Base Voucher
2nd & 3rd Prize - €10 Base Voucher
A massive well done to all students who entered and a huge congratulations to the deserving winners.
Thank you to the Year Heads for taking the time to adjudicate and to Ms. M. O’ Malley who kindly arranged all the prizes on behalf of the Ethos Committee.
TY winners will be posted next week, when they return from work experience.
Competition to encourage students to reflect on the 25th Anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement
Created : 27 Feb 2023, 9:00 AM
Archived : 01 Apr 2023, 1:00 AM
The Minister for Education, Norma Foley TD has launched a competition to encourage students to reflect on the 25th Anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement by submitting artwork, poetry, or visual and digital works, exploring the theme of ‘The Gift of Peace and the responsibility that comes with it’.
The anniversary is an opportunity to celebrate what was a transformative moment for everyone on this island, bringing peace and resetting relationships. The Good Friday Agreement remains the agreed framework for relationships within and between these islands. It provided the foundation for a peaceful, prosperous society and it remains the foundation for a hopeful future as we look to what the current generation of young leaders and peacemakers will achieve in the next 25 years.
Students at primary and post-primary level are invited to reflect on this anniversary and express the theme of ‘The Gift of Peace and the responsibility that goes with it’ through creativity.
A selection of the submitted works will be exhibited in the Department of Education on Marlborough Street and hosted virtually on Scoilnet.ie to commemorate the Good Friday Agreement, and a winner in each category will be selected.
Winners will be invited on a tour of Leinster House, followed by lunch in Dáil Éireann as a guest of the Minister for Education. A certificate and medal will be awarded to each category winner.
The closing date for entries, by email to commemorations@education.gov.ie or by post to Competitions, C/O Communications Unit, Department of Education, Marlborough Street, Dublin 1, D01RC96, is Thursday 30 March 2023.
Resources and supports for schools in relation to the Good Friday Agreement and competition criteria can be found on scoilnet.ie from 24 February.
Competition categories:
Primary junior: Up to and including 2nd class
Primary senior: Up to and including 6th class
Post-primary junior: Up to and including 3rd year
Post-Primary senior: Up to and including 6th year
Submissions can be from individual students or as part of class groups
Thank you to Kilcullen Gospel Choir
Created : 01 Feb 2023, 3:58 PM
Archived : 01 Apr 2023, 12:00 AM
We were delighted to host Kilcullen Gospel Choir in November for their concert in our Assembly Hall. The Choir very generously donated €625 of the proceeds from that concert to the school which will be used by the Music department to further add to resources for our students.
Thank you to the KGC for your kind support of our students.
St. Brigid’s Day Pause for Peace
Created : 01 Feb 2023, 3:45 PM
Archived : 01 Apr 2023, 12:00 AM
St Brigid was a renowned peacemaker. We were delighted to participate in the Kildare and Solas Bhride call to 'Pause for Peace' at 12pm today. Staff and students stopped for a minutes silence, highlighting the need for all people throughout the world to work together in search for peace.
1D Making St Brigid's Crosses
Created : 31 Jan 2023, 12:10 PM
Archived : 31 Mar 2023, 12:00 AM
Well done to all the students who made St Brigid's Crosses, today, the eve of St Brigid's Day. We began by learning about St Brigid's qualities of compassion and care, listened to stories and learned how to make the Crosses. It was both interesting and enjoyable.