The 1st year prefects received a small gift from the 1st year students this afternoon to thank them for all of their hard work throughout the year. They then joined the 1st years for an end of year celebratory ice-cream.
The 1st year prefects played an integral role in helping the 1st year students settle into secondary school life in CPC. They organised several activities for the 1st years throughout the year also.
Thank you to the prefects.
-Roisin Brannock
-Kalina Slattery
-Sean Browne
-Alisha Powell
-Lillian Connolly
-Caitlin O’Sullivan
-Kevin O’Connell
-Ella Hannon
-Kahlen Murray
-Ella Harney
-Roisin O’Shaughnessy
-Hannah Lee Parnell
-Abbey MacNamara
Congratulations to our 2nd year students who attended their 2022/2023 award ceremony on Tuesday 23rd May. There was a great atmosphere of support and friendship on display in the Assembly Hall as the year group celebrated their school year together. Thanks to our class teachers, SNAs and our Principal Mr Leonard and Deputy Principals Ms Reigh and Ms Harney for being a part of our happy occasion.The awards were presented in the following categories:
Academic Excellence: 2A Turlough Donnelly, 2B Robyn Foster, 2C Sean Plunkett, 2D Amy Egan, 2E Justin Mataka, 2F Luke Duffy
Application to Study: 2A Daire Toft, 2B Brendan Brown, 2C Zoe Moran, 2D Tara McNally, 2E Anna Fitzpatrick, 2F Lucy Curtis
Co-operation Award: 2A Amelia Flynn, 2B Nicola Pytel, 2C Cillian Mackey, 2D Niamh Flynn, 2E Tomas Arthur, 2F Tom Ryan
Student Council Representatives: 2A Weronika Stepniak, 2C Evan Browne, 2F Lucy Curtis
Class Captains: 2A Aoibhe Blake & Daniel Lynch, 2B Robyn Foster & Nicola Pytel, 2C Darragh Keenan & Bethany Swaine, 2D Senan Gallagher & Cadhla O’Brien, 2E Tomas Arthur & Sean Michael Majer, 2F Chris Newman & Jack Sammon
Perfect Attendance: 2A Turlough Donnelly
Music: Singing: 2A Aoibhe Blake, 2B Nicola Pytel, 2C Zoe Moran, 2C Bethany Swaine, 2D Tara McNally
Music: Guitar: 2F Harry Davies. Music: Piano: 2F: Lucy Curtis
Sports: Girls GAA: 2B Kate Lawlor
Boys GAA: 2A: Fionn Howard
Girls Basketball: 2D Niamh Flynn
Boys Basketball: 2D Senan Gallagher
Equestrian: 2A Amelia Flynn
Boys Volleyball: 2E Joshuah Delaney
Congratulations to our 2nd years on your many and varied achievements. You have represented your class, year group and your school very well this year and should be proud of all your efforts, both those listed above and those not. Thanks to all your class teachers, SNAs, subject teachers and coaches who supported and guided you this academic year.
Pat spoke about his own experience as a carpenter to his position as the head of Quality Assurance, Quality Control and Management Control systems in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia and Kenya. It was a fascinating talk and gave great insights to the various roles a person may pursue as part of a career in the construction sector.
Our TY students were happy to receive their Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement Certificates recently. Mr Leonard spoke about the changes in Junior Cycle that focuses on students developing confidence and gaining skills. The JCPA provides recognition for all the additional experiences and achievements your son/ daughter/ student has outside the traditional exam and assessments. Our thanks to Ms Higgins for organising the certificates and the presentation ceremony.
Our Class Captains are students who have taken on leadership roles within their year group.
They are role models to other students and given freely of their time for the good of the school community.
The 3rd Year Class Captains have shown great leadership and organisational skills this year.
Well done
Ms Mills
The 3rd Year Music Awards celebrate students that are showing progress and achievement in a particular area of music.
All of our Music students are very talented and we really enjoyed all of their performances today at the 3rd Year Awards Ceremony.
Well done all
Ms Mills