Displaying 2021-2030 of 2406 results.
Summer Science Course UCD
Created : 09 Apr 2019, 6:18 PM
Archived : 09 Jun 2019, 12:00 AM
Amber Flag awarded to CPC
Created : 24 May 2019, 2:33 PM
Archived : 07 Jun 2019, 1:00 AM
Congratulations to the large number of staff and students who worked hard this year to achieve success in promoting positive mental health. The Pieta House Amber Flag initiative recognises the individual efforts of schools to create healthy, inclusive environments that support mental well-being.
To be awarded the Pieta House Amber Flag, the group had to host a mental health awareness event, a fundraiser, and a mental health initiative. The programme encourages teamwork and student contributions.
Thanks to Ms Murphy, Mr Mc Laughlin, Ms Doyle, Ms Lawler, Ms Fennell, Ms Beglin, Ms O'Connell, Ms O'Malley, Ms Condon and Ms Grier-Gray. Sincere thanks to the students involved:
Mark Behan, William Bissett, Nessa O'Fearghail , Conor Glynn, Maggie Harney, Isobel Monaghan, Aideen Gray, John Healy , Isabel Ryan, Emmet O'Sullivan, Sam Maher, Zoe Deans, Stephanie Llanes, Katie Farrell, Kai Ryan, Josh Reidy, Benjamin Martin and Nathan Rusk.
To achieve the Amber flag , the committee set up 3 new initiatives . These included:
1) 'Walk a mile in my shoes' day
2) Well-being week (healthy eating , lavender station, just dance , coffee shack , wellbeing walk, 1st year movie, greeting students in the morning)
3) Decorate a classroom Christmas competition
The Flag was presented to the school this week. Well done to all!
Visit of Minister for Education and Skills Joe McHugh to CPC
Created : 16 May 2019, 9:47 PM
Archived : 03 Jun 2019, 1:00 AM
We were delighted to welcome Minister for Education and Skills Joe McHugh, past pupil Martin Heydon TD, and local election candidate Tracey O'Dwyer to CPC this morning. We are grateful for the time they gave to discuss various issues with us and students Jane O'Toole and David Browne. It provided a wonderful opportunity to showcase our fantastic school while also seeking their support for our plans to develop the building and facilities to ensure that the young people of Kilcullen and the surrounding area continue to receive the very best in education long into the future.
5th Year LCVP class donations
Created : 21 May 2019, 8:43 AM
Archived : 30 May 2019, 1:00 AM
The 5th Year LCVP class were delighted to welcome Sinead Nolan, Crumlin Hospital, and Paddy O'Connor, Cara Projects, to present them with charity donations raised by the class. Well done to all involved.
State Exams
Created : 29 Mar 2019, 8:33 AM
Archived : 30 May 2019, 1:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian, please read the attached letter for important information relating to your son/daughter's upcoming Junior/Leaving Certificate examinations. Thank you.
2nd Year Tour Wednesday 22nd May
Created : 21 May 2019, 8:36 AM
Archived : 23 May 2019, 1:00 AM
Students who are not going on the tour are welcome to avail of supervised study which will be provided that day.
Students going on tour please note:
*Meet at the Assembly Hall for Roll Call at 8.15am, Buses will depart immediately afterwards.
*Tour Buses may not be back in time for school buses so please make necessary arrangements.
*Bring a full packed lunch and those who are participating in bog jumping bring a plastic bag for dirty clothes.
Looking forward to a great day.
Ms. Fennell
F.A.O. 5th year Geography Students
Created : 02 May 2019, 4:03 PM
Archived : 16 May 2019, 1:00 AM
5th Year Geography Students :
The Leaving Cert Geography Fieldtrip has been booked for Wednesday October 2nd 2019.
A letter with details will be sent out in the coming days. Students are asked to return the permission slip with the deposit by Wednesday 15th May.
Thank you. Ms Fennell.
Student Awards Tuesday 14th May
Created : 13 May 2019, 8:11 PM
Archived : 15 May 2019, 1:00 AM
We will celebrate the achievements of our students tomorrow at their awards ceremonies at the following times:
During 1st period - 3rd Year
During 2nd period - 2nd Year
During 3rd period - 1st Year
During 5th period - 5th Year
During 6th period - 6th Year
Students are reminded to be in full uniform. All students should attend class as normal for roll call at the beginning of the period in which their award ceremony will take place. Students will then be accompanied by their teachers to the Assembly Hall. Best of luck to everyone.
Awards Day for the European Ambassador Programme
Created : 01 May 2019, 10:56 AM
Archived : 15 May 2019, 1:00 AM
Congratulations to the students from the 4th Year European Studies Programme who received their certificates on Friday 12th April at the Awards Day for the European Ambassador Programme. Nathan Rusk 4A gave a very good speech at the event outlining the work the group has been doing during the year. Many schools from all over the country attended the event. It was held at the European Commission Food & Veterinary Office in Dunsany, Co. Meath. Students were presented with their awards by MEPs Mairead McGuinness and Matt Carthy.
Mr Tynan.
1st year Study Club
Created : 08 Apr 2019, 2:18 PM
Archived : 14 May 2019, 1:00 AM
There will be a study club for 1st years happening in Room 9 for the full lunchtime on Tuesdays. This is in preparation for the upcoming summer exams . 4th years will be available to help students with any questions regarding the study of subjects. For any queries please contact Ms Fennell (Room 9).