Displaying 1901-1910 of 2406 results.
LCA students created fantastic dishes in their cookery classes this week!
Created : 05 Nov 2019, 7:49 PM
Archived : 05 Jan 2020, 12:00 AM
Well done to 5L, 6L and their teacher Ms O'Malley for preparing beautiful dishes this week in their Hotel and Catering Classes.
Just One Life Road Safety Event
Created : 05 Nov 2019, 12:59 PM
Archived : 05 Jan 2020, 12:00 AM
Sincere thanks to Newbridge Rotary for inviting us to participate in the Just One Life Road Safety event. Garda John Brien, Firefighter Paul and Emergency Medicine Consultant George Little spoke to the students about various aspects of road safety and the consequences of our actions and the actions of others when using our roads.
4A Yoga Class 9am Monday 4th Nov Sacred Space
Created : 03 Nov 2019, 6:15 PM
Archived : 03 Jan 2020, 12:00 AM
All students must wear PE gear, (tracksuit bottoms not leggings) for Yoga at 9am. Go straight to the Sacred Space at 8.55am. Change back into full school uniform at small break 11.02 to 11.18am. Thank you.
Rotary Young Adult class 'Cups for Cancer' Coffee Morning a huge success with €813 raised!
Created : 26 Oct 2019, 10:52 PM
Archived : 26 Dec 2019, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to the Rotary Young Adult class who hosted 'Cups for Cancer' coffee morning with the support of Ms Laura Malone, Ms Glenda Groome, Ms Roisin Grier Gray, Stepping Stones Montessori, Creche and After School Care, Newbridge, Comerfords Bakery and Rotary Club Newbridge. The students provided delicious baked goods, tea and coffee, pre loved books and Irish Cancer Society pins. A lovely morning was enjoyed by all raising €813 for this very good cause!
Message from Parents Association regarding Senior Cycle Careers night
Created : 26 Oct 2019, 6:35 PM
Archived : 26 Dec 2019, 12:00 AM
Cross & Passion careers night – 19th November
We are looking for parents & past pupils to discuss their careers with students and the paths they took to qualify.
The students are interested in all career types and would like to hear about the various routes they could take in order to qualify. They are also interested in those who took alternative routes to their chosen careers, for example, those who may have done a PLC/apprenticeship or went back studying as a mature student. This will be open to the senior cycle students and is aimed at helping them chose options for careers and further studies when they leave school.
For further information or if available to help please contact Angela on 087 7487007 by Tuesday 29th October.
Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure Industry Talk for 6th year students and our LCA classes.
Created : 12 Dec 2019, 2:49 PM
Archived : 21 Dec 2019, 12:00 AM
Some of our 6th year students and our 5LCA and 6LCA classes attended a very interesting presentation on the Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure industry. Thank you to Failte Ireland and Athlone Institute of Technology for the very worthwhile presentation.
Student Council Announcement
Created : 16 Dec 2019, 4:08 PM
Archived : 20 Dec 2019, 12:00 AM
There will be a Bake sale tomorrow in aid of team trees run by the student council. It will take place in the assembly hall at big break - 1.20-2.00.
Please contribute to civvies day (Christmas jumpers) on Wednesday 18th of Dec in aid of SVP, Cara project and Jigsaw. €2 per student.
One Small Change - Fizzy / Caffeine Drinks
Created : 04 Nov 2019, 4:10 PM
Archived : 20 Dec 2019, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian/Students,
This year, Cross and Passion College has introduced our “One Small Change” campaign, improving our students' health and wellbeing with small, manageable changes at intervals rather than a sudden, complete overhaul.
Following a very successful “Walk on Wednesday” initiative introduced in September in which students and staff alike got some fresh air and exercise every Wednesday, the time has come to introduce our next small change.
From Monday 4th November 2019, the focus of the “One Small Change” campaign will turn to carbonated and caffeine drinks. Such drinks have been shown to increase the risk of diseases such as diabetes, coronary heart disease, tooth decay and many more while also negatively affecting concentration levels. Consequently, in a bid to improve the health and learning of our students these drinks will no longer be permitted. Such drinks will not be on sale in Cross and Passion College. Should a student bring such a drink into a classroom, the drink will be confiscated.
While asking students to become more conscious of their consumption of these drinks, we will be encouraging our students to undertake the H3O Challenge – switching sugary drinks for water for 30 days.
We would ask for your support in implementing such an initiative.
Kind regards and thank you,
The “One Small Change” team.
Entrance Exhibition Award 2019 - Trinity College Dublin
Created : 21 Nov 2019, 10:44 AM
Archived : 30 Nov 2019, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to Cross and Passion College Class of 2019 graduate, Sean Cahill, who was selected for an Entrance Exhibition Award by Trinity College as a result of his high performance in his school Leaving Certificate. It was a proud evening in Trinity College yesterday for Sean, his parents and the school. We wish Sean the very best in his further studies.
6th Year November Exams
Created : 29 Oct 2019, 1:52 PM
Archived : 30 Nov 2019, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Students,
please see the attached documents with details pertaining to the November exam arrangements for 6th years.
I hope mid term break is going well, with a good balance of rest and study.
Pdf-1 Pdf-2