Displaying 1031-1040 of 2406 results.
1st year parent/guardian information meeting - calendar change
Created : 12 Sep 2022, 10:15 AM
Archived : 23 Sep 2022, 1:00 AM
Good morning all,
I hope that your son/daughter has settled well into life in CPC - we have certainly been impressed with the way they have begun. Many thanks to all parents/guardians for your support in making the start of year so successful for them.
In a change to the school calendar, it is necessary to move the parent/guardian information evening to the 20th September at 7.30pm in the school assembly hall.
I hope all will be able to attend.
Kind regards
J Leonard
Email from SEC re Results
Created : 17 Aug 2022, 10:05 AM
Archived : 18 Sep 2022, 1:00 AM
Good morning all,
please find attached a copy of correspondence sent by the SEC to all candidates this week.
Please note all dates and deadlines carefully.
Kind regards
J Leonard
CPC Students in All-Ireland Final
Created : 13 Jul 2022, 11:06 AM
Archived : 13 Sep 2022, 12:00 AM
The very best of luck to CPC students Lauren de Courcy, Caoimhe Egan and team Captain Zara Hurley who play in the u16B All-Ireland Final tonight vs Tipperary. The match throws in at 7.30pm and there will be live updates on KFM radio for whomever can't make the game...
Best of luck girls, CPC are so proud of you.
Created : 14 Jun 2022, 8:30 PM
Archived : 13 Sep 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear parent/guardian of 6th Year students,
I have posted information regarding bursaries in the GoogleClassrooms of our 6th Year students, but as parents/guardians you might also like to be aware of them.
1. Tess Lambe Bursary
As many of you know, Tess Lambe who is a past student of CPC, was instrumental in the creation of the Astra Zeneca vaccine. The Tess Lambe bursary is now open for application to female students in 6th Year who intend on accepting a course in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) discipline. The bursary is a once off payment and includes a visit to Oxford to meet with Tess and her team. Female students who are interested in making an application for the bursary should email an expression of interest to tesslambebursary@gmail.com by the 30th June.
2. Chris Kelly Educational Bursary
The Chris Kelly Educational Bursary draw is available through the Kildare Credit Union. Closing date for receipt of entry forms is 23rd September. Please see the attached document for further details.
I hope the exams are going well so far for your sons and daughters.
Kind regards,
Elaine McDonnell
6th Year Guidance Counsellor
Ad Astra Academic Scholarship Closing Date to Apply 5th September (TODAY)
Created : 05 Sep 2022, 11:31 AM
Archived : 12 Sep 2022, 1:00 AM
I would like to remind you that the closing date for the Ad Astra Academic Scholarship is drawing near (Monday, 5th September 2022) and that there may be exceptional pupils in your school would like to apply (eligible candidates must receive 6 H1s in the first sitting of their leaving certificate and complete an online application made via our website). Each year, we offer up to 15 scholarships for incoming academic students to the Academy.
Our Academy provides a nurturing infrastructure for students who show exceptional potential in academic pursuits, sports or the performing arts. Benefits of the academic scholarship include:
A €3,000 bursary each academic year a scholar is in the Academy
The support of a dedicated academic mentor
A programme of workshops and seminars by academics, distinguished alumni and guest speakers throughout the year to develop the scholars’ academic and personal potential
An elective module to undertake in stage two callled Ad Astra Professional & Personal Development
Networking and development opportunities
Access to the Scholars' Room
Team Building events
Access to campus accommodation (scholars must pay for this themselves)
The scholarship is tenable for the duration of the undergraduate programme, subject to meeting the criteria for scholarship renewal each year.
To be eligible for the Academic Scholarship, prospective students must receive 6 H1's (or its equivalent) in their leaving certificate in any subjects and must complete an online application by clicking here or via the Ad Astra Academy website on/before Monday, 5th September 2022. The online application consists of a personal statement and a statement of achievement called ‘beyond the classroom’. Eligible applications for shortlisting will be scored only on the basis of their application form, weighting of 60% statement of achievement and 40% personal statement.
Please note that the Elite Sports and Performing Arts strand applications closed in January for this September intake. They will reopen on 1st November and close 31st January 2023 for next year's intake.
Unfortunately, no late applications are accepted.
A panel will review and invite shortlisted candidates for interview via Zoom on Tuesday, 20th September 2022.
If a student meets the academic criteria but has not submitted an application they will not be eligible. If a student does not receive 6 H1s but is considering getting a subject rechecked, they can still apply before 5th September 2022. If their grades change, the panel will review the candidate's application and they may be invited for an interview at a later date in the academic year.
You can find the most up-to-date information on the Ad Astra Academy on the Ad Astra Academy website, which includes an FAQ. Further information can also be made by contacting us at the details below.
Best wishes,
Darina O'Hanlon
Ad Astra Academy Manager and Academic Scholarship Programme Manager
Ad Astra Academy
Student Centre
University College Dublin
Belfield, Dublin 4
Tel: 01 716 3105 Web: www.ucd.ie/adastraacademy/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/UCDAdAstraAcademy/
Twitter: twitter.com/ucdadastracadmy
Instagram: www.instagram.com/adastraacademy/
Return to School Arrangements for Friday 26th
Created : 25 Aug 2022, 10:49 AM
Archived : 31 Aug 2022, 1:00 AM
We welcome back our 3rd years at 9am.
3rd Years are in for 2 class periods: Sabrina Mills Yearhead
All students will go straight to their base rooms
Class ; 3A go to Room 3
3B go to Room 4
3C go to Room 5
3D go to TY Room
3E go to Library 1
3F go to Library 2
1st Years are also in for Part 3 of their induction. They will go straight to their base rooms.
Class: 1A go to Ref 1
1B go to Ref 2
1C go to Room 1
1D go to Room 2
1E go to Room 6
1F go to Room 7
6th years are asked to gather in the assembly hall at 9am.
Kilcullen Community Games success
Created : 18 Aug 2022, 9:48 AM
Archived : 31 Aug 2022, 1:00 AM
It was lovely to hear of some of the successes of CPC students (including some of our new 1st years) in the recent community games.
We were informed of the following achievements in:
Noah Mahon 1st U16's Breaststroke - Going forward to Nationals in September
Sean Hoey 1st in U14's Freestyle - Going forward to Nationals in September
Xavier Mahon 1st U14's Butterfly - Going forward to Nationals in September
Tiarnan Donnelly 1st U14's Backstroke - Going forward to Nationals in September
Model Making:
Evey Brand 1st U16's Model Making, - Going forward to National finals in August.
Well done to all!
1st year Parent/Guardian webinar recording
Created : 22 Jun 2022, 10:39 AM
Archived : 22 Aug 2022, 12:00 AM
Incoming 1st year parent/guardian webinar
Created : 14 Jun 2022, 5:37 PM
Archived : 14 Aug 2022, 12:00 AM
Good afternoon,
I am delighted to make contact with you ahead of your son or daughter joining us here in Cross and Passion College.
For many of you this will be familiar territory as you have entrusted us with your older children, some of whom are still with us. For others, this will be your first child to enter post primary education or to attend CPC. No matter your particular circumstance, we hope that the information evening to be held next Tuesday, 21st June, will be of use to you.
While our assembly hall is being reconfigured post-Covid we will host this meeting online in the form of a webinar. So, from the comfort of your own home we would like to invite you to join us for an hour or so next Tuesday at 7pm.
Please register below.
Best wishes
J Leonard
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Jun 21, 2022 07:00 PM Dublin
Topic: Incoming 1st year parent/guardian information evening
Register in advance for this webinar:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Saturday study
Created : 10 Jun 2022, 5:18 PM
Archived : 10 Aug 2022, 12:00 AM
I hope exams have gone well this week.
By request, there will be Saturday study available to 6th years tomorrow from 10am sharp until 1pm.
Kind regards
J Leonard