Displaying 981-990 of 2335 results.
3rd Year Awards Ceremony
Created : 27 May 2022, 5:45 PM
Archived : 27 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to all our 3rd Year Award recipients on their achievements which were celebrated this morning.
Awards were presented by our principal Mr Leonard for Student Co-operation, Application to Study and Academic Excellence.
Other awards included the Subject Awards, Progression in Musical Instruments and Singing, Sports Awards, Attendance Awards and BT Young Scientist participants Certificates.
The 3rd Year Class Captains received certificates for all their help and support of the year group throughout the year.
Students were given medals for their time and efforts for their role in the Student Council this year.
A special word of congratulations to Adam Bermingham of 3B who was awarded the Junior Principal's Prize of 2022 in recognition of Adam's overall contribution to school life.
Well done to each and every 3rd Year student who has successfully completed their first three years of secondary school in Cpc.
Wishing you all the very best in your upcoming State Exams.
Ms Fennell.
“Well” done everyone
Created : 27 May 2022, 1:07 PM
Archived : 27 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
A huge thank you to everyone who supported the fundraiser to build a Well for a community in a developing country.
We just reached our target 1300 euro.
A number of activities were organised to achieve this.
1B and Ms. Quinto organised a penalty shoot out,
2D and Ms. Quinto organised a Cake sale
3A and the Student Council organised a Civies day
3A also fasted and organised a 'Guess the amount of sweets in the jar' competition.
1st years and their teachers (Ms. Murphy. Ms. O'Dea, Ms. Duke and Ms. O'Connell and Mr. Prendergast) took part in the 'walk for water'
Some personal donations were received from teachers (thank you very much particularly to Ms. Boran).
You have made the wishes come true for children and families in one of the poorest and most vulnerable communities in the world. What an amazing thing to do.
This will truly change the lives of a community. This Community Well will make a lasting difference by providing reliable, clean water - helping to sustain a whole community, so they can thrive and build a better future.
Thank you for transforming lives with your kindness and support.
Ms. Flanagan
TY School Trip 2023
Created : 25 May 2022, 12:20 PM
Archived : 25 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Please see the ' Expression of Interest' form sent home with 3rd Year students today. This contains information regarding the TY school trip abroad next year.
If you wish to put your child's name forward for the possibility of going please sign it and ensure it is returned to me before 4pm on Wednesday June 1st.
Kind regards,
Amanda Fennell.
John O'Shea founder of GOAL speaks about Social Entrepreneurship
Created : 25 May 2022, 9:24 AM
Archived : 25 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
2A were delighted to welcome John O'Shea to speak about social entrepreneurship during their Reigion class. John spoke his experience s working with people in the Developing or 'Forgotten ' World. Most importantly John explained how each of us can make a difference having our voices heard through emailing and writing to those in government highlighting this issue. Sincere thanks to John for taking the time to visit us.
2nd Year Positive Behaviour Challenge
Created : 24 May 2022, 11:08 PM
Archived : 25 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Today is the final day for our 2nd Year Students to earn tokens in the Positive Behaviour Challenge. A special reward will be given to the class with the most tokens.
It would be great to see all 2nd years showing their best effort and behaviour today and indeed everyday.
Well done to students who have engaged so well since January in this Challenge and have contributed positively to their class and school.
Best of luck to all!
Ms Mills
Bake Sale - Thursday 19th May
Created : 24 May 2022, 9:04 AM
Archived : 24 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Thank you to everyone who donated and bought cakes/buns at the bake sale last Thursday, 19th May.
Thank you to the 5th year RE teachers and students who worked very hard in the lead up to the bake sale and who made the gorgeous cakes, buns and sweet treats that were sold on the day.
There was a total of €300 raised on the day. This money will go towards flags/bunting for the entrance hall that will represent the different nationalities of the students/teachers in CPC. This will be on display in September/October of the next academic year.
The Ethos Committee
TY Celebration of Learning
Created : 23 May 2022, 9:48 PM
Archived : 23 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
We were delighted to celebrate the learning of our TY students. The ceremony included music, singing, poetry readings, reflections on the past years activities and opportunities in addition to the presentation of awards.
In our Oscars 'Amongst Us' won Best film with Miguel O'Connell voted Best Actor.
Special Awards include
Community Award -Kaelah Taaffe
Personal Development Award- Megan Rhodes
Dedication and Enthusiasm Award- James Groome
Creativity and Enthusiasm Award- Aideen Stein
Environmental Award- Evan Talt
Overall Student of the Year Award- Abbey MacNamara
It was lovely to celebrate the range of skills and talents that were discovered and developed this year. Well done to all our TY students who are continuing this journey as they complete their final work experience placements this week and next week.
Transition to College Webinar and Bursaries
Created : 21 May 2022, 1:24 PM
Archived : 21 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/guardians of 6th year students,
A reminder that the Transition to College webinar will take place on Monday 23rd from 7 -8pm.
If you wish to attend, along with your son/daughter, registration is via the link below
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
The following information in relation to bursaries has been shared with 6th year students and is available on their GoogleClassrooms but as parents/guardians you may also like to be aware of certain bursaries that your son/daughter may be eligible to apply for.
Noel Clare, our former Deputy Principal, visited 6th Year classes on Thursday to talk about the Leo Brennan and Tom Bermingham bursaries. These bursaries are available to 6th Year students in CPC progressing to PLC courses and Higher Education courses. If students are interested in applying for a bursary please email bursary22@gmail.com by Friday 3rd June, simply stating an expression of interest in making an application, and include a telephone number and home address. The bursary committee will then forward an application form which does not have to be filled out until after the Leaving Cert. The bursary will be awarded following confirmation of offer and acceptance of courses.
A number of factors are taken into account in selecting successful applicants.
2. Kildare County Council Education Bursaries Scheme for 2022
Kildare County Council also provide bursaries to students progressing to Higher Education and at times progressing to PLCs.
Further details regarding the online application process are provided in the attached document.
3. The Bernie Ruane -TUI Bursary 2022
The Bernie Ruane - TUI bursary is awarded annually and is intended to provide financial assistance to a student whose intention it is to pursue a career in post-primary teaching and who, to that end, is undertaking a level 8 programme of study in a publicly funded Higher Education Institution within the Republic of Ireland.
The bursary will be for €1,500 annually and can be held for four years of relevant studies. The closing date is 17th June and further information is provided in the attached leaflet.
If you require further information on any of the above please do not hesitate to contact me at elainemcdonnee@cpckilcullen.com
Kind regards,
Elaine McDonnell
6th Year Guidance Counsellor
Pdf-1 Pdf-2
3C Bake Sale
Created : 20 May 2022, 12:27 PM
Archived : 20 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to Farida Ibirogba and Miya O'Byrne on their very successful bake sale this morning. This was part of their CSPE project and was in aid of Friends of the Earth. Many thanks to all the students and staff who supported this very good cause.
Subject choices 5th year 2022/2023
Created : 18 May 2022, 5:31 PM
Archived : 18 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Good evening everybody,
Subject Choices for students going into 5th year were given out in school today and no doubt have arrived to your homes this evening. If your child was not in school today for any reason they can call to me tomorrow afternoon to collect their subjects.
Every effort was made to ensure that as many students as possible received their choices. The vast majority of students received their first 3 choices and well over 90% of students received their first 2 choices. Where this did not happen it is either because two subjects a student wanted to do ended up being on at the same time (this is determined by student preferences for subjects) and/or that the preferred subject was oversubscribed or so undersubscribed that it is not possible to run it.
Below are the subject codes that show the option blocks for 5th year next year. So you can see that if a student wanted to study Construction Studies and for example Physics, this would not be possible as they will be on at the same time. These option blocks are created based on the preferences of the students and accommodate the maximum possible preferred subject combinations. Languages appear on the lines but have always been compulsory in CPC (with the exception of those exempt).
Option Block 1
Biol, Con St, Phys, Art, Fre, Ger,.
Option Block 2
Geog, Hom Ec, Comp Sci, Mus, Fre, Ger
Option Block 3
Ag Sci, Acc, Geog, Biol, Tech, His
Option Block 4
Biol, Bus, DCG, Chem, Ag Sci, Fre
What can seem like a very simple request of a change often is not straightforward at all as classes may be full or require a change from a subject you are happy with. However, where a change is possible it will be looked at. Please email (parent or guardian) me at joeleonard@cpckilcullen.com by Monday 23rd May with details and I will see what is possible.
J Leonard