Displaying 21-30 of 839 results.
Turas go dtí an Camino / Camino trip
Created : 23 Feb 2024, 2:42 PM
Archived : 23 Apr 2024, 12:00 AM

Cúpla rud faoi an turas  go dtí an Camino:

1) Tá an chéad tráthchuid eile de €150 le híoc leis an gníomhaire taistil Barter`s. Caithfidh seo a bheith íochta roimh deireadh Mí Feabhra 2024. Uimhir Barter’s Travelnet ná 021 4851700. 

2) Cóip do pas an dalta le seoladh chuig mruis@pcd07.ie roimh an Luan, 26/2/24


Couple things regarding the Camino Trip:

1) The next €150 instalment is due. Payment to be made to Barter`s travel agent before the end of February 2024. Telephone number for Barter’s Travelnet is 021 4851700

2)  A copy of the student`s passport to be sent to mruis@pcd07.ie by Monday, 26/2/24


Tuismitheoirí / Parents
Created : 22 Feb 2024, 12:20 PM
Archived : 22 Apr 2024, 12:00 AM

Eolas ón Oifig Náisiúnta Imdhíonta faoi iamh. Fógra faoi an bruitíneach. 


Information from the HSE National Immunisation Office attached. Notice on measles.


Tuismitheoirí / Parents
Created : 25 Jan 2024, 3:24 PM
Archived : 25 Mar 2024, 12:00 AM

Scoil dúnta Dé Luain, 29/1/2024, Inseirbhís foirne.

Tá staidéar á chur ar fáil do bhliain 3 agus 6.  Tá ort clárú roimh ré agus lá iomlán atá i gceist.  Beidh na busanna ar fáil ar an lá. 


School is closed Monday, 29/1/2024, Staff Inservice.

Study is available to years 3 and 6.  They have to let us beforehand and its a full day.  Buses will run on the day.



Tuismitheoirí / Parents
Created : 25 Jan 2024, 2:01 PM
Archived : 25 Mar 2024, 12:00 AM

Mar eolas:

Beidh oíche eolais in Óstán An Cill Airne Arda,  ar an Aoine 26/1/2024 @ 8.00 i.n maidir le míúsáid substaintí.  Aoi cainteoirÍ: Timmy Long ón "Dá Norries & a chlann".  Tá sé saor in aisce. Fáilte roimh cách.


For your information:

There is an information Eevening on substance misuse awareness on Friday, 26/1/24 at the Killarney Heights.

Guest speakers are Timmy Long of "The Two Norries" & family.  It is free of charge and all are welcome.

This is in conjuction with Glenfesk. Kilgarvan & Kilcummin GAA Clubs.


Tuismitheoirí / Caomhnóirí / Parents / Guardians
Created : 23 Jan 2024, 2:25 PM
Archived : 23 Mar 2024, 12:00 AM

Beidh an scoil dúnta Dé Luain, 29/1/2024 de bharr inseirbhís foirne.  

Tá staideár á chur ar fáil do bhliain 3 agus 6. Má tá suim ag do mhac / iníon san a dhéanamh tá form le líonadh agus le cur thar nais roimh 4 a chloig inniu, 23/1/2024.  Lá iomlán atá i gceist.  Beidh na busanna ag rith ar an lá.


The school will be closed on Monday, 29/1/2024 for staff inservice.

Study is available to years 3 and 6, if your son / daughter is interested in doing so a form needs to be completed and returned by 4pm today, 23/1/24.  Its a full day and school buses will run. 

Déardaoin / Thursday, 25/1/24
Created : 22 Jan 2024, 2:52 PM
Archived : 22 Mar 2024, 12:00 AM

Mar eolas,

Beidh cruinniú tuismitheoirí / múinteoirí bhliain 1, Déardaoin, 25/1/2024.  Beidh sé ar siúl idir 4.15 - 6.45.  Beidh an scoil ag críochnú ag 3.45.


For your information:

Parent teacher meeting for year 1 will be held on Thursday, 25/1/2024.  It will run from 4.15 - 6.45.  School will finish at 3.45.


Oscailt na scoile / opening of school 19/1/24
Created : 18 Jan 2024, 7:18 PM
Archived : 18 Mar 2024, 12:00 AM

Mar eolas:

Beidh ranganna ag tosnú @ 11.15 arís amárach, Dé hAoine,  19/1/24. Ní bheidh na busanna ag rith ar maidin. Ritheadh siad mar is gnáth ag 1.15. Tabhair aire agus fan slán ar an mbóthar. 

For your information:

Classes will commence at 11.15 again tomorrow, Friday, 19/1/24. The buses will not run in the morning but will run as normal at 1.15pm. Take care and drive safely. 


Staidéar oíche / study: 18/1/2024
Created : 18 Jan 2024, 1:18 PM
Archived : 18 Mar 2024, 12:00 AM

Mar eolas / For your information:


Tá staidéar á chur ar ceal tráthnóna inniu, 18/1/2024 de bharr na bóithre.


Evening study will not run this evening, 18/1/2024 due to the condition of the roads.

Busanna / Buses 18/1/24
Created : 18 Jan 2024, 7:39 AM
Archived : 18 Mar 2024, 12:00 AM

Mar eolas níl na busanna ag rith maidin inniu (18/1) de bharr na haimsire / boithre. Beidh an scoil ar oscailt agus ranganna ag tosnú ó na 11 ar aghaidh. Tabhair aire agus bí slán. Beidh na busanna tráthnóna. 

The school buses are not running this morning (18/1) The school will open and classes will begin at 11. Take care when driving. The school bus will run this eve. 

Cara Projects
Created : 17 Jan 2024, 3:11 PM
Archived : 17 Mar 2024, 12:00 AM

Beidh Tráth na gCeist ar siúl in Óstán Benners ar an Aoine beag seo, 19 Eanáir @ 8 a chlog.  Is ar mhaithe le airgead a bhailiú do Cara Projects é.  Beidh beirt cailín ón scoil seo ag dul go Céinia ag obair ann.  Tacaíg linn.

A Quiz will be held in Benners Hotel this Friday, 19 January @ 8 o'clock.  It is a fundraiser for Cara Projects.  Two students from this school will be going to Kenya to volunteer there.  We would appreciate your support