Displaying 91-100 of 884 results.
Busanna scoile / school buses, 13/11/23
Created : 12 Nov 2023, 9:03 PM
Archived : 12 Jan 2024, 12:00 AM

Mar eolas, tá Bus Éireann tar éis cinneadh a thógaint, ní bheadh na busanna scoile ag rith maidin amárach, 13/11/23. Ritheadh siad mar is gnáth tráthnóna amárach. Ranganna ag tosnú ag 11.15. Scoil oscailte ag 10.30. Tabhair aire. 

For your information, Bus Éireann have made a decision that the school transport will not be operating tomorrow morning, 13/11/23. Buses will run as normal tomorrow afternoon. Classes begin at 11.15, tomorrow. School will be open from 10.30. Take care. 

Stoirm Debi / Storm Debi
Created : 12 Nov 2023, 6:45 PM
Archived : 12 Jan 2024, 12:00 AM

Dé bharr an rabhadh aimsire oráiste atá fógraithe don lá amárach, Dé Luain, 13/11/23. Ní thosnóidh na ranganna go dtí 11.15r.n. Beidh an scoil ar oscailt ó na 10.30r.n. ar aghaidh. Ritheadh na busanna dhá uair a chloig go leath níos déanaí ná mar is gnáth. Tabhair aire agus fanaigí slán.                               

Due to the orange weather warning forecasted for tomorrow, Monday, 13/11/23, classes won't commence at PCD until 11.15. The school will be open from 10.30am. Buses will run two and a half hours later than normal. Take care and stay safe. 

Vaicsaíniú Bl. 1 / 1st Year Vaccination
Created : 09 Nov 2023, 12:06 PM
Archived : 09 Jan 2024, 12:00 AM

Beidh foirne vacsaínithe scoile FSS ag tabhairt cuairt ar an scoil i lár mí Eanáir 2024.  Tugadh bileoga faisnéise agus foirmeacha toilithe do dhaltaí Bl. 1 le tabhairt abhaile.  Tá sé an thábhachtach go mbeidh na foirmeacha san ar ais ag an scoil roimh Dé Máirt, 14 Samhain 2023.  

The HSE school immunisation teams are visiting our school in mid January 2024.  Information leaflets and consent forms have been sent home with the pupils.  It is very important that those forms are returned to this school before Tuesday, 14th November 2023.

Tuismitheoirí / Parents
Created : 08 Nov 2023, 12:45 PM
Archived : 08 Jan 2024, 12:00 AM

Eolas faoi iamh maidir le ceardlann ar líne le Lucy Wolfe - Tábhacht an choladh do dheagóirí. 

Information attached regarding  an online workshop with Lucy Wolfe - The importance of sleep for teenagers 


Tuismitheoirí / Parents
Created : 08 Nov 2023, 9:31 AM
Archived : 08 Jan 2024, 12:00 AM

Eolas faoi iamh maidir leis an féile litríochta / Information attached regarding Dingle literary festival.


Tuismitheoirí / Parents
Created : 07 Nov 2023, 10:37 AM
Archived : 07 Jan 2024, 12:00 AM


 Bliain 3 - Measúnuithe Rangbhunaithe (MRB)

A chara,

Beatha agus sláinte chugat.

Mar is eol duit, tá do leanbh i mBliain 3 i mbliana. Nuair a bheidh na trí bliana don tSraith Shóisearach críochnaithe aige/aici bronnfar teastas darbh ainm Próifíl Ghnóthachtála na Sraithe Sóisearaí (PGSS) air/uirthi. Ar an bPróifíl beidh idir thorthaí scrúduithe stáit, cur síos ar réimsí eile foghlama agus tuairiscí ar na Measúnuithe Rangbhunaithe (MRB). 

Ní gnáthscrúdú atá i gceist leis na MRBanna. Is tionscnamh ar leith iad a dhéantar mar chuid do ghnáthobair ranga agus go ndéantar measúnú air. Déanann na scoláirí na MRBanna le hionchur agus treoir ó na múinteoirí. I gcásanna áirithe, d’fhéadfadh grúpa scoláirí a bheith ag obair le chéile mar fhoireann. 

Tá ceithre shórt tionscnamh i gceist:

Punann oibre - I rith na bliana ar fad coimeádfaidh an scoláire cnuasach dá c(h)uid saothair. Roghnóidh an scoláire cúpla píosa oibre le tabhairt don múinteoir le haghaidh measúnuithe agus cuirtear an obair seo i gcrích thar cúpla seachtain. (sampla - Béarla)

Cur i láthair - Thar tréimhse trí seachtaine ullmhóidh an scoláire píosa cainte. Sa tseachtain dheireanach déanfaidh an scoláire cur i láthair os comhair an ranga. (sampla - Fraincis)

Tuairisc / Aschur scríofa - Thar cúpla seachtain beidh an scoláire ag obair ar phíosa saothair agus ansin beidh orthu tuairisc nó píosa scríbhinn a chur le chéile. (sampla - Stair)

Déantúsán - Thar cúpla seachtain déanfaidh an scoláire rud nó déantúsán. (sampla - Eac. Bhaile)

 Iniata leis seo tá liosta do na MRBanna a bheidh ar siúl ag do leanbh. De ghnáth, déantar MRB thar thréimhse a mhaireann trí seachtaine ach i gcásanna áirithe beidh tréimhse níos faide ag teastáil. I gcás ábhair cosúil le Béarla, bíonn na scoláirí ag cur leis an bpunann le linn na bliana ar fad.


As you know, your child is in 3rd year this year. When they complete the three years of Junior Cycle they will be awarded with a certificate called the Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA). The Profile will record their results in the State Examinations, an account of other areas of learning and descriptors of their Classroom-Based Assessments (CBAs). 

The CBAs do not take the form of examinations. They are a project that is part of normal classwork, which is used for assessment. Students will complete the CBAs  with input and guidance from their teachers. In some cases, a group of students may be working together as a team. 

There are four types of project:

Portfolio of work - Over the course of the school year the student keeps a collection of their work. The student chooses a few pieces to submit to the teacher for assessment and finalises this collection over the course of a few weeks. (example - Béarla)  

Oral Presentation - Over the course of three weeks the student prepares a spoken presentation or performance. In the last week the student will make their presentation in front of their class (example - French)   

Report / Written output - For a few weeks the student works on a project. The output of this work is in the form of a report or piece of written work. (example - History)

Artefact - Over the course of a few weeks the student works on making an artefact. (example - Home Ec.)

Enclosed is a list of the CBAs that your child will be working on. The calender is divided into nine periods, each of which lasts for three weeks. Most CBAs will be completed in one such period, but in some cases a number of periods will be required. Typically, a CBA will be completed over a period of three weeks but in certain cases a longer period will be required. In the case of a subject such as English, the student will be contributing to the portfolio throughout the year.


Le meas,

Seosamh Mac Toirealagh

Comhordaitheoir na Sraithe Sóisearaí

Tuismitheoirí / Parents
Created : 07 Nov 2023, 10:33 AM
Archived : 07 Jan 2024, 12:00 AM

Bliain 2 - Measúnuithe Rangbhunaithe (MRB)


A chara,

Beatha agus sláinte chugat.

Mar is eol duit, tá do leanbh i mBliain 2 i mbliana. Mar pháirt dá gcuid oideachais beidh do leanbh ag obair ar thionscnaimh ar a dtugtar Measúnuithe Rangbhunaithe (MRB). Nuair a bheidh na trí bliana don tSraith Shóisearach críochnaithe aige/aici bronnfar teastas darbh ainm Próifíl Ghnóthachtála na Sraithe Sóisearaí (PGSS) air/uirthi.  Ar an bPróifíl beidh idir thorthaí scrúduithe stáit, cur síos ar réimsí eile foghlama agus tuairiscí ar na MRBanna. 

Ní gnáthscrúdú atá i gceist leis na MRBanna. Is tionscnamh ar leith iad a dhéantar mar chuid do ghnáthobair ranga agus go ndéantar measúnú air. Déanann na scoláirí na MRBanna le hionchur agus treoir ó na múinteoirí. I gcásanna áirithe, d’fhéadfadh grúpa scoláirí a bheith ag obair le chéile mar fhoireann. 

Tá ceithre shórt tionscnamh i gceist:

Punann oibre - I rith na bliana ar fad coimeádfaidh an scoláire cnuasach dá c(h)uid saothair.  Roghnóidh an scoláire cúpla píosa oibre le tabhairt don múinteoir le haghaidh Measúnuithe. (sampla - Ceol)

Cur i láthair - Thar tréimhse trí seachtaine ullmhóidh an scoláire píosa cainte. Sa tseachtain deireanach déanfaidh an scoláire cur i láthair os comhair an ranga. (sampla - Fraincis)

Tuairisc / Aschur scríofa - Thar cúpla seachtain beidh an scoláire ag obair ar phíosa saothair agus ansin beidh orthu tuairisc nó píosa i scríbhinn a chur le chéile. (sampla - Stair)

Déantúsán - Thar cúpla seachtain déanfaidh an scoláire rud nó déantúsán. (sampla - Eac. Bhaile)

Iniata leis seo tá liosta do na MRBanna a bheidh ar siúl ag do leanbh. De ghnáth, déanfar MRB thar thréimhse a mhairfidh trí seachtaine ach i gcásanna áirithe beidh tréimhse níos faide ag teastáil. I gcás ábhair cosúil le Béarla, bíonn na scoláirí ag cur leis an bpunann le linn Bliain 2 agus 3 ar fad.


As you know, your child is in 2nd year this year. As part of the Junior Cycle programme they will be working on projects called Classroom-Based Assessments (CBAs). When they complete the three years of Junior Cycle they will be awarded with a certificate called the Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA). The Profile will record their results in the State Examinations, an account of other areas of learning and descriptors of their CBAs. 

The CBAs do not take the form of examinations. They are a project that is part of normal classwork, which is used for assessment. Students will complete the CBAs  with input and guidance from their teachers. In some cases, a group of students may be working together as a team. 

There are four types of project:


Portfolio of work - Over the course of the school year the student keeps a collection of their work. The student chooses a few pieces to submit to the teacher for assessment (example - Music) 



Oral Presentation - Over the course of three weeks the student prepares a spoken presentation or performance. In the last week the student will make their presentation in front of their class (example - French)   


Report / Written output - For a few weeks the student works on a project. The output of this work is in the form of a report or piece of written work. (example - History)


Artefact - Over the course of a few weeks the student works on making an artefact. (example - Home Ec.)

Enclosed is a list of the CBAs that your child will be working on. The calendar is divided into nine periods, each of which lasts for three weeks. Most CBAs will be completed in one such period, but in some cases a number of turns will be required. In the case of a subject such as English, the student will be contributing to the portfolio throughout Year 2 and Year 3.

Le gach dea-ghuí,

Seosamh Mac Toirealagh

Comhordaitheoir na Sraithe Sóisearaí


Tuismitheoirí / Parents
Created : 07 Nov 2023, 10:07 AM
Archived : 07 Jan 2024, 12:00 AM

Beidh Cruinniú Tuismitheoirí / Múinteoirí do rang na hArdteiste idir 4.15 agus 6.45, Déardaoin, 9/11/2023.  Scoil críochnaithe ag 3.45.

6th year Parent Teacher Meeting will be held on Thursday, 9/11/2023, 4.15-6.45.  School finishes at 3.45

Tuismitheoirí / Parents
Created : 22 Dec 2023, 9:52 AM
Archived : 03 Jan 2024, 9:53 AM

Ceolchoirm an Gheimhridh, Seipéal Naomh Mhuire, 4/1/2024 ar mhaith le Cubbie Uathachais i bPobalscoil Chorca Dhuibhne.

Tá seo curtha i láthair Ceolfhoireann Ollscoil Sacred Heart.  Aoíanna speisialta Niamh Varian Barry agus Méabh Ní Bheaglaoich.

€10 an ticéad, le íoc ar an ndoras.


A winter`s concert at St. Mary`s church, Dingle, 4/1/2024 in aid of cubbie sensory unit at Pobalscoil Chorca Dhuibhne.

Sacred Heart University band and orchestra presents this event. Special guests on the night, Méabh Ní Bheaglaoich and Niamh Varian Barry.

€10 a ticket, to be paid at the door.

Tuismitheoirí / Parents
Created : 27 Oct 2023, 12:49 PM
Archived : 27 Dec 2023, 12:00 AM

Eolas faoi iamh maidir le OSPS á mhúineadh sa tseomra ranga

Information regarding SPHE in the classroom 

