Displaying 101-110 of 841 results.
Tuismitheoirí / Parents
Created : 11 May 2023, 4:45 PM
Archived : 11 Jul 2023, 12:00 AM

Mar eolas: 

Gaiscí PCD 2022-2023 le fheiscint beo @ 10.45 amárach. Usáid an nasc thíos:  PCD achievements for school year 2022-2023 to be viewed live tomorrow from 10.45a.m.  Link below:




Tuismitheoirí / Parents
Created : 11 May 2023, 11:27 AM
Archived : 11 Jul 2023, 12:00 AM

Litir faoi iamh / Letter attached.

Tuismitheoirí / Parents
Created : 03 May 2023, 10:14 AM
Archived : 03 Jul 2023, 12:00 AM

Litir faoi iamh / letter attached


Scrúdú 5ú Bliain Innealltoiraacht ATF / 5th Year LCA Engineering Exam
Created : 28 Apr 2023, 12:43 PM
Archived : 28 Jun 2023, 12:00 AM

A Thuismitheoirí / Chaomhnóirí dhil / Dear Parents / Guardians,  Beidh Scrúdaitheoir ón gCoimisiún Scrúduithe ag teacht chuig an scoil ar an Máirt beag seo, 2 Bealtaine don Scrúdú Innealltóireachta don 5ú Bliain Ardteist Fheimhmeach. Tá sé an tábhachtach go mbeidh gach éinne ar scoil an lá san.   There will be an Examiner from the Examinations Commission in the school this coming Tuesday, 2 May to examine the 5th Year Leaving Cert Applied Engineering.  It is very important the all 5th Year LCA Engineering students attend school on that day.

Tuismitheoirí / Parents
Created : 27 Apr 2023, 1:20 PM
Archived : 27 Jun 2023, 12:00 AM

Eolas ó Bus Éireann faoi tairseach bhus na bliana seo chugainn, 2023-2024.


Information from bus Éireann regarding school transport for 2023-2024


Tuismitheoirí / Parents
Created : 25 Apr 2023, 12:58 PM
Archived : 25 Jun 2023, 12:00 AM

Scoil Dúnta amárach (26 Aibreán) de bharr go bhfuil an Bord Soláthair Leictreachais ag obair i mBaile an Daingin. 


School closure tomorrow (26th April) due to the ESB carrying out scheduled work in Dingle town.

Fógra faoi Bord Soláthair Leictreachais, scoil dúnta / ESB nonfiction, school closure
Created : 24 Apr 2023, 9:58 AM
Archived : 24 Jun 2023, 12:00 AM
Cur i gcuimhne:
Scoil Dúnta, De Céadaoin, 26/4/2023
Beidh an Bord Soláthair Leictreachais ag gearradh cumhachta  i mBaile an Daingin Dé Céadaoin, 26 Aibreán agus dá bharr beidh an scoil dúnta.
School will be closed, 26/4/2023
The ESB is carrying out scheduled works in Dingle on Wednesday 26th April. As a result, the school will be closed on that date.
Tuismitheoirí / Parents
Created : 19 Apr 2023, 1:59 PM
Archived : 19 Jun 2023, 12:00 AM

A chairde,

Mar eolas:

Tá sé beartaithe ag Bord Soláthair an Leichtreachais gearradh cumhachta a chur i bhfeidhm i mBaile an Daingin seachtain ó inniu, 26 Aibreán agus dá bharr san beidh an scoil dúnta.

For your information:

The ESB is carrying out scheduled works in Dingle on Wednesday 26th April.  As a result, the school will be closed on that date.





Daltaí bl 4 Fiontar / TY students - Enterprise
Created : 18 Apr 2023, 3:52 PM
Archived : 18 Jun 2023, 12:00 AM

Grúpa Fiontar na hIdirbhliana atá tríd go dtí an craobh:

Mar eolas, beidh na daltaí ag fágaint Garáiste Uí Mhóráin ag 6.30 maidin amárach, 19/4/2023.  Beidh siad ag fanacht thar oíche san Ostán Connemara Coast, Co. na Gaillimhe.  Beidh siad thar n-ais sa Daingean thart ar 8.00i.n. ar an nDéardaoin,  20/4/2023.  Rialacha na scoile i bhfeidhm i gcónaí.  


TY Enterprise group that are through to the final:

For your information, the pupils attending the enterprise event will be leaving Morans Garage at 6.30 tomorrow mornin, 19/4/2023.  They will be staying in the Connemara Coast Hotal, Galway.  They will return to Dingle at around 8pm onThursday, 20th April.  School rules apply at all times.

Tuismitheoirí / Caomhnóirí / Parents / Guardians
Created : 17 Apr 2023, 3:59 PM
Archived : 17 Jun 2023, 12:00 AM
Teastaíonn ón gCoiste Folláine maraon le bainistíocht na scoile deis a thabhairt duit do thuairimí a chur in iúl maidir le cúrsaí folláine. Chuige seo bheimis an-bhuíoch dá líonfá an ceistneoir chun tacú linn cúrsaí folláine a chur chun cinn sa scoil.

The Wellbeing Committee and school management would like to extend the opportunity to parents to have your say on current perceptions of Wellbeing
We would be most grateful if you could take the time to complete this short survey by clicking on the link below. The answers you provide will inform us  for the  continued promotion of wellbeing for all in Pobalscoil Chorca Dhuibhne.

Sé seo an nasc thíos .