Displaying 301-310 of 917 results.
Planet Youth - Webinar - The importance of sleep for our students
Created : 14 Nov 2022, 3:38 PM
Archived : 15 Jan 2023, 12:00 AM
Dear parents & Guardians, There is a free webinar taking place next Wednesday the 16th of November at 7pm called The importance of sleep for our teenagers. The main speaker is Lucy Wolfe and she will be giving some information and guidance around this topic. Lucy is best known for the books she has written on sleep for young children, but she has prepared some very useful material specifically for this webinar and the parents of teenagers. You can register for this free webinar using this link: event.webinarjam.com/register/80/w7rn1t7g Parents can also submit questions on the night through chat or in advance by email to info@planetyouth.ie
Irish Olympiad of Experimental Science
Created : 09 Nov 2022, 4:43 PM
Archived : 10 Jan 2023, 12:00 AM
The Irish Olympiad of Experimental Science Round 1 takes place this Saturday online from 10 - 11 am. All students in TY and 5th year born on or after 1st Jan 2006 are eligible to take part. Register online at castel.ie/olympiads/irish-olympiad-of-experimental-science/ and select one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics. You must register by this Thursday at 11 pm. Round 2 will be held in Dublin later in the year for successful participants and a team will be selected from there to represent Ireland at the European Olympiad of Experimental Science in Riga in May 2023.
Taylor's girls selected for Irish International Basketball duty!
Created : 08 Nov 2022, 9:26 AM
Archived : 08 Jan 2023, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to Lily Hynes and Aoibhín Connolly who have made the extended Irish u16 Basketball squad. We will be following your progress closely and wish you luck. ireland.basketball/-ireland-u16-women-s-head-coach-laura-mullally-selects-32-player-squad-for-2022-23-season ireland.basketball/
Let's talk kids, gaming and social networks!
Created : 08 Nov 2022, 8:59 AM
Archived : 08 Jan 2023, 12:00 AM
There will be a free seminar for Parents & Guardians this evening. Details are below. Join Avril Ronan, Trend Micro Ireland’s host and internet safety expert to explore popular social networks and games, and to see how best to keep children safe and secure while gaming. All your questions answered. Please follow this link for registration. trendmicro.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_SThG4l7ZSGaelzPiw2x8Mg

One Good School
Created : 28 Oct 2022, 11:44 AM
Archived : 29 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM
On Wednesday 19th October we attended the One Good School Assembly in Croke Park. It was an inspirational day spent listening to speakers including former President Mary McAleese, who spoke about the important of mental health and well being in young people. Thank you to our OGS team who are working on our behalf.
Parking Campaign - #makingourschoolasaferplace
Created : 26 Oct 2022, 10:38 AM
Archived : 26 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM
We, the students and staff of Dominican College are launching our Safer School Campaign. We wish to ensure our route to and from school is safe from exhaust pollutants, safe from danger of moving vehicles and safe from illegal and dangerous parking. You will be aware of the link between individual car use, greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. As a green school, this is an urgent priority for us. Students and teachers have reported week in, week out incidents of near misses e.g. nearly being knocked off their bikes, beeped off the pedestrian paths to allow cars to mount it, and on occasion, an ambulance on an emergency call to the school has been denied access by the enormity of traffic and illegal parking. It has become exceedingly dangerous and stressful for both students and teachers alike trying to enter and exit our wonderful school. We sincerely thank those parents who are very cooperative and understanding and who drop their child close to the school without driving to the front door. Therefore, we implore ALL PARENTS to participate. WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT to make our school a safer place. Parking around the roundabout and on the DOUBLE YELLOW lines on the entrance route to school is unacceptable, unwelcome and illegal. Students and teachers wish to MAKE OUR SCHOOL A SAFE PLACE. We wish to make our entrance route a CAR FREE ZONE. How can you help us? Please arrange alternative drop off points for your daughters starting after midterm. Our students will be ensuring that parents are notified frequently to help them to comply with our Safer School campaign. We look forward to seeing a marked improvement in achieving our car free zone on the entrance road ensuring the safety of all our students and staff. We thank you for your cooperation and support in this campaign.
University of Galway - The Youth Academy
Created : 21 Oct 2022, 8:15 AM
Archived : 21 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM
Please see the brochure below for details of an exciting new programme for secondary school students at University of Galway. The Youth Academy was established at the University in 2012 in order to give high ability primary school children a stimulating introduction to University life. Due to the huge success of the programme we are expanding and are starting to offer programmes to students in the junior cycle of secondary school (1st-3rd year). An application form will be available on their website from Fri 14 October-Sun 23rd October for people to apply online. (The deadline has been extended). Further information on courses available, dates, times cost etc is available on our website: Secondary School - University of Galway

Junior Cycle 2022 - Exam Results
Created : 18 Oct 2022, 8:23 AM
Archived : 18 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM
The State Examinations Commission have just announced that they will issue the 2022 Junior Cert results on Wednesday 23 November. This year's results will be available in schools on 23 November and candidates can also access their results online from 4pm on that date. Please click here www.examinations.ie/misc-doc/EN-PR-5316459.pdf for a press released by the SEC this morning. We will issue further information in school to the relevant students as we receive it.
HSE Reminder - Deadline for return of forms
Created : 11 Oct 2022, 11:35 AM
Archived : 11 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM
All 1st Year students were given an envelope from the HSE last week. The deadline for return to the main school office is Friday 14th October.
Parents' Association - AGM
Created : 28 Sep 2022, 9:30 AM
Archived : 11 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM
The Annual General Meeting of the Dominican College Parents’ Council will take place on Tuesday 11th October 2022 at 8pm in the school. Tea and coffee will be served from 7:30pm in the Boardroom. All Parents & Guardians are welcome to attend.
