Displaying 311-320 of 817 results.
Jigsaw - One Good School
Created : 08 Oct 2021, 2:06 PM
Archived : 08 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Dominican College has taken part in Jigsaw’s One Good School™ initiative, which supports the mental health and wellbeing of young people by developing a shared responsibility across the whole school community. We value the input of our students and use this to inform changes in their school experience. Well done to the students involved and also to Ms. O'Callaghan. On Wednesday, we received official certification as 'One Good School' and will proudly display our new trophy.
Parents' Association - AGM
Created : 08 Oct 2021, 8:01 AM
Archived : 08 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents / Guardians, The Parents’ Association will hold their AGM on Tuesday 19th of October at 8pm. All parents are encouraged to attend and new members to the association are welcome. Due to the ongoing health restrictions in place, this meeting will be held online via Teams. This link can be used to access this meeting. Topic: Parents Council AGM Time: Oct 19, 2021 08:00 PM Dublin Join Zoom Meeting nuigalway-ie.zoom.us/j/98996427195?pwd=elJ2QW5Qb1o3bkMrdG9pRjdGTU11QT09 Meeting ID: 989 9642 7195 Passcode: 491434
Parent Webinar - Study, Motivation and Anxiety management
Created : 06 Oct 2021, 4:38 PM
Archived : 07 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
On Thursday, 7th October, our 5th & 6th Year students will attend a webinar on 'Motivation, Study Skills and Anxiety Management'. On Thursday evening at 7pm, there will be an information session. Parents from all year groups are welcome to join and it should be a very valuable watch. Time: Oct 7, 2021 07:00 PM Dublin Join Zoom Meeting us02web.zoom.us/j/89833806752?pwd=djk3NWxKZlcvcmxsRlIxWWNyemxJUT09 Meeting ID: 898 3380 6752 Passcode: GALWAY21
Head Girl & Deputy Head Girl
Created : 06 Oct 2021, 5:50 PM
Archived : 06 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Dominican College has recently elected our new student representatives for 2021 - 2022. Well done to Claire Murray who was elected as Head Girl & Leona Gilmore who was elected Deputy Head Girl. We are very fortunate to have excellent young people in our school and Claire and Leona represent each and every one of them. We encourage all of our students to be leaders and effective contributors in their communities and believe that the future is in good hands! Congratulations to you both.
Sporting Excellence - Well done Kate and Naoise!
Created : 06 Oct 2021, 5:08 PM
Archived : 06 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
A big 'well done' to the girls named below, who have been busy over the last few months. Kate Barrett was on the winning team for the U12 County Division 1, Salthill Knocknacarra Football team. The team she is playing for have been undefeated throughout the league and Kate scored 3 goals and 7 points in the final! Congratulations also go to Naoise O Donnell who is working towards a place on the Irish Triathlon team! We are proud of you both and wish you well with achieving your goals.
TY Parent / Guardian Information meeting - Reminder
Created : 30 Sep 2021, 1:46 PM
Archived : 05 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
There will be an online information meeting on Tuesday 5th October at 7:30pm at the address below. oide.webex.com/meet/principal83 This will be a short meeting and we would appreciate your attendance.
TY Parent / Guardian Information meeting
Created : 30 Sep 2021, 1:45 PM
Archived : 30 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
There will be an online information meeting on Tuesday 5th October at 7:30pm at the address below. oide.webex.com/meet/principal83 This will be a short meeting and we would appreciate your attendance.
Information and resources for families preparing for the school year ahead.
Created : 19 Aug 2021, 11:12 AM
Archived : 30 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
For useful advice and guidance on a safe return to school, please follow the link below from the Department of Education. www.gov.ie/en/publication/a04fc-advice-for-students-and-their-families/#returning-to-school
Reminder: School closed tomorrow.
Created : 26 Sep 2021, 9:46 PM
Archived : 26 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
The school will be closed tomorrow, Monday 27th September for all students and staff. School reopens on Tuesday 28th September as normal.
'Big Brother, Big Sister' peer mentoring
Created : 23 Sep 2021, 1:57 PM
Archived : 23 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent, We are introducing the 'Big Brother, Big Sister' peer mentoring programme in the school in the coming weeks. This programme is open to all first year students who wish to participate. You will find more information on the programme in the attached leaflet. Ms. Garrett, who will coordinate the programme, spoke to all the first years today and has circulated Parental Consent Forms to those who are interested in taking part. To gain a place on the programme this form must be signed and returned to the office by the end of school on Tuesday next the 28th September. Kind regards, P. Garrett
