Displaying 131-140 of 617 results.
Death of former St. Macartan’s College President Monsignor Seán Cahill R.I.P.
Created : 21 Jul 2020, 3:21 PM
Archived : 21 Sep 2020, 12:00 AM
St. Macartan’s College is sorry to report the death of former president of the College, Monsignor Seán Cahill R.I.P.
Monsignor Cahill was born in Monaghan and joined St. Macartan’s as a student in 1949. After his ordination in 1960, he returned to his Alma Mater where he served as teacher, dean and between 1974 and 1981 as president. During that time he oversaw the further development and modernisation of the school. He was an advocate of pastoral care in education and worked tirelessly to develop the educational and sporting infrastructure of the school. Through his active involvement in the Fermanagh Board of Roman Catholic Education, a body which helps manage the school, its grounds and facilities, Monsignor Cahill retained a deep interest in St. Macartan’s College for many years after his move to minister in Enniskillen . Monsignor Sean Cahill, former president of St. Macartan’s College, retired PP of Enniskillen and former Vicar General of the Diocese of Clogher died peacefully at the South West Acute Hospital in Enniskillen earlier yesterday. Monsignor Cahill’s removal and Funeral Mass will be livestreamed on www.mcnmedia.tv/camera/st-michaels-parish-eniskillen and on the Enniskillen parish website. St. Macartan’s College extends our sincere sympathy to his surviving brothers Hugh and Owen, to his nephews and niece and to the family circle as well as all of the priests of Clogher. Ar dheis dé go raibh Monsignor Seán.
At this time, 180 years ago today.
Created : 07 Jul 2020, 11:11 AM
Archived : 08 Sep 2020, 12:00 AM
At 2.00 pm on July 8th 1840, the then Bishop of Clogher, Bishop Kiernan blessed the foundation stone to officially commence the building of St. Macartan’s College. The site was made available as a result of a lease with Lord Cremorne, Dartry. This lease came into effect on July 9th 1840. A report from the Newry Reporter published on July 11th 1840 stated that “the day was particularly wet but at 2.00 pm the sun shone brilliantly”. After the blessing the assembled crowd reassembled for dinner in the Westenra Hotel. The architect for the building was Thomas Duff from Newry who had a wide and varied practice throughout Ulster. His portfolio included Newry courthouse, the castle at Narrow Water, Warrenpoint, the Market House at Armagh, St. Colman’s Cathedral Newry and St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Armagh. The builder was William Hague, Dublin. As a result of financial constraints and the devastating impact of an Gorta Mór throughout Ireland, it wasn’t until 1848 that St. Macartan’s welcomed its first students. #FortisEtFidelis
Important Message from our Official Uniform Supplier.
Created : 15 Jun 2020, 3:42 PM
Archived : 15 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
In light of the ongoing guidelines advised by the Dept. of Health, we like all businesses, have had to rethink our sales methods. In order to ensure the smooth running of operations we have decided to introduce additional options for our customers. In order to help you and your staff with any questions or queries you may receive from parents, we have put together a package of what we intend to introduce from Wednesday 17th June.
As a business we would very much appreciate it if you could forward this to your network of parents. I have attached several documents which will inform your parent network about the following: our new opening hours, the uniform check-list, the phone and collect option, guidelines on how to measure their child/children for uniforms and a size guide for uniforms. Please check our social media page on Facebook. This will be regularly updated.
Thank you in advance,
George and Mairead White
The Fabric Centre.
Work back underway on new pitch at St. Macartan's.
Created : 12 Jun 2020, 2:14 PM
Archived : 12 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
We're delighted to welcome past pupil Gary McBride and his team from Prunty Contracts back on site to complete work on another new playing field @StMacartans. This project is possible thanks to support from the Cairde Mhic Chairthinn Scheme, our parents and Monaghan Co. Council's Peace IV fund. @MonaghanCoCo @MonaghanGAA
After May by Patrick Kavanagh
Created : 02 Jun 2020, 8:06 PM
Archived : 02 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to all involved in tonights TY Graduation.
Created : 28 May 2020, 7:55 PM
Archived : 28 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Well done boys on your excellent presentations and reflections on your TY. The show will go on!
TY Graduation Ceremony 6.30 pm this evening
Created : 28 May 2020, 5:50 PM
Archived : 28 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
St. Macartan's College TY Graduation:
Created : 28 May 2020, 10:58 AM
Archived : 28 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Our 2020 TY graduation ceremony will be broadcast today at 6:30pm on YouTube Live! Link to this event below ↩️ youtu.be/Al-aE-1TZ3E
St. Macartan's College TY Graduation 2020
Created : 27 May 2020, 9:08 PM
Archived : 27 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Tomorrow evening (Thursday) at 6:30PM our TY Graduation for 2020 will be broadcast on YouTube Live! You are cordially invited to this online ceremony. youtu.be/Al-aE-1TZ3E
St. Macartan's College TY Graduation Ceremony
Created : 27 May 2020, 2:38 PM
Archived : 27 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
St. Macartan's College TY graduation ceremony will be broadcast on YouTube live on Thursday May 28th at 6.30 pm.