Displaying 601-610 of 626 results.
Climate Action Week in HFSS.
Created : 12 Oct 2020, 7:47 PM
Archived : 12 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Climate Action Week in HFSS. Our Green Prefect student leaders were elected and a whole range of activities planned for the week ahead.
HFSS Virtual 5k Fun Run/Walk
Created : 12 Oct 2020, 11:33 AM
Archived : 12 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
We are delighted to launch our HFSS Virtual 5k Fun Run/Walk today. We were meant to have our Diamond Jubilee 5k FunRun/ Walk last March in the Curragh but we are instead having a Virtual 5k to raise funds for the Wellbeing Courtyard/ The PE Department & Pieta House. Please complete your virtual 5k by the 31st of October. Sponsorship card can be collected in the PE department or from Ms Kissane. Anyone who raises over 20 euro is eligible for an exclusive HFSS sport T-Shirt Send your photos of you doing your 5k in your HFSS T-Shirt to funrun20@holyfamily.ie. We appreciate in advance all your support.
First Year Admissions September 2021 URGENT REMINDER
Created : 11 Oct 2020, 10:40 AM
Archived : 11 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Parents/Guardians- All sisters of our students who intend to enrol for First Year next September MUST SUBMIT an application form or we cannot offer a place. School Admissions Policy, Application Form and Annual Admissions Notice are available to download from our school website www.holyfamily.ie (click on either PARENTS or POLICY tab, it's in both sections) Closing date for completed applications is Thursday Oct. 22nd at 3pm. Please note - late applications will go on a waiting list for places.
Supporting Students with Digital Learning: 'How to' videos on using Teams on Office 365
Created : 09 Oct 2020, 6:32 PM
Archived : 09 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Teams on Office 365 is our agreed school learning hub. It is important that all students know how to access work and complete assignments in Teams. All classes in period 2 this morning watched some teacher-created 'how to' videos with their teachers. The videos show students how to use Teams on i-pad-i-phone, android device and computer. Please review these videos at home for your preferred devices. The below link is accessible on all student school accounts on Office 365. web.microsoftstream.com/channel/34144e01-7753-48e3-b2d2-5194f7b4bb8d
TY Activity Adventure Day CHANGE OF DAYS
Created : 03 Oct 2020, 8:25 AM
Archived : 08 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
TYs will be travelling to Redhills Adventure Centre in Kildare starting next week as one of their Activity Adventure Days. They will take part in Archery and Airsoft games. Redhills activities are land based soft adventures that are suitable for all fitness levels and interests. Due to current Level 3 restrictions only one class will travel per day. As a result only 4i will travel on Monday 12th, 4s on Tuesday 13th and 4b on Friday 16th. 4p on Tuesday 20th and 4m on Tuesday 22nd. October 12th - 4i October 13th - 4s October 16th - 4b October 20th - 4p October 22nd - 4m Leaving HFSS at 09:15 am Returning at 3:40pm Activities will take place in groups of 12/13 from their own base class and buses will run at 50% capacity to allow for social distancing. Masks must be worn on buses at all times. *Students must bring a packed lunch* Consent forms to be completed on the new HFSS app
Created : 04 Oct 2020, 4:17 PM
Archived : 07 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
A reminder that all students should wear reusable masks where possible. Masks should be washed everyday. Mask should cover their nose and mouth. Mask should NEVER be left around students' necks during mask breaks /when outside / when eating.. Please see image below on how to wear a mask correctly.
No school- Friday 4th December
Created : 30 Nov 2020, 5:40 PM
Archived : 05 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
A reminder that there will be no school for students this Friday 4th December as per the school calendar.
School Time Early Finish- 6th PT Meeting Thursday 3rd December
Created : 01 Dec 2020, 2:52 PM
Archived : 04 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Please note that classes will finish on Thursday 3rd December at the earlier time of 3.30 for 1st/2nd/3rd/TY/5th Years & 3.15 for 6th Years to facilitate the 6th Virtual Parent Teacher Meeting.
Inclusion Week Rainbow Colours Civies Day
Created : 19 Nov 2020, 1:05 PM
Archived : 21 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
A reminder to all students of our Inclusion Week Rainbow Colours Civies day tomorrow Friday 20th Nov. Remember to wear the colour of your year group and bring in €2. All money raised will go to the Student Representatives Council (SRC) budget for students needs only.
Staff Meeting
Created : 16 Nov 2020, 11:41 AM
Archived : 20 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
Please note that classes will finish at 2.40pm this Thursday 19th November to facilitate an extended Staff Meeting.