Displaying 421-430 of 730 results.
Updated Covid-19 Guidance to Schools following the mid-term break 2022
Created : 25 Feb 2022, 1:42 PM
Archived : 25 Apr 2022, 12:00 AM
Good afternoon, The Government has accepted the recommendations of NPHET to remove remaining restrictions relating to mask-wearing and physical distancing in schools and therefore the Department of Education has informed schools that they can begin to remove COVID school emergency measure restrictions. Schools have discretion at local level to determine the timescale for introducing the changes outlined. At HFSS, we will proceed with caution and above all, respect for each other. TIMETABLES?: Timetables, mask breaks and staggered breaks will remain as they currently are. MASK WEARING?: It is no longer a requirement for staff or students to wear a mask in school. Staff and students can continue to wear a mask if they wish to do so. We are extremely mindful that COVID 19 is still in our community and can still pose a health concern to many. We will respect the right of choice in this matter. HAND HYGIENE?: HFSS will continue continue to promote good hygiene. Hand hygiene can be achieved by hand washing and use of a hand sanitiser. CLEANING and HYGIENE in HFSS?; We will continue with our enhanced COVID 19 cleaning and sanitising for the rest of this school year. COVID 19 symptoms?: The requirement to stay at home if you have symptoms remains, both for students and staff. One of the key messages to manage the risks of COVID-19 is to do everything practical to avoid the introduction of COVID-19 into the school. We will hold student assemblies on Monday, 28th February to outline changes to the HFSS student body. With kind regards, Sarah Allen www.gov.ie/en/publication/e1754-information-note-sd-00032022-updated-covid-19-guidance-to-schools-following-the-mid-term-break-2022/
Social media apps: Tik Tok
Created : 21 Feb 2022, 10:00 AM
Archived : 21 Apr 2022, 12:00 AM
For 'Safer Internet Week' recently, issues relating to safe and kind social media behaviours were discussed by all in school. At HFSS, we continue to encourage students to practice appropriate, kind and safe online behaviors. During this mid-term break from school, we would be grateful if you would also dialogue, once again, with your child about appropriate and safe behaviours on social media to reinforce this important school messaging. For many young people, it is important to feel like they belong to a group of peers and gain public recognition on social media. There is a lot of fun to be had on many of the online platforms and it is important to recognise that. However, we have also seen a rise in unwanted and unkind behaviours online that have a direct effect in school, particularly on the TikTok app. We would ask that you would open a discussion about TikTok challenges, trends, videos etc. Discuss what the possible outcomes are for all involved. Ask the questions: Will someone get hurt? Does it help anyone? How would they feel if they were named/tagged/videoed by another without their consent? Importantly, we would ask you to stress once again with your child that HFSS has an 'OFF and AWAY' device policy and that engagement in social media apps is not allowed during school time. Webwise have excellent and detailed parental supports. Thank you for your continued support. www.webwise.ie/parents/explained-tiktok/ Sarah Allen
Anti-bullying Webinar
Created : 15 Feb 2022, 11:24 AM
Archived : 17 Apr 2022, 12:00 AM
This evening DCU Anti-Bullying Centre and TikTok invite you to attend a free parents webinar entitled "Anti-Bullying & Online Safety - A Parent's Guide to TikTok" on Tuesday 15th February at 7.00 pm.. You can register via this link: dcu-ie.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_G9q3E9OMSKa1_skNnZ3D2Q
Disability and Inclusion Programme
Created : 16 Feb 2022, 2:48 PM
Archived : 16 Apr 2022, 12:00 AM
As part of their Disability and Inclusion programme, 4M set out to observe and investigate access and lack of access for those who are visually impaired and physically disabled. This assessment of access included our own school environment as well as the local area. Students from 4M are pictured with members of DESSA (Disability Equality Specialist Support Association) , NAG (Newbridge Access Group) and KARE who gave them a fantastic insight into the work that these organisations are doing in Newbridge.
Valentine's Day
Created : 14 Feb 2022, 3:25 PM
Archived : 14 Apr 2022, 12:00 AM
We were speaking the languages of love and self-love today in HFSS. 1st and 2nd year students wrote messages of positivity, love and encouragement in Spanish, German, French and Irish which they posted on the lockers of their classmates and friends. TY Spanish engaged in “cita a ciegas” (blind date) and mi media naranja (my other half). Great fun was had by all. Feliz San Valentín Lá Fhéile Vailintín sona daoibh Bonne Fête de Saint Valentin Frohe Valenstinstag
Photography Club
Created : 09 Feb 2022, 10:27 AM
Archived : 09 Apr 2022, 12:00 AM
Our new Photography Club is off to a flying start. Here are some of the stunning shots captured by club members over the past month.
Textiles in 1st year Art classes
Created : 09 Feb 2022, 10:19 AM
Archived : 09 Apr 2022, 12:00 AM
Our 1st yr Art classes with visiting Textile Artist Liadain Butler. HFSS were successful in our application to Kildare Education Centre for the Blast initiative. Liadain is working with our 1st yrs for 6 weeks introducing them to felting.
World Internet Safety Day
Created : 09 Feb 2022, 10:09 AM
Archived : 09 Apr 2022, 12:00 AM
Safer Internet Day is held on the second day of the second week of the second month every year. This year's theme is 'Together for a better Internet'. This week, HFSS will embrace this subject and message with all SPHE classes and tutor time involving discussion and activities encouraging and educating students about respectful and safe communication online. Posters, videos and images have been displayed and shown to all classes encouraging helpful awareness for all. In DLG classes, the first year students explored the topic of internet safety by creating digital presentations, quizzes, case studies, and posters to showcase in class.
1st and 2nd Year Basketball
Created : 07 Feb 2022, 9:20 PM
Archived : 08 Apr 2022, 12:00 AM
The first and second year basketballers both played St. Paul's, Monasterevin at home yesterday in the league. Both sides were unsuccessful in very exciting and tightly contested games, with the first year game needing triple overtime to decide a winner. Both teams continue to improve with each game and eagerly await the next fixture.
First Year Soccer
Created : 07 Feb 2022, 5:14 PM
Archived : 08 Apr 2022, 12:00 AM
Yesterday, the First Year Soccer team had their first match of the school year versus Scoil Mhuire, Clane in a match that doubled as both a league and cup fixture. The hard work the girls have put in since September paid off as they came away with a well deserved 6-3 victory. They now progress to the Leinster Q/F where they face Roscrea CC. Scorers on the day were Ella Donellan x3, Anniemae Dunne x2 and Olivia Hyland.