Displaying 91-100 of 729 results.
LC Results day Class of 24
Created : 23 Aug 2024, 5:30 PM
Archived : 23 Oct 2024, 12:00 AM
Congrats to all our Leaving Cert class of 24 who received their results this morning. It was lovely to see so many of you drop down to the school to share your good news and have a cup of tea with your teachers. The best of luck in all your future endeavours.
Call out for maroon school jumpers
Created : 20 Aug 2024, 4:18 PM
Archived : 20 Oct 2024, 12:00 AM
If any TYs would like to donate their maroon school jumper that are in reasonably good condition , please could they bring them on Thursday 22nd Aug to Ms Kissane’s office. Many thanks
Summer Swimming Success
Created : 31 Jul 2024, 9:08 PM
Archived : 01 Oct 2024, 12:00 AM
Ava Rock(3rd Yr) has been busy this summer. She had fantastic success at the recent National Championships.
Throughout the summer break from school Ava was up every morning  at 6am, some days double sessions. But all her hard work training has paid off.
Ava is now the National distance Champion in the 1,500mtrs in the 16 year olds and 2nd overall age groups.
  She qualified for all her 7 individual events for the finals and two relays with her Templogue team mates, finishing the week with 8 medals over multiple distances. 
Well done Ava.
Summer Break
Created : 27 Jun 2024, 4:16 PM
Archived : 27 Aug 2024, 12:00 AM

Our school offices close for the summer break from Friday, 28th June at 12 noon until Wednesday, 7th August at 9am.


SIP 2024 (School Improvement Plan) as part of the ongoing work of the SCHOOL PLAN 'By 2026'
Created : 24 Jun 2024, 4:44 PM
Archived : 24 Aug 2024, 12:00 AM

The focus for the year’s school improvement plan (SIP 2023/2024) examined one of the targets set in that School Plan under the target pillar of “Reimaging curriculum, teaching and learning”  through the lens of Wellbeing Curriculum -To comprehensively review the wellbeing curriculum offered”. This follows a comprehensive Junior Cycle review of subjects offered, which was followed by a review of the Junior Cycle hour allocation offered to incoming first years 2025 across their subjects.The main method used is to embed this target across all wellbeing subject areas, with each department planning for their hour allocation and reviewing their current subject plans in light of changes incoming in 2025. This is supported by the Wellbeing and SSE committees. These committees are also tasked with the creation of a new curriculum for subject “Life Skills” in first year. Following consultation with staff, it was noted that to make this new subject most beneficial and make a tangible contribution to the students in the classroom, continuity and clear guidance on content would be essential. To ensure each subject department is conducting a review, updated subject plans will be submitted and reflect the changes proposed. 

We continue to evaluate our progress towards achieving school plan targets. Both students and parents were surveyed on our performance in this area. This metric is proving extremely useful at charting our progress from baseline and directing us towards actions to improve. This document outlines findings and actions from 2023/24 and targets arising for 2024/25.  

In aligning the ‘Looking At Our Schools 2016’ quality framework as a tool to support reflection, self-review and evaluation over the next 5 years for the school’s standards and statements of quality. We aim to keep our focus on four core questions: 

1. What is our shared vision at HFSS that shapes our school community?

2. Who are our learners?

3. What is our vision of success for learning for each pupil?

4. How can we best improve practices in our teaching and learning community?

Please see the full document attached.

Athletic News
Created : 24 Jun 2024, 4:30 PM
Archived : 24 Aug 2024, 12:00 AM
Huge congrats to Éabha Brennan, who helped team Leinster to victory in the Tailteann Games today. 
Éabha finished in 6th place in the 800m (1st Leinster girl home). Éabha then went on to help the girls 4x300m relay team to victory, cementing Leinster’s place at the top of the table.
Éabha is a first year Intermediate athlete and will have the opportunity to compete again next year in this age group. 
Well done on being a part of a winning Leinster team today.
Full Results:
Three HFSS students are represented on the Irish U20s Women's Volleyball Team: Fundraiser
Created : 21 Jun 2024, 3:54 PM
Archived : 21 Aug 2024, 12:00 AM


Three HFSS students are represented on the Irish U20s Women's Volleyball Team. Jessica Dowling, Rebecca Dobey and Eimear Byrne. The team are fundraising to cover some of the costs towards hosting the U20 European Championships in Dublin.

"We are the Irish U20 Women's Volleyball Team, and we are raising funds to cover the costs of hosting the U20 European Championships. The competition will run from the 5th-13th of August, with a total of 28 highly anticipated matches happening. A total of 112 incredible young athletes will compete in the tournament, hosted in the National Indoor Arena on the Sport Ireland Campus in Dublin. 14 of these top performers will belong to Team Ireland, some of which belong to the senior team too! These players hail from all over the country, from Clare, Galway, Kildare, Dublin, Cork, and even California!
Our team has been training together since November 2022, we've been working hard and we're hoping to showcase this in August. Although the competition is tough, this is the experience of a lifetime and we are thrilled to have this opportunity"
Any amount of sponsorship is greatly appreciated.
School Athletics News
Created : 20 Jun 2024, 8:58 AM
Archived : 20 Aug 2024, 12:00 AM
Leinster Schools Team - Tailteann Games 2024

Congratulations to Éabha Brennan (2nd Year) who has been selected to represent Leinster at the Tailteann Games Interprovincial Schools match in Santry in the 800m. The Tailteann Games is a prestigious schools interprovincial competition which also doubles as the selection trial for SIAB Schools Track & Field International in Wales in July.

Well done Éabha on being picked for such a great provincial representative honour. The best of luck this weekend.
BOOK GRANT SCHEME for SENIOR CYCLE STUDENTS (for next year's 4th, 5th, 6th years ONLY)
Created : 11 Jun 2024, 5:19 PM
Archived : 11 Aug 2024, 12:00 AM

This is NOT the FREE TEXTBOOKS for JUNIOR CYCLE SCHEME (This is NOT for 1st, 2nd, 3rd years)

A grant scheme is available in Ireland for students in post-primary schools to help with the cost of school books. Funding for this scheme comes from the Department of Education and Science and the scheme is administered in each school.

For the school year 2024/2025 this book grant will be paid for senior cycle students only. 

Please complete the form appended and return the form to the FINANCE SECRETARY or LEAVE AT RECEPTION by the deadline of FRIDAY, 14th JUNE at 12 noon

FORMS are also available to collect  at SCHOOL RECEPTION. Further queries to finance@holyfamily.ie

Students that may be eligible for assistance include;

  • Families dependent mainly dependent on social welfare payments
  • Families on low incomes, (e.g., those receiving Family Income Supplement, and beneficiaries under the Back-to-School Clothing and Footwear Allowance)
  • Families experiencing financial hardship because of particular circumstances.(For example, where there is prolonged illness of a parent/guardian, addiction problems, etc.)


BOOK GRANT SCHEME for SENIOR CYCLE STUDENTS (for next year's 4th, 5th, 6th years ONLY)
Created : 04 Jun 2024, 9:36 AM
Archived : 04 Aug 2024, 12:00 AM

This is NOT the FREE TEXTBOOKS for JUNIOR CYCLE SCHEME (This is NOT for 1st, 2nd, 3rd years)

A grant scheme is available in Ireland for students in post-primary schools to help with the cost of school books. Funding for this scheme comes from the Department of Education and Science and the scheme is administered in each school.

For the school year 2024/2025 this book grant will be paid for senior cycle students only. 

Please complete the form appended and return the form to the FINANCE SECRETARY or LEAVE AT RECEPTION by the deadline of FRIDAY, 14th JUNE at 12 noon

FORMS are also available to collect  at SCHOOL RECEPTION. Further queries to finance@holyfamily.ie

Students that may be eligible for assistance include;

  • Families dependent mainly dependent on social welfare payments
  • Families on low incomes, (e.g., those receiving Family Income Supplement, and beneficiaries under the Back-to-School Clothing and Footwear Allowance)
  • Families experiencing financial hardship because of particular circumstances.(For example, where there is prolonged illness of a parent/guardian, addiction problems, etc.)

