Displaying 571-580 of 2280 results.
Student Council Ukraine Appeal Bake Sale
Created : 30 Mar 2022, 6:36 PM
Archived : 30 May 2022, 12:00 AM
Our student Council along with teachers Ms Dara McCloskey and Ms Anne Commins raised €870 today with their bakesale in aid of Ukraine. A big thank you to all the students, staff and parents that kindly donated, baked or helped in any way. Well done all.
1st Year Hockey
Created : 30 Mar 2022, 1:44 PM
Archived : 30 May 2022, 12:00 AM
Our 1st year hockey teams had a great day in @bandongrammar as we contested two hard fought games, winning 1 and losing 1. ️
Roberta Metsola - President of EU Parliament
Created : 30 Mar 2022, 12:55 PM
Archived : 30 May 2022, 12:00 AM
Honoured to have the President of the EU Parliament Roberta Metsola address our group this morning. She delivered a powerful and inspirational speech. She encouraged the students to go and study in European countries as part of there university course. We also enjoyed a question and answer session with Billy Kelleher MEP some of the topics discussed were neutrality, military and the environment. We learned about the importance of languages and in particular the shortage of Irish speakers in Brussels an interpreter appealed to the students to consider a career in the EU as a translator.
Brussels - European Parliament
Created : 29 Mar 2022, 2:26 PM
Archived : 29 May 2022, 12:00 AM
Olivia, Mary, Méabh & Niamh along with their teacher Ms McGann, entered a competition organised by Billy Kelleher MEP. Their project was selected as one of the winning entries. They entered an excellent and thought-provoking presentation on what they want the European Union to look like in 2046 - 25 years from now. The prize was a trip to Brussels and in particular to the European Parliament. This is an amazing opportunity that they are currently enjoying.
Student Council Bake Sale for Ukraine
Created : 28 Mar 2022, 9:54 PM
Archived : 29 May 2022, 12:00 AM
Please support student council bake sale in aid of Ukraine
TY's linking with St Johns
Created : 28 Mar 2022, 9:47 PM
Archived : 29 May 2022, 12:00 AM
Our TY students really enjoying playing tennis with students from St. John’s Special School over last two weeks. Great enjoyment and friendships been formed
Junior & Senior students- virtual careers showcase!
Created : 28 Mar 2022, 5:57 PM
Archived : 28 May 2022, 12:00 AM
The initiative is to encourage students to make EARLIER more informed career choices on their career discovery journey and expose them to the myriad of opportunities available in STEM companies, also think of Business, English, Art, languages, geography, history, Home etc...etc. Click here to attend this virtual event www.stemsouthwest.ie/expo-2022
School Bus
Created : 28 Mar 2022, 12:33 PM
Archived : 28 May 2022, 12:00 AM
Just to let you know Bus Eireann have opened up their school bus application. www.buseireann.ie/inner.php?id=522 The closing date for interested parents to submit applications is the 25th April 2022. New routes can be added or existing routes amended if there is enough interest so it is worth registering - no payment required until the end of July. Parents who are wanting to add another child to the bus also need to sign them up. This information is for parents to promote taking the bus as a sustainable option rather than using the car. Please see promotional poster.
CSPPA Study (Children's Sport Participation & Physical Activity)
Created : 25 Mar 2022, 9:36 PM
Archived : 26 May 2022, 12:00 AM
CSPPA Study (Children's Sport Participation & Physical Activity) Please see the attached Parent/Guardian and Participation information sheet. If you would like your son/daughter to opt out can you please complete the attached Parent/Guardian Consent form and return to a member of the PE Dept before Tuesday 30th.


Daffodil Day at the Friary
Created : 25 Mar 2022, 2:26 PM
Archived : 25 May 2022, 12:00 AM
#DaffodilDay22 Wearing yellow in school to raise awareness and remember all those affected by cancer. Well done to Ms.Curran and the students involved in raising an amazing €1708.30 for the @IrishCancerSoc A sincere thank you to all who donated to our daffodil day!