Displaying 981-990 of 1183 results.
Transition Year trip to Young Scientist - Reminder
Created : 19 Dec 2019, 1:13 PM
Archived : 05 Mar 2020, 12:00 AM
Transition Year trip to Young Scientist on January 9th. Bus leaving the school at 9am returning at 3.45pm. Permission slips and 10 euro to be returned on Monday January 6th.
"Other Learning Activities"
Created : 26 Feb 2020, 12:58 PM
Archived : 03 Mar 2020, 12:00 AM
This notification only applies to our present Transition Year students and our students that progressed directly into Fifth Year in September 2019. Please ask your student to use the link below to complete a questionnaire on "Other Learning Activities" for your Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement. All necessary information is included in the questionnaire. It is important that students complete this questionnaire - otherwise the relevant section will be blank on their certificate. The deadline for completion is Monday 2nd March. Please direct any queries to Mr Cahillane.
Incoming 5th Year Information
Created : 26 Feb 2020, 1:23 PM
Archived : 02 Mar 2020, 12:00 AM
Please see the document attached for information from our recent Incoming 5th Year Evening.
Ms McGee & Ms Travers.
Applications Now Open for Aviation Apprenticeship
Created : 24 Feb 2020, 9:59 AM
Archived : 02 Mar 2020, 12:00 AM
Recruitment of new apprentices closes on February 29th
www.dublin.aero/careers Posted by Dublin Aerospace Wednesday, February 05, 2020
Applications Now Open for Aviation Apprenticeship
Applications for the Dublin Aerospace Aircraft Technician Apprenticeship is now open.
The Aviation Apprenticeships consist of two different programmes which are Aircraft Technician and Mechanical Automation and Maintenance Fitter (MAMF).
The Aircraft Technician apprenticeship applications are open now until February 29th while the MAMF programme will be open for applications very soon.
The Aircraft Technician apprenticeship is a 4-year programme which will award successful apprentices with an EASA Part 66 Aircraft Maintenance Engineers License.
The apprentices will learn all of the necessary practical mechanical skills as well as a comprehensive knowledge of maths, science and electronics.
Graduates of this programme can also get a Level 6 QQI Advanced Certificate from SOLAS.
Solar Schools 2020:
Created : 26 Feb 2020, 1:05 PM
Archived : 29 Feb 2020, 12:00 AM
Scoil Mhuire BT Young Scientist students Anna Murphy and Miriam McDermott are in with the chance to win solar panels for our school with their project about the environmental impact of microbeads. The competition required our students to make a one minute video about their project and how it impacts the planet. The video with the most 'likes' / 'thumbs up' will move on to the next stage of the competition. We would ask for your support in this by voting for our video! This the link to vote www.foe.ie/solarschools/-competition-info.html ,
Our category is the Leinster Secondary and the video is titled with 'Scoil Mhuire Community School Clane'. Votes are logged by clicking the 'thumbs up' button beneath the video, voting closes on Friday 28th Feb.
Thank you for your support to win solar panels for our school. Ms. Jenkins
For the Attention of 6th year Parents
Created : 14 Feb 2020, 4:56 PM
Archived : 29 Feb 2020, 12:00 AM
Students with language exemptions, please ensure you submit completed forms and supporting documents to the National University of Ireland
Students applying for HEAR or DARE
Over mid-term please work with your son/daughter on their HEAR and DARE applications.
Complete all elements of online HEAR by March 1st
Submit supporting documents to CAO by March 15th
Check applicants have ticked Yes to Question 1 on the Supplementary Information Form on CAO.ie
Section A of DARE Supplementary Information form is to be completed online by March 1st
Please ensure they bring in SECTION B of the DARE form for the school to fill in.
Please be aware the deadline for sending in completed Sections B and C( - Evidence of Disability Form) to the CAO is March 15th
Thank You, Ms. McGee/ Ms. Travers Guidance Counsellors
5th Yr Information Night
Created : 14 Feb 2020, 4:48 PM
Archived : 26 Feb 2020, 12:00 AM
5th Yr Information Night Tues 25th Feb @ 7.30pm. LCA Meeting @ 7pm. It is important that Parents/Guardians & Students going into 5th Year would attend. Subject choices will be outlined at this meeting.
Created : 13 Feb 2020, 4:55 PM
Archived : 26 Feb 2020, 12:00 AM
Transition year students will soon have to make their subject choices for Senior Cycle. To assist with this decision, the Guidance Counsellors met with all Transition Years this week. All students have received the following:
Results of CAT 4 tests
Report for parents with tips for learning
Careers Interest Test Profile
Personality Test Result
We encourage the students to discuss their options with you.
Please go through all of this information with your son/daughter and guide them in their choices of subjects.
The Subject Choice for 5th year information night for parents and students will take place on Tues Feb 25th.
Thank You, Ms. Travers & Ms . McGee, Guidance Counsellors
Second Year Delphi Adventure Resort Trip
Created : 09 Jan 2020, 11:00 AM
Archived : 26 Feb 2020, 12:00 AM
The date for payment of the final instalment of €200 for the Second Year Delphi Adventure Resort Trip is Wednesday 26th February 2020.
A sealed envelope containing this payment must have the amount, your student’s name and their tutor marked on the outside. Envelopes should be left into the school office.
Receipts will be issued by the Year Head to students.
As the deposits have been paid to Delphi to secure our booking, deposits and any further payments are not refundable.
Junk Kouture 2020
Created : 05 Feb 2020, 10:50 AM
Archived : 21 Feb 2020, 12:00 AM
Three groups from our school have qualified for the East - regional finals. “Gaia” (Jessie Cody Evans and Caoimhe Howard) (Dress made from plant pots) , “2020 Vision” (Katie Fitzgerald, Sophie O’ Dea, Gemma Austin) (Dress made from glass lens and packaging form contact lenses) and “Birthday Suit” (Aine O’ Gorman (Model), Lauren Mulcahy and Daveigh Berni) (Dress amde from birthday wrapping paper) . Well done girls on your wonderful creations. Best of luck in the finals!
Please use the link below to register and vote for all three groups from our school. Please go to the Junk Kouture website if you experience any difficulty with the link. You can vote for all three dresses as often as you like - your support is really appreciated by all the teams. We wish each group the very best of luck!
A special word of thanks to Ms Moran for her guidance and support for all our entrants this year.