Displaying 951-960 of 1739 results.
Transition Year 2021/22 - Application Form
Created : 03 Feb 2021, 10:46 AM
Archived : 03 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
For the attention of all 3rd Year students & parents who are considering partaking in the Transition Year programme for the coming school year 2021/22.
The first part of the application process requires that students & parents must complete an application form. The second part of the process involves all applicants being interviewed.
Please follow this link to the application form:
The form must be completed by both parent and student.
Applications must be returned by Wednesday 10th February.
More information will be provided with regards to interviewing once all applications are in.
TY Year Head & Programme Coordinator
Student App Accounts
Created : 01 Sep 2020, 3:32 PM
Archived : 03 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Afternoon students,
We encourage everyone, in particular our students, to download the school app to keep track of the daily news and notifications in Naas CBS.
Over the coming days/weeks we hope to link in with each year group to see how everyone is doing and to gain feedback as to how we might further support students at this time. Therefore, if you have not already done so, please ensure you have the school app downloaded.
Please see images below to help guide students when downloading the app. If you have any issues please email support@uniqueschools.ie
We look forward to touching base with you all soon.
Many thanks,
The Management Team
Friendly February 2021 challenge
Created : 02 Feb 2021, 4:32 PM
Archived : 02 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Why not kick start February by trying the 'Friendly February 2021 challenge'.
Each day invites you to undertake one small random act of kindness.
Get everyone at home involved and help brighten up someone's day!
5th Year Subject Choice: Leaving Certificate Physical Education
Created : 31 Jan 2021, 6:35 PM
Archived : 01 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
We are delighted to announce that Leaving Certificate Physical Education is available as a subject choice for incoming 5th Year students. Please refer to the attached PDF for information on the LCPE course to help you with your decision.
Looking forward to launching this exciting new subject in August 2021!
Naas CBS PE Department
Remote Learning - Well done to everyone
Created : 29 Jan 2021, 2:45 PM
Archived : 29 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Well done to all staff and students for your hard work and wonderful efforts following another week of remote learning.
We will keep everyone up to date with any information that comes through from the Department of Education over the coming days.
Wishing everyone a lovely weekend. Stay safe.
The Management Team
Junior Cycle SPHE
Created : 29 Jan 2021, 1:40 PM
Archived : 29 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
From next week, the SPHE teachers will be posting resources on Google Classroom to promote positive wellbeing during this challenging time. We encourage students to check in to their Google Classrooms for SPHE each week and engage with the resources/activities set by their teachers.
If students are having difficulties during this period, please remember that there are in-school supports available to them via the Management Team, Year Heads, Form Teachers, Guidance Counsellors and Ms Johnson (School counsellor).
5th Year Subject Choice Form
Created : 29 Jan 2021, 12:30 PM
Archived : 29 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Below is the link to the 5th Year Subject Choice Form for students who will be moving to 5th Year next September.
The form must be filled in using the students school account.
There will be more information provided regarding subject choices from the guidance team over the next week. They are going through all the subject options with Transition Years on google classrooms and meets.
They will also be doing a presentation for the parents next week which covers all of the subject options.
Please also note that PE is being piloted this year and will only have a max of 24 students. It is important to be informed of the content involved in this subject before selecting it.
Please aim to have subject choices returned by the end of next week
Guidance and Counselling Department
Created : 27 Jan 2021, 3:29 PM
Archived : 27 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
6th Year Parents, Guardians & Students,
Please see the attached PDF for important information from our Guidance and Counselling Department.
Catholic School's Week 2021
Created : 25 Jan 2021, 1:17 PM
Archived : 25 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Important Notice for 3rd Year Parents & Students
Created : 19 Jan 2021, 1:26 PM
Archived : 19 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear 3rd Year Parents/Guardians & Students,
Many of you may be considering applying for a place in Transition Year for 2021/22, while some of you may want to continue straight to 5th year.
It is very important that you make an informed decision on this choice.
We would normally hold an information evening on Transition Year at this time for parents & students however we have had to change our approach this year.
The following is a link to a video (for both parents and students) outlining some of the details associated with Transition Year.
I have also included the presentation used here as this link, and as a PDF attached to this message.
Hopefully it can give a better insight into TY and all that is involved in the year.
*Students must fill in these forms using their school accounts*
For students wishing to do 4th year, can students please register your interest through the following link using their school account:
For students wishing to continue straight to 5th year can students please fill in this form using their school account:
More information will be provided in the coming weeks with regards to 5th year subject options.
It is a good idea to be considering these now for those who are certain of going straight to 5th year.
Many thanks,