Displaying 631-640 of 1746 results.
Hard Luck to Naas in the Leinster Senior Club Football Final
Created : 14 Jan 2022, 10:58 AM
Archived : 14 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Hard luck to the Naas Senior Football Team who were beaten in the Leinster Club Football Final in Croke Park last weekend. Well done to our 6th Year students Jack Rodgers, Jack McKevitt and Daire Guerin and all the Naas CBS past-pupils who represented Naas GAA. Well done to Mr. Cribben who was part of the management team. The team had a wonderful journey through the Leinster Championship and it was a great occasion and proud day for Naas in Croke Park on Saturday.
Saturday Study - Appeal for your help
Created : 13 Jan 2022, 3:46 PM
Archived : 13 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Message from the Parent's Council: Parents and Guardians, I sent 6th year parents/guardians a message last week about Saturday Study for our 6th years, requesting help to supervise it. Unfortunately a very small number came back to us and as a result the Parent Council can only cover the next two weeks. I can't highlight enough the importance and value of this study block for the lads. I am therefore opening the request to the whole school community as we feel it is essential to keep this study going for the 6th year lads. If you think you could help us in supervising study please contact AnneMarie McMahon on 0863994831 indicating a Saturday that might be suitable to you. Your support with this initiative would be greatly appreciated. If we have enough parents involved you will only be called once to help supervise study. Many thanks, Ben Travers
Transition Year 2022/23 Application Form
Created : 12 Jan 2022, 8:04 PM
Archived : 12 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Thank you to all who tuned in tonight for the Transition Year information evening. The application form for next year can be accessed through the following link: forms.gle/KLxH4Fjy6tyFkzvP8 This form must be completed by Sunday 23rd January The presentation used tonight can be accessed through the following link: docs.google.com/presentation/d/1jtRgXtpS-HbFGSypsDn_8ZAV93VzPuaDWYvfDHAt6rA/edit?usp=sharing For anyone who missed it, a video recording can be made available upon request. If you have any difficulty accessing the presentation above I can also send it via email. Kind regards, S.Coy sc@naascbs.ie
Evening/Night Study
Created : 12 Jan 2022, 11:03 AM
Archived : 12 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Study will begin for 6th Years next Monday 17/1/20. The other year groups: 2nd, 3rd and 5th Years will be able to sign up for study next week and will begin the following week (25th Jan). Evening study begins at 4.15 and finishes at 6.15. Students will be asked to vacate the premises immediately after study concludes and only returning for night study at 7.00 if doing so (6th Years). A breakdown of prices for 6th Years is outlined below: Monday – Thursday (evening study only) €270 Monday – Thursday (night study only) €270 Monday – Thursday (evening and night study) €540 Monday – Friday (evening study) €340 Monday – Friday (evening and night study) €605 Study is paid for through the school app similar to the school fees at the beginning of the year. This will be the only method of signing up. Please find the attached rules for study. *Any student who has a sibling who will also be signing up to study this year, please contact Mr. Joyce through email rj@naascbs.ie and we will arrange a sibling discount. Mr. Joyce (Study Co-ordinator)

Saturday Morning Study
Created : 10 Jan 2022, 2:41 PM
Archived : 10 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Message from the Parent's Council: Parents and Guardians, We are hoping to offer Saturday study to 6th Year students starting this Saturday 15th January. It has worked very well up to Christmas thanks to your efforts. If interested in supervising study please contact AnneMarie McMahon on 0863994831 indicating a Saturday that might be suitable to you. Saturday study has been of huge value to our 6th Year students over previous years and we feel it is essential that we try and continue this. It will only work with your support. If Parents/Guardians are available to supervise study we ask that you please oversee the protocols in our Covid Response Plan which includes the wearing of facemasks at all times, the sanitising of hands before and after study and also the sanitising of each study desk before and after study. Your support with this initiative would be greatly appreciated. If we have enough parents involved you may only be called once throughout the year to help supervise study. Many thanks, Ben Travers
Transition Year 2022/23 - Parent's Information Evening - Wednesday 12th
Created : 10 Jan 2022, 11:51 AM
Archived : 10 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear 3rd Year Parents & Guardians, Many of your sons may be considering applying for a place in Transition Year for 2022/23, while some may want to continue straight to 5th year. It is very important that you make an informed decision on this choice. We would normally hold an information evening on Transition Year in school for parents, however we have had to change our approach this year. This Wednesday evening I am hosting an online talk for parents to provide details and information around Transition Year here in Naas CBS. This includes a breakdown of the year itself, and all you need to know with regards to the application process. Hopefully it can give a better insight into TY and all that is involved in the year. I will also meet all of the 3rd year groups individually to give them information on the year. This will also be available as a video for those not in school. The following is the link to attend this talk: Topic: Transition Year - Incoming Parents Information Evening Time: Jan 12, 2022 07:00 PM Join Zoom Meeting us04web.zoom.us/j/77049589286?pwd=SC-F9Bv3sup_Bin0N1ztbIRchsC7u-.1 Meeting ID: 770 4958 9286 Passcode: 7w2LNU I look forward to speaking with you then. Many thanks, S.Coy Transition Year Coordinator & Year Head sc@naascbs.ie
Happy Christmas and Thank You
Created : 23 Dec 2021, 10:29 AM
Archived : 23 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians, As we approach the Christmas break I would like to thank you for all your help and support through what has been a challenging time for all. The lads have been brilliant and we really appreciate the efforts that they have made. Our Deputy Principal, Sharon Power is going on maternity leave after Christmas. Anne Marie Corcoran will be Acting Deputy while Sharon is out. She will also continue as Year Head for third years. We extend our best wishes to Sharon at this special time for her and her family. We also wish Anne Marie every success in her new role. Wishing you and your families much joy, peace and happiness over the Christmas season and renewed hope for 2022. Best wishes, Ben Travers and The Management Team.
Transition Year - Christmas Portfolio Assessment Results
Created : 20 Dec 2021, 12:13 PM
Archived : 20 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
Well done to all of our TY students who have successfully completed their Christmas Portfolio Assessments. The standard was exceptional and it is fantastic to see such great effort and variety being put into the year. Grades and feedback are now available on VSware through the school app. The tutor comment includes a breakdown of the results achieved, interview feedback and the overall student result. Well done to all again. Wishing everyone a very happy, peaceful & safe Christmas! All the best, S.Coy
First Year Parent / Teacher Meeting
Created : 16 Feb 2022, 3:55 PM
Archived : 17 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents / Guardians , The First Year Parent /Teacher Meeting will take place on Thursday 10th of March in the school . ( 4.15 - 6.45pm ) Further information will be given to the students closer to the date . We look forward to meeting you in person . Kind regards, The Management Team
Exam Information
Created : 16 Dec 2021, 4:13 PM
Archived : 16 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
Return of exams: For students who are sitting papers at home, papers can be returned to the office next week in an envelope with the student and teachers name on the front. Alternatively the exam can be returned by the student directly to the teacher in the new year when school returns. Students returning for exams after an absence: If you have sent a request for exams to be sent home for your child and they return to school prior to the end of the examination period can you please send an email to mm@naascbs.ie informing them of the student's return. This is to avoid exams being taken out for students who are present. Many thanks, The Exams Committee