Displaying 521-530 of 1741 results.
After School Courses for TY Students
Created : 31 Aug 2022, 11:35 AM
Archived : 31 Oct 2022, 12:00 AM
Transition Year
Some incoming TY students may be interested in either of these after school courses taking place in St.Marys Secondary School.
Chinese for Beginners - Starts Monday 5th September from 4:15pm to 5:15pm
Chess for Beginners (or those who dabbled before!) - Starts Tuesday 6th September from 4:15pm to 5:15pm.
These courses will take place in St Mary's College for 13 weeks. Please note there Chinese will not be run on October 3rd as the school is closed for the day & there will be no classes during midterm as you'd expect.
The cost for the course is €80 & can be paid using the easy payments link below;
The idea is to help students with their personal skill/recreational pursuit for Gaisce, hence the 13 weeks but they can do it purely as a hobby either.
If anyone has trouble registering, please email nightclasses@smcn.ie
Transition Year - Back to School Information
Created : 29 Aug 2022, 12:28 PM
Archived : 29 Oct 2022, 12:00 AM
Transition Year
Dear TY Parents, Guardians and Students,
We look forward to welcoming you back very soon!
Please see attached PDF document outlining some key information for our Transition Year students returning to school.
It can also be viewed online through this link:
TY students will return to school over 2 days, Friday 2nd & Monday 5th September
All information is contained within the document.
The document also outlines some key information around other aspects planned for the year including Work Experience and our adventure trip to Carlingford.
Please take the time to read through this carefully.
Please also note that class groups and timetables are still being finalised. Keep an eye on the App for updates. More information will follow.
Many thanks and looking forward to seeing you soon,
Stephen Coy
TY Coordinator & Year Head
Welcoming 1st Year Students to Naas CBS
Created : 25 Aug 2022, 1:07 PM
Archived : 25 Oct 2022, 12:00 AM
A warm welcome to our new 1st Year Students at Naas CBS! This morning at assembly, the 1st Years met Mr. Travers, the Management Team and their Year Head Ms. Ashe. The 1st Years were also introduced to their Form Teachers and Meitheal Leaders who are working with them as part of the Transfer Programme and helping them with the transition to Secondary School. Wishing 1st Year Students the very best for the year ahead.
TY Graduation Photos & Video
Created : 02 Jun 2022, 4:57 PM
Archived : 02 Aug 2022, 12:00 AM
It was fantastic to see so many of our TY students in for one last time today for their Graduation.
Thanks to all who helped out, especially to Ms. O'Donovan and our very talented musicians:
Jack Gibney
Luke Mulvihill
Colum Doyle
Paul Desmond
Fionn Lardner
Tom Nuzum
Barney Hennessy
Thanks to Luke Mulvihill for his speech on how the year went.
Thanks also to Mr. Travers, the management team, the form teachers and our caretakers Anthony & Alan for their support.
And finally thanks to our resident photographer Jamie Moore for the photos attached.
Well done to all who received special awards, and especially to Evan Dalton who won student of the year.
Please follow the link to our TY video courtesy of Jamie & Barney
I hope you all have a wonderful summer.
Congratulations to Killian Burke (5th Year) on Achieving the Bronze Gaisce Award
Created : 02 Jun 2022, 12:07 AM
Archived : 02 Aug 2022, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to 5th Year Student Killian Burke who received the Bronze Gaisce Award for his committment to physical activity, personal skill and community involvement. Killian's physical activity was swimming and he took Spanish lessons outside of school for his personal skill. He was involved in Tidy Towns and also mentored the Naas CBS Minor Cross Country Team that won the All-Ireland. Killian is now working towards his Silver Gaisce Award.
Well done on this great achievement Killian!
Ms. Murphy
Transition Year Graduation
Created : 31 May 2022, 11:32 AM
Archived : 31 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Transition Year
We will have a short graduation at 11.30a.m on Thursday 2nd June for our TY students to close off the year.
Students will be presented with their certificates and we will also present some special awards in recognition of the groups many achievements.
This ceremony is for students only and I hope to see them all there.
Uniform must be worn.
Royal Society of Chemistry Schools' Analyst Competition
Created : 27 May 2022, 10:02 AM
Archived : 27 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to Muhib Aakil, Abdullah Abbasi, Lorcan Duffy and Luca Suvac who won the in-school leg of the competition! (All 6th Year Chemistry students.)
We were delighted to run the Analyst Competition here in Naas CBS again this year. The competitors spent over three hours completing a number of analytical tasks to solve real life questions in the school chemistry laboratory. The students had to use some of the skills they learned in class as well as analyse data and problem-solve to come up with their final answers.
Muhib, Abdullah, Lorcan and Luca's data set and answers are now put forward to a Republic of Ireland competition. We're certain they will do well. We took a few minutes out of the competition to enjoy some pizza too! Photos and videos are available to view though the following link:
We're looking forward to running the competition in the school again next year. Look out for the information posted in the school next April/May.
Ms. Walsh
Awards Night for Leaving Cert Classes of 2021 & 2020
Created : 26 May 2022, 9:25 AM
Archived : 26 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
It was lovely to welcome back students from the Leaving Cert Classes of 2021 and 2020 for the Awards Night last week. Having postponed this ceremony due to Covid, it was wonderful to finally get the opportunity to celebrate and acknowledge the academic and extra-curricular achievements of these young men during their time at Naas CBS.
Well done to the following past-pupils on receiving their awards:
Leaving Cert Class of 2021:
Eoghan Hyde: James Fanning Award for Best Leaving Cert
David Connolly: Denis Dunning Award for Student of the Year
Eoin Keogh: Parents Council Award for Outstanding Contribution to School Life
David Phelan: Award for Best Construction Project
Leaving Cert Class of 2020:
Conor Whelan: James Fanning Award for Best Leaving Cert
Billy Egan: Denis Dunning Award for Student of the Year
Adam Halford: Parents Council Award for Outstanding Contribution to School Life
Thank you to Jamie Moore (T.Y.) for capturing photos at the Awards Night.
Robotics Club
Created : 25 May 2022, 5:45 PM
Archived : 26 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Our first ever Robotics Club came to an end last week. The lads celebrated a fantastic year with a pizza party. This group of students showed tremendous dedication, resilience and team spirit, showing up every lunch time and overcoming every challenge that came their way. We're extremely proud of them and look forward to making next year's club even bigger and more exciting!
Ms. Fennell
Sports Awards 2022
Created : 25 May 2022, 5:11 PM
Archived : 26 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Thanks to teachers and parents who attended our Sports Awards last week. It was a great opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate the wonderful sporting success of Naas CBS teams in 2021-2022. Thanks to past-pupils and Kildare Senior Footballers Darragh Kirwan and Jack Sargent for attending the awards ceremony and presenting the medals.
Photo 1: Senior Football Team All-Ireland Champions
Photo 2: Minor Cross Country Team All-Ireland Champions
Photo 3: U-16 Football Team Leinster Champions
Photo 4: U-19 Badminton Team Leinster Champions
Thank you to Jamie Moore (T.Y.) for capturing photos at the Sports Awards.