Hard luck to our Senior Football Team who were defeated 1-15 to 1-10 by Mounthawk, Tralee in the All- Ireland Hogan Cup Semi-Final on Saturday. The Senior Footballers had a very successful run this year and the school community is very proud of their achievements.
Congratulations to Rory Comerford (1B) who came in the top 10 in the country in an IMTA Maths Competition run nationwide.
Mr. Crosbie
A group of our Transition Year students were lucky to take part in the Early-Drive | Electrified by Opel programme in Mondello last Thursday. This is a unique driving and road safety programme designed for 13- to 17-year-olds who are eager to learn how to drive and get behind the wheel of a car for the first time. This memorable experience in the unique environment of our Mondello Park track, combined with the training expertise of their instructors, allows students to learn about driver safety in a realistic way, giving them the foundations and skills for when they become drivers in the future.
A huge thank you to Emma Toner and the Naas CBS Parents Council for providing this opportunity to our lads. A huge thank also to Opel Ireland and all of the team at Mondello Park for looking after our group so well.
Congratulations to Seán Óg Boland (T.Y.) who recently won the overall Garda Youth Award for his efforts in overcoming challenges with knee injuries to return to playing hurling, football and soccer. Well done Séan Óg!
Well done to the U-14 badminton teams who participated in the Kildare Championship on Monday. Both teams proceeded from their groups and the A Team lost out narrowly to PBS Newbridge in the final.
Mr. Stephens
Any 5th Year student who is interested in applying to be part of the Meitheal Team for 2024-2025, please return completed applications and signed consent forms to Ms. Murphy by Friday 1st March. The date for interviews is scheduled for 13th March. Meitheal is a Youth Leadership Programme organised through the Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin. Interviews are conducted and the Meitheal Team is selected by external Meitheal Co-ordinator Robert Norton.
Each year, the Meitheal Leaders offer invaluable support to our 1st Year students, helping them settle into secondary school and we would encourage any aspiring leaders in 5th Year to apply to the Meitheal Programme. This is a fabulous opportunity for the Meitheal Leaders themselves to develop personally and work as part of a team while contributing to school life.
There is always great interest from 5th Years in applying for Meitheal and while there will be many suitable candidates who would make wonderful Meitheal Leaders, there are only ten places on the team. Unfortunately, there will be more people disappointed than successful in the application process. Robert Norton selects the Meitheal Leaders and he is looking to put together a well-balanced team with various personalities. The advice to students is to give the application your best shot. If it doesn’t work out, keep in mind that the five-minute interview is only a snapshot of your potential and there are other leadership opportunities available to you in school.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our current Meitheal Leaders and praise them for their great work in organising activities during the year and their positive attitude in mentoring the 1st Years.
Ms. M. Murphy
(Co-operating Teacher for Meitheal)
Best of luck to our Senior Football Team who play Mercy Mounthawk, Tralee in the All-Ireland Hogan Cup Semi-Final on Saturday. Good luck also to the team managers Mr. Hughes and Mr. Moore. We are all behind you lads!
Throw-in on Saturday is at 14.00 in Bansha, Co. Tipperary. Follow the link below to purchase tickets.
Last week, a group of 47 2nd Year students were accompanied by five teachers on the Ski Tour to Madonna di Campiglio, Italy. They had a wonderful time skiing the slopes of the Dolomite Alps and spending mid-term with their friends!
Well done to the boys for their enthusiasm and good spirits in learning this new skill. They worked hard adjusting to the skis in the first few days and this great effort paid-off, as they were able to explore new parts of the mountain in the latter stage of the week.
The behaviour and attitude from the boys was exemplary throughout and this made the trip an enjoyable and pleasant experience for all. It is a privilege to be able to offer so many students such a memorable experience and hopefully the boys also appreciate the effort made by their parents in securing a place for them on the ski trip.
Thank you to Ms. Murphy, Ms. Masterson, Ms. Carter, Ms. Fleming and Ms. Lonergan who travelled with and looked after the boys during the week. The feedback from students and parents has been hugely positive; the opportunity afforded to the boys to travel on a ski trip is very much appreciated.
Follow the link below to view the PDF with photos from the ski trip.
Please note that this PDF is a large file and loading it will require good internet connection and available memory on your device.
Kind regards,
Ms. M. Murphy
It is great to have our TY students back in school after their second module of work placement & the midterm break.
We have lots happening in school over the coming weeks for our TY Students.
It is an especially important time of year for students to be in full attendance as they pick their 5th year subject choices.
Next week (Tuesday & Wednesday) we have a series of subject cafes planned to give TY students an opportunity to speak with 5th & 6th year students in the various Leaving Certificate subject areas. There will also be sample of work and other material on display.
Other events coming up include:
There will be more added to this list!