Dear TY Parents and Guardians,
This Thursday evening (11th April) you are invited to our TY parents evening here in Naas CBS. On the evening, your sons will take the opportunity to showcase to you some of the work that they have been doing in Transition Year.
From 16.30 onwards the evening will begin with an exhibition in the assembly area. This exhibition will showcase all of the areas that are included in the TY Programme within Naas CBS, and give you the chance to speak with our TY students about their experiences. There will also be some refreshments and tea/coffee available.
At 17.15 the lads will take you to the relevant classrooms where they will each present a piece of their portfolio to you, other parents, teachers and peers. Once everyone has presented in your room, the evening will be finished.
We hope that you can make the evening.
If for any reason you or your son is unable to attend please let me know via email
I look forward to seeing you on Thursday.
Stephen Coy
TY Coordinator and Year Head
A reminder to students to work on their competition entries and have them ready for Racism Awareness Week after the Easter holidays.
Mr. Stephens
Hard luck to the 1st Year Soccer Team who lost the Leinster Quarter Final yesterday to Dundalk De La Salle. The game finished 1-1 after extra time and then went into a penalty shoot out. Difficult way to exit the competition as they had a wonderful season. Well done to all the lads who got involved with 1st Year soccer this year.
Ms. Kilcoyne and Mr. O' Neill
Our Meitheal Leaders recently attended their Meitheal Graduation Ceremony in Askea Church, Carlow. Meitheal Co-ordinator Robert Norton and Bishop Denis Nulty acknowledged the 6th Year students' participation in the leadership programme and commended their great work with 1st Year students throughout the year.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Meitheal Leaders for their wonderful work in mentoring the 1st Years and to praise them for having such a positive influence on their younger peers. The Meitheal Leaders offered invaluable support to our 1st Year students, helping them settle into secondary school and organising social events for them to enjoy with their peers.
Wishing the Meitheal Leaders every success in their future endeavours and in any leadership roles they may hold.
Ms. M. Murphy
(Co-operating Teacher for Meitheal)
We had a fantatsic few days with our TY students on our adventure trip to Carlingford this week. A big thank you is owed to the other teachers who traveled on the trip, and the many folks at Carlingford Adventure Centre who did a fantastic job feeding and entertaining the lads.
The students were a credit to themselves, the school and their families.
Enjoy the Easter break!
Reminder to all TY students travelling on our trip to Carlingford this week (19th - 21st March)
Students need to be in school for 8.30a.m on tomorrow morning.
Info can viewed through the following link:
I am also looking for TY students to help collect money in Naas town on Friday 22nd March from 10a.m. for Daffodil Day. I need as many names as possible.
This might particularly suit students who are unable to travel to Carlingford.
Please let me know via email if you can help out with this good cause -