Displaying 161-170 of 1739 results.
ISTA Kildare Science Quiz
Created : 19 Apr 2024, 11:43 AM
Archived : 19 Jun 2024, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to 3rd Year students Cian Lawlor, James Wallace, Michéal Niland, Seán Doyle, Noah Fahey, Luca Harvey, Ruben Brants, Colm Zeng and Gordon Tsoi who all competed in the Kildare Regional Irish Science Teachers Association (ISTA) Quiz on Thursday night in Gaelcholáiste Nás na Rí. The lads put tremendous effort into what was a very competitive quiz. Special well done to Cian, James and Michéal who finished fourth overall and to Gordon who won a spot prize for his team. Great work lads. 
Ms. Fennell
3rd Year Ecology Trip to the Phoenix Park and Dublin Zoo
Created : 19 Apr 2024, 11:36 AM
Archived : 19 Jun 2024, 12:00 AM

Our 3rd Years carried out their Ecology Field Study in the Phoenix Park as well as a Conservation Workshop in Dublin Zoo. Many thanks to all students for showing impeccable manners and politeness. Also thank you to all the science teachers and Ms. Phibbs for your help on the day. A fun and educational day out. 


Ms. Houlihan

Meitheal Leaders 1st Year Football Tournament Raises €400 for Ulemu Project in Malawi
Created : 18 Apr 2024, 4:45 PM
Archived : 18 Jun 2024, 12:00 AM

The Meitheal Leaders ran a football tournament for 1st Years before Easter to raise money for the Ulemu Project in Malawi. Thank you to the Meitheal Leaders for organising this fundraising event and to the 1st Years who contributed to it. Well done to Sam Sheil who was awarded Player of the Tournament.


Naas CBS are sending €400 directly to the people of Malawi which will be spent on food and medication. The Meitheal schools in the Kildare and Leighlin Diocese raised over €6000* collectively for the Ulemu Project. 


With this money, a daily meal is provided for 300 children in eight pre-school nurseries during the hunger season - the months before the harvest is ready. The money also funds the testing and treatment of Malaria at a local clinic so that people suffering with the illness do not have to make the 7km round trip on foot to the nearest health clinic.


Please click on the link below to hear from the founder of the Ulemu Project, Evin Joyce who lives in Malawi and works on the ground helping the local people. Listening to Evin, it is clear that even a small fundraising effort can make such a positive difference to the lives of people who are so badly off.



*€3000 was raised at the time the video was recorded.




Ms. M. Murphy

(Meitheal Coordinator)

Students Attend a Demonstration of Robotics Soccer by RoboIreland Team
Created : 18 Apr 2024, 9:55 AM
Archived : 18 Jun 2024, 12:00 AM
Many thanks to Naas Library for facilitating a demonstration from Maynooth University's RoboIreland Team - the only robotics soccer team in Ireland to enter the Robocup. Both our LEGO and VEX Robotics Teams, along with some of our T.Y. students really enjoyed hearing about the design of the robots and watching them play without any human intervention. It was a fantastic afternoon.
Ms. Fennell and Mr. Coy
VEX Robotics Competition
Created : 18 Apr 2024, 9:49 AM
Archived : 18 Jun 2024, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to our VEX Robotics Team who performed extremely well when they travelled to Goatstown Educate Together Secondary School on Tuesday for a 'friendly' competition. The team won all three challenges and showed great resilience having to think on the spot and adapt the robot to suit each game. Well done lads.
Ms. Fennell
T.Y. Mountain Biking and Hiking
Created : 17 Apr 2024, 10:52 AM
Archived : 17 Jun 2024, 12:00 AM

T.Y. students went hiking and mountain biking yesterday and had a wonderful day in the Sliabh Bloom Mountains at Kinnity along with Mr. Noone, Ms. Fleming and Ms. Ward.


Mr. Noone

Attendance Notes
Created : 16 Apr 2024, 3:28 PM
Archived : 16 Jun 2024, 12:00 AM
Going forward all Attendance Notes (Absence, Late and Permission To Leave) must be sent through your Meánscoil Iognáid Rís App before 08:30 am.  This will allow school staff time to process your form(s).  Forms submitted after 08:30 may not be processed until the following day. 
Students are to present themselves at the school office where a member of staff will confirm their permissions and sign them out.
Please see attached PDF on how to use the app to submit attendance information about your student(s).

Racism Awareness Week
Created : 15 Apr 2024, 4:01 PM
Archived : 15 Jun 2024, 12:00 AM

Last week there was a busy programme of events, speakers and workshops as part of Racism Awareness Week. A number of teachers also took time during regular class activities to investigate connections with Racism and the importance of solidarity with people in a minority or excluded as represented in their subject.


On Tuesday Mr. Travers officially opened the streets of Naas CBS at the 2nd Year assembly. All of the corridors in the school were attributed street names for the week through the work of 2nd Year CSPE classes. The street names celebrated people, events, organisations or movies related to Racism. Passing through the streets and reading the information pages with them provided lots of learning opportunities to the school community.


On Tuesday and Wednesday Sport Against Racism Ireland (SARI) worked with 2nd Years through sport to learn important messages of inclusion and not allowing themselves to be too easily influenced in their behaviour or attitudes.


On Tuesday the 5th Year classes were invited to talks and workshops with the Kildare Traveller Action Group who presented three talks to the boys to learn a little about Traveller culture and their experience of discrimination in Ireland.


On Thursday Marton from Show Racism the Red Card addressed the 1st Year assembly and presented workshops with classes 1A and 1E in the library. Marton helped the 1st Years come to a better understanding of some of the key words, statistics and stereotypes associated with Racism. On Thursday also Cybsil from the Movement of Asylum Seekers Ireland (MASI) worked with T.Y. students and some 6th Years to learn a little about the challenge of Asylum in Ireland. This talk also emphasised how living true to the values and ethos of our school would leave little room for discrimination or Racism to exist.


We hope that the activities and displays around the school have helped our students to learn more about Racism and has encouraged them to show solidarity to those on the margins of our society in school and the wider community. A special thank you to Ms. Fennell’s 2nd Year groups and Ms. Cowper’s art classes who created wonderful displays for the assembly hall.


Mr. Stephens

Naas CBS Students Runners-Up in the IAMTA Junior Problem Solving Final
Created : 15 Apr 2024, 2:46 PM
Archived : 15 Jun 2024, 12:00 AM
A huge well done to Derec Mooney (T.Y.), Shane Codd (T.Y.), Cian Lawlor (3F) and Oisin Tuohy (3D) who competed in the IAMTA Junior Problem Solving Final on Saturday. The boys did a phenomenal job and were only six questions out from the winners. Congratulations Derec, Shane, Cian and Oisin. We are very proud of each of you.
Ms. Bird
TY Parents Evening 2024
Created : 12 Apr 2024, 11:11 AM
Archived : 12 Jun 2024, 12:00 AM

It was a pleasure to welcome parents of our Transition Year group into the school last night as part of our TY Parents Evening.

Our TY students put together an exhibition showcasing many of the areas that are incorporated into our TY programme.

The lads also presented some of their portfolio to their parents, peers and teachers. I have received fantastic feedback about the quality of these presentations and I am hugely grateful to our students for the effort they put into the evening.

I want to take this opportunity to thank parents for their continued support. Without this, the year would not be in any way as successful as it is.

A huge thank you is also owed to Mr.Travers and the management team, the  teachers and support staff of our TY group who are so dedicated to the students, the caretakers Anthony, Alan & Timmy who are always on hand to help, and the school secretaries who do so much work behind the scenes.

I have included some images from the evening for you to view.

Thanks again,
