Displaying 1301-1310 of 1739 results.
TY German Exchange
Created : 09 Dec 2019, 7:44 PM
Archived : 10 Feb 2020, 12:00 AM
On the last day of the exchange students and teachers alike enjoy a day in Bregenz, on the nearby mountain Pfänder and in front of the Rigoletto stage. Ms.Lonergan
Christmas Reports - VSWare
Created : 09 Dec 2019, 4:19 PM
Archived : 09 Feb 2020, 12:00 AM
Christmas Reports can only be accessed through VSWare on the school app. Due to GDPR regulations all parents must now generate their own password for access to VSWare. The username for your son's account will not change. This username will be text home this evening. Once you have received your username please log into naascbs.vsware.ie and click 'Create/Reset Password' (as indicated in the image below). You will be asked to enter the last four digits of your mobile phone number to proceed, this is the phone number of the main contact on our school system. Please note, your new password must be at least 8 characters long and include a capital letter, a digit and a special character e.g. @!?. If you have any issues logging into VSWare please contact the school. Can I also please remind parents to upgrade the school app to the newest version V5 if you have not already done so. Many thanks, Ms. Power
Transition Year Christmas Interviews
Created : 09 Dec 2019, 1:09 PM
Archived : 09 Feb 2020, 12:00 AM
Hi All, Just a note on upcoming Transition Year Christmas Portfolio assessment and interviews which will start on Monday 16th December. Interview Timetable is attached as pdf. along with other relevant documents that will be given out to the boys before Friday. If absent, then you need to print out, Project List sheet and Goals and Achievements Sheet to be completed before coming in for Pre- Interview Check. NB.. All students must report to Room 2/15, 25 minutes before their Interview time. This is to 1. Grade Journals 2. Check in 6 Graded Projects 3. Check Goals and Achievements sheet 4. Check off School record Remember that TY assessment is based on 3 compulsory work pieces that you must have. (i) Up to Date School Journal.. General Completion.. Record of Learning.. Guest Speakers.. Trips and Activities.. Workshops etc.. (ii) Completed Part I of Work Experience Project (iii) Minimum 15 diary entries in your online Gaisce Account. The remainder of the Christmas Assessment is based on (iv) Portfolio Interview on 6 Student selected projects (v) General Interview (vi) School Record and VS Ware Teacher Reports Good Luck to all... Niall Rennick


Rag Day - Friday 13th Dec
Created : 09 Dec 2019, 12:07 PM
Archived : 09 Feb 2020, 12:00 AM
Our Christmas jumper themed rag day will take place this Friday 13th December. The cost is €3 per student and all money raised will go to the St Vincent de Paul.
TY German Exchange
Created : 06 Dec 2019, 4:34 PM
Archived : 09 Feb 2020, 12:00 AM
A few snapshots from Germany. The boys are enjoying German Kaffee und Kuchen and Christmas Markets
Outstanding Junior Cycle Results 2019
Created : 06 Dec 2019, 11:02 AM
Archived : 06 Feb 2020, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to the following students who received certificates this week for achieving outstanding results in the Junior Cycle exams 2019. (Back Row - From left to right) James O'Loughlin, Daniel Glancy, Sam Dunne, Eoghan Murphy, Daire Guerin, Conor Smyth, Louis Sheedy, Peter Cowley, Daniel Fallon (Front Row - From Left to right) Dylan Gregory, Robert Hartnett, Ciaran Duff, James Whittaker, Dara Carpenter, Daire O'Brien, Oscar Cawley, Conor Keane, Lorcan Duffy Absent for the photo: Odhran Kelly, Samuel Gammell, Niall Murray, Ross Sheridan, David Cronin, Daniel Lenehan, Dara McGettrick, Niall O'Gallchobhair and Conor O'Brien. Well done again to all students
School Reports
Created : 04 Dec 2019, 8:56 AM
Archived : 06 Feb 2020, 12:00 AM
School Reports will be available for parents to view in January through our VSWare system only. An example of where the VSWare tab is located on the school app is visible below. VSWare enables parents to view their son's timetable, attendance and school reports. It is imperative that every parent has access to this system. In order to ensure that you have access please update the school app on your phone to the newest version V5. The new V5 will require you to enter your phone number and if successfully matched with our school records an activation code will be text to your phone. You will be prompted to enter the digits of this activation code into the app and then your account will be activated. If you experience any issues when logging in please email support@uniqueschools.ie Please ensure that you hit the 'login' button as opposed to the 'registration' button when updating the app on your phone. Due to new GDPR regulations VSWare will no longer pre-populate passwords for VSWare. A text from the school containing the username for VSWare will be sent to every parent on Monday 9th December. Further information about creating a password for VSWare login will be sent via the app on Monday. Many thanks, Ms Power
Amnesty Bake Sale
Created : 05 Dec 2019, 4:32 PM
Archived : 05 Feb 2020, 12:00 AM
Today's bake sale was a huge success. Thank you to everyone who contributed. A total of €368 was collected. This money will go towards buying Christmas gifts for 33 children currently living in direct provision in Newbridge. We also had a guest speaker into the school yesterday to speak to the different year groups about her experiences in direct provision and the challenges she is facing seeking refugee status. Many thanks to Mr Coy and Ms Kearns for all their work with this project
Prefects 2019 - 2020
Created : 05 Dec 2019, 9:07 AM
Archived : 05 Feb 2020, 12:00 AM
Our prefects are leading various areas of school life. Their roles include running lunchtime activities, collecting for rag days, editing the school newsletter, supervising in the library and shop, organising the sports gear and lost and found. Missing from photo: Josh Brennan, Killian Hughes, Alex Murphy, Kenan Recto Well done on all the great work to date. Ms.Murphy (Prefect Co-Ordinator)
Meitheal Leaders 2019-2020
Created : 05 Dec 2019, 8:55 AM
Archived : 05 Feb 2020, 12:00 AM
The Meitheal Leaders are doing fabulous work in organising social events for 1st Years and supporting their most junior peers. In August, the Meitheal Team were involved in the Transfer Programme; working alongside Form Teachers to help the 1st Years' transition into secondary school. To date, they have organised a table quiz and the 1st Year Disco with St. Mary's, aswell as checking in regularly with their 1st Year form classes. The 1st Years can look forward to a cinema trip after Christmas! Back: (L to R) Ms. Murphy (Meitheal Co-Ordinator), Billy Egan, Eoghan Kelly, Tom McMahon, Fiachra McManus, Joe Eustace, Mr. Travers (Principal) Front: (L to R) Rossa Stapleton, Eoin Valentine, Sean O' Rourke, Matthew Cusack, Charles Choiseul