Displaying 621-630 of 1746 results.
Message from The Student Council
Created : 25 Jan 2022, 4:43 PM
Archived : 25 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Students and Parents, The Student Council will be in the assembly on Wednesday during lunch from 1.00pm to 1.30pm, to answer questions and take suggestions. All students are welcome to come and talk to their year's representatives about what they would like to see happen or changed around the school. If a student or parent would like to make a suggestion and cannot make it on Wednesday, the suggestion box is always open. We hope to see you there!
Green Schools Newsletter
Created : 25 Jan 2022, 4:41 PM
Archived : 25 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Well done to the Green Schools Committee for their great work to date. Please follow the link to their newsletter which details Green Schools initiatives and the contributions made to the school. Well done to all involved! t.co/sqp0ApXd9F t.co/AgLHWEspVk
Win for 1st Year Cross Country Team
Created : 24 Jan 2022, 1:32 PM
Archived : 24 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Maynooth University GAA Scholarships Webinar
Created : 24 Jan 2022, 1:26 PM
Archived : 24 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
The Maynooth University Admissions department are hosting a MULive webinar this Wednesday 26th Jan at 7.30pm-8.30pm. This weeks session is specifically targeted at incoming first years interested in learning all about the MUGAA High performance scholarship programme. The webinar will be an opportunity to find out all of the information you will need to apply for the GAA scholarship programme in Maynooth and to hear about the support services offered to our scholars students. Mary Kate Lynch, All Star full back with Meath Senior Ladies all Ireland winning team 2021, will talk about her experience as a MUGAA Scholar on this webinar. There will be a Q&A at the end of the webinar. Book a place at this webinar via: mu.ie/mulive Or go directly to the booking form via: app.geckoform.com/public/#/modern/FOEU025bq8bJxTEm Mr. Joyce
Senior Footballers Through to Leinster Semi-Final
Created : 24 Jan 2022, 12:31 PM
Archived : 24 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Senior Gaelic match tomorrow.
Created : 21 Jan 2022, 12:45 PM
Archived : 21 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians, I want take the opportunity to wish our Senior footballers the best of luck in their Leinster quarter final replay in Kinnegad tomorrow. We are also grateful for the wonderful support we get from the whole school community. Some of you will travel with your sons to the game tomorrow and we are delighted to see that. Some of the lads are travelling by bus which they have organised themselves. I just want to let parents know that the buses are not organised by the school and are not supervised by our teachers. I have no issue with the lads travelling, but that's a decision for you. They will represent themselves, their families and the school and it's vital that the lads uphold the excellent behaviour for which the school is renowned. I have spoken with the lads this morning and if your son is travelling by bus I would appreciate if you could also have that conversation with him. Many thanks for your continued support, Ben Travers
Evening Study for 2nd, 3rd and 5th Years
Created : 18 Jan 2022, 1:14 PM
Archived : 18 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Study will begin for 2nd, 3rd and 5th Years next Monday 24/1/22. Evening study (Mon-Thurs) begins at 4.15 and finishes at 6.15. Friday study begins at 2.00 and finishes at 4.00. A breakdown of prices for study is outlined below: Option 1: Monday – Thursday (Evening only: 4 sessions per week) = €255 Option 2: Monday – Friday (Evening only: 5 sessions per week) = €315 Students who opt for option 1 or 2 will be accommodated first. If there are spaces, students who want to do individual evenings may be facilitated in the coming weeks. Any student who has a sibling who will also be signing up to study this year, please contact Mr. Joyce through email rj@naascbs.ie and we will arrange a sibling discount. Study is paid for through the school app similar to the school fees at the beginning of the year. This will be the only method of signing up. Please find the attached rules for study. R. Joyce (Study Co-ordinator)
Congrats to the Naas Senior Hurling Team
Created : 17 Jan 2022, 8:45 AM
Archived : 17 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Congrats to the Naas Senior Hurlers on winning the Leinster Championship yesterday! Well done to Mr. Whelan and all our past-pupils on the team. Huge achievement and a proud day for the club!
Senior Football Win
Created : 17 Jan 2022, 8:36 AM
Archived : 17 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Our Senior Footballers had a good win over Marist College, Athlone in the Leinster Quarter-Final in Kinnegad on Saturday. The final score was 3-13 to 3-9. Well done to all involved!
Seachtain na Gaeilge
Created : 14 Mar 2022, 12:15 PM
Archived : 16 Mar 2022, 2:10 PM