Displaying 831-840 of 1125 results.
Catholic Schools Week 2021
Created : 25 Jan 2021, 7:08 PM
Archived : 27 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
The theme for Wednesday is Love. #CSW2021 #catholicschoolsweek
18 year old Lewis Leigh from Wales went viral when he taught his 76 year old Nan a Tik Tok dance after delivering her groceries to her during Covid-19. youtu.be/XbgO-bOxOoI
PE Department Competition
Created : 26 Jan 2021, 4:38 PM
Archived : 26 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Two competitions are being run by the PE Department. They are:
1. Walking
2. Running.
Students must record their daily totals and submit to elongauer@mountcarmel.ie or gsouza@mountcarmel.ie every Monday by 8.40am to be in with a chance of some good prizes.
Weekly results must be submitted by screenshot of an app that tracks walking or jogging (free apps include Google Fit, MapMyWalk etc.).
Winners will be announced every Monday. Each year group is in with a chance of a separate prize!!
Best of luck!
Programme Choice Meeting 3rd Year/TY
Created : 26 Jan 2021, 4:05 PM
Archived : 26 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/guardians of 3rd year and TY students, we will have a Programme Choice Meeting on Thursday 28th January at 7pm on Zoom. A link has been sent to your phone. Please see poster attached for details.
Yoga Nidra for 6th Years
Created : 26 Jan 2021, 7:47 AM
Archived : 26 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
A reminder that our 6th year students are invited to a Yoga Nidra session today at 11am via Zoom. This is a guided meditation session designed to help with mindfulness, to ease anxiety, and improve mental wellbeing. #mentalhealth #mindfullness
Created : 26 Jan 2021, 7:41 AM
Archived : 26 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Its never been more important to look after our mental health and wellbeing
Catholic Schools Week 2021
Created : 25 Jan 2021, 6:50 PM
Archived : 26 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
The theme for this year's Catholic Schools Week is: Communities of Faith & Resilience.
The theme for Tuesday is Community. #CSW2021 #catholicschoolsweek
Catholic Schools Week 2021
Created : 25 Jan 2021, 6:41 PM
Archived : 25 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
The theme for this year's Catholic Schools Week is: Communities of Faith & Resilience.
The theme for Monday is Faith. #CSW2021 #catholicschoolsweek
Week 3 of Remote Teaching & Learning
Created : 25 Jan 2021, 5:21 PM
Archived : 25 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Week 3 of T&L begins tomorrow Tuesday January 26th at 8.40am. We would ask you to support and help guide your student through this experience. We feel that it is very important that students keep to the structure of the school day. They are expected to follow the school timetable. Teachers will either be on live, have left an assignment or pre_recorded lessons and notes in the 'Files' section of MS Teams. This experience can be overwhelming so we continue to be on hand to offer as much support as we can to help. Stay safe & mind yourselves.
Well done!
Created : 22 Jan 2021, 1:54 PM
Archived : 22 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/guardians, I just want to say well done to all the students in Mount Carmel who have engaged so well with our remote learning in this lockdown. The teachers are very impressed with high levels of engagement from students! Remember we are off school on Monday 25th January, as per our calendar, and classes will resume for week 3 of online learning on Tuesday 26th January at 8.40am. May I take this opportunity to wish the entire school community a safe & restful weekend. Best Wishes, Deirdre Fitzgerald.
TY Writing Workshop
Created : 22 Jan 2021, 9:30 AM
Archived : 22 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
4th Year
Trinity College Dublin are offering our TY students a fantastic opportunity to develop their writing skills! There wil be TY Writer's Retreat hosted by Fighting Words via Zoom, designed for students who are drawn to Creative Writing and other topics such as songwriting, screenwriting, poetry and graphic novels. This will take place Wednesday, February 3rd, 2021. 10 am - 5 pm. Contact TY Year Head Mr Coleman for further details!