Displaying 821-830 of 1125 results.
Time Table
Created : 01 Feb 2021, 12:33 PM
Archived : 01 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/guardians, as we continue with remote learning, please remind your student that they should follow their timetable. This means they should log into the MS Team of the subject that they have every 40 minutes. Students may wish to use their student journal to log homework and keep track of assignments. Thank you
Drop and Do Teams
Created : 31 Jan 2021, 2:24 PM
Archived : 31 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
See enclosed a step-by-step picture guide on how to access MS Teams on a variety of devices. Parents/Guardians, help us to help you. #stayconnected #remotelearning #askforhelp @mountcarmel18

Catholic Schools Week 2021
Created : 25 Jan 2021, 7:47 PM
Archived : 29 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
The theme for Friday is Hope. #CSW2021 #catholicschoolsweek
Programme Choice Meeting
Created : 28 Jan 2021, 6:01 PM
Archived : 28 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Reminder: programme choice meeting for all 3rd year and TY students & parents, is on this evening at 7pm. We look forward to seeing you online.
Created : 28 Jan 2021, 1:07 PM
Archived : 28 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
We are delighted to announce, with pride, that a past student, Amina Gutsaeva, has been awarded the Trinity College Dublin Entrance Exhibition Award 2020/2021. The awards go to the students accepted into the first year of a full-time undergraduate degree programme who achieve the highest points among Trinity entrants from their secondary school, above a minimum of 500 CAO points (or equivalent). #congratulations #rolemodel #talented
Created : 28 Jan 2021, 9:19 AM
Archived : 28 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
During lockdown we are running a drawing challenge from our JCSP Library, called Inkdown! A daily prompt is posted on the Library Team for inspiration. Students can share their drawings there too, there'll be plenty of great prizes at the end! Some amazing entries already!
Catholic Schools Week 2021
Created : 25 Jan 2021, 7:33 PM
Archived : 28 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
The theme for Thursday is Challenges . #CSW2021 #catholicschoolsweek If we stick together, we can beat this #stayhome #staysafe
Reading for Pleasure
Created : 27 Jan 2021, 5:48 PM
Archived : 27 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Lockdown offers a great opportunity to catch up on some reading during these dark evenings. Our students are keeping up their reading for pleasure, and are using the SORA app to access a range of books, some which are pictured below!
Write your own Play!
Created : 27 Jan 2021, 5:40 PM
Archived : 27 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Attention all budding writers! JCSP is offering our students a fantastic opportunity to showcase their writing skills with a challenge to write a play-see the details below! @jcsplibraries @mtcarmellib
2km Photography Challenge!
Created : 27 Jan 2021, 9:16 AM
Archived : 27 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
JCSP Libraries are launching a 2km Photography Challenge for the month of February! Take a daily photo inspired by the 2km Photography Challenge prompts using your camera or phone. The prompt list will be announced on Monday and prompts will also be posted daily on the Library Team. Share your photos with the librarians to be in with a chance to win some prizes