Displaying 101-110 of 1069 results.
Happiness Week
Created : 18 Dec 2023, 1:53 PM
Archived : 18 Feb 2024, 12:00 AM

Today marks the start of Happiness Week in our School! We have lots of activities planned to get our students into the festive spirit. Day 1 Schedule: Deck your Door Competition Riddle of the Day Find Jingles the Elf Hot Chocolate Class for 1st year students

TYs visit Microsoft for STEM Day 2
Created : 11 Dec 2023, 9:16 PM
Archived : 15 Feb 2024, 12:00 AM
Last week our TY students completed Day 2 of their STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) Passport workshops, at Microsoft Dreamspace in Leopardstown. Students did coding, visited their AI (Artificial Intelligence) workshop and were mentored by the staff about job roles within the company. Students also got a tour of the building.  A big thanks again to the staff of Maynooth University who organised the trip and to Microsoft for facilitating and running the workshop.
Reminder: Christmas Jumper Day Fundraiser (Monday Dec 18th) for Laura Lynn
Created : 11 Dec 2023, 9:05 AM
Archived : 15 Feb 2024, 12:00 AM

The school is having a  Christmas Jumper Day fundraiser for Laura Lynn, on Mon Dec 18th. If stu dents don’t have a Christmas jumper, no worries... they can just wear something red/green or simply decorate an old jumper with something festive like tinsel instead. You can wear your school tracksuit either and add a Santa hat, colourful hijab or red nails! Think festive! 

If anyone would like to make a donation online, the link is: https://www.idonate.ie/fundraiser/MountCarmel . 

Many thanks

HSE Flu Vaccine Message
Created : 13 Dec 2023, 11:35 AM
Archived : 13 Feb 2024, 12:00 AM

Dear Parents/Guardian,

Please see important from the HSE below and in the attached.


All children aged 2-17 can get the free flu vaccine.


The nasal flu vaccine is available until the middle of February 2024 for children aged 2-17. Participating GP practices and Pharmacies are giving the vaccine for free. It is given as a spray up the nose, there is no need for an injection. It is a safe, easy and pain free way to help protect children against flu this winter.


Flu can be serious in children

Children are twice as likely to get the flu then adults. While most children who get the flu will have mild symptoms, some children can get complications such as pneumonia or bronchitis and may need to go to hospital. Children, especially younger children, are also more likely than adults to get severe complications of flu. Flu can cause serious illness in children, and children with chronic health conditions are most at risk of severe complications of flu.

Symptoms of flu in children include

·          High temperature

·          Muscle pains

·          Headache

·          Extreme tiredness (fatigue)


Children also carry the flu virus in their system longer than adults do. They can spread the flu virus easily to other children, in day-care centres and schools, and to older and vulnerable people around them. Supporting the flu campaign this year The flu vaccine is the best protection we have against flu. We would appreciate it if you could help to promote flu facts and the vaccine with parents.


You may also find the following resources helpful:

·       HSE flu website: [www.hse.ie/flu]www.hse.ie/flu. It also contains further information about the flu vaccines available this year (including the injectable flu vaccines for adults) and all those who are recommended the flu vaccine

·       Information leaflet for parents (in English and translations available on the flu website): https://bit.ly/47EbLmy

·       Poster on the Children’s Flu vaccine (in English and Irish translation available on the flu website): https://bit.ly/3uEhM3S



As always, we thank you for your support for the flu vaccination programme.


Yours Sincerely,

Dr Aparna Keegan

Consultant in Public Health Medicine (Chair of the HSE National Flu Steering Group)

National Immunisation Office MRCN 430289


TY attend PWC / SavvyTeenAcademy Work Experience Week
Created : 10 Dec 2023, 5:37 PM
Archived : 10 Feb 2024, 12:00 AM

Some of our TY students recently attended a work experience week, organised by SavvyTeenAcademy and hosted by PWC, at their workplace. They learned to improve their communication and presentation skills and found out the educational background of staff working there and their different job roles. Students commented that it would be a nice place to work, the food was delicious, and they were all made feel very welcome. A big thanks to all the staff of both SavvyTeenAcademy and PWC, for the very enjoyable week.


Exam Week 11th-18th December
Created : 08 Dec 2023, 1:30 PM
Archived : 08 Feb 2024, 12:00 AM

Dear Parents/Guardians,


Next week see the beginning of our Christmas Assessments. This is a good chance to see the progress of all of our students. Please see attached the exam timetables for each year group. It is very important that students attend for their examinations and follow their timetable.

The canteen is operating as normal. We would ask that all students have their order into the canteen in the morning, so their lunch order is ready for collection each lunchtime! 

Encourage you daughter to have a good study routine and do their revision each night (phones away!). This will ensure that they are giving their maximum effort and the results will show this. 

Best of luck to all the students taking exams.


Warm regards,

Deirdre Fitzgerald 

Created : 08 Dec 2023, 11:17 AM
Archived : 08 Feb 2024, 12:00 AM

Dear Parents/Guardians/Students


Attached you will find a newsletter for children and young people about the work of the Inspectorate as it relates to 2023-2024. 


Kind regards,

Yvonne Keating

Chief Inspector        

Another successful day for our Badminton team in Baldoyle
Created : 04 Dec 2023, 1:31 PM
Archived : 04 Feb 2024, 12:00 AM
A very successful day in the Baldoyle Centre against Holyfaith Clontarf. U14 team won their match 6:0 and 4:2, U16 won 6:0 and U19 drew 3:3. Well done!
Christmas Wreath & Craft Class
Created : 04 Dec 2023, 10:02 AM
Archived : 04 Feb 2024, 12:00 AM
Please join us on Tuesday 19th Dec for Christmas Wreath making & craft workshop for Parents from 10-12. All welcome. 

Places are limited so please text Katie (HSCL) on 0860200299 to book your spot. 

Mince pies, tea& coffee will be provided to help spread the festive cheer! 

JCSP Library 20th Anniversary
Created : 01 Dec 2023, 10:02 PM
Archived : 03 Feb 2024, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to JCSP Libraries who are celebrating their 20th Birthday! We enjoyed a wonderful event in Trinity Comprehensive College with our former Librarian Neasa McHale and minister Norma Foley. Thank you to Siobhain & Jenny from Mount Carmel library for everything you do for the staff & students of Mount Carmel.