Displaying 721-730 of 2243 results.
1D enjoy visiting Kilcullen Nativity Exhibition
Created : 02 Dec 2022, 3:20 PM
Archived : 02 Feb 2023, 12:00 AM
A wonderful way to begin Christmas preparations is a visit to the Kilcullen Nativity Exhibition which has been organised by Lorraine Hegarty Kelly. 1D visited today and were very impressed at the extraordinary collection of over 150 cribs from around the world on display. The exhibition continues until 4pm on Sunday next, 4th December. Donations in aid of St Vincent de Paul and Kilcullen Parish are welcome. To get a sneak preview please go to The Kilcullen Diary video showing a small selection of the cribs at www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqIrm27fy-M
AsIAm Autism Friendly Schools Project Decorate your Door Competition
Created : 02 Dec 2022, 10:59 AM
Archived : 02 Feb 2023, 12:00 AM
As part of the AsIam Autism Friendly Schools Project we are raising awareness for autism and AsIAm, Ireland's National Autism charity. 4D Students Libby Salmon, Niamh hourihan, Sarah Coyne, Sadhbh Keegan-Tracey, Sadhbh Brady and Aine Hayes will be organising an Autism Friendly ‘Decorate your Classroom Door’ competition for all year groups. It will run from Monday next, 5th December with judging taking place on Tuesday 13th December. This is one of a number of activities we are running over the next two weeks to raise awareness and funds. If you would like to learn more about Autism please go to www.asiam.ie and/ or watch this video ‘Amazing Things Happen’ www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbwRrVw-CRo&t=2s
An Irish Breakfast prepared by the 5th year LCA class
Created : 01 Dec 2022, 10:37 PM
Archived : 31 Jan 2023, 12:00 AM
Today the 5th year LCA class as part of a Key Assignment had to organise a catering event and work as a team They planned, prepared and served a full Irish Breakfast for their class. A fantastic job was done by all.students and they enjoyed eating what they had prepared afterwards. This class is doing fantastic work in their HCT class and in particular the cookery module. Welll done to all the students and their teacher Ms O Malley. Ms Mills
3rd Year Students of the Month- November
Created : 01 Dec 2022, 10:20 PM
Archived : 31 Jan 2023, 12:00 AM
Well done to the following 3rd Year Students of the Month for November as voted for by their teachers. 3A Noah Mahon Max Tynan Mia Finglas 3B Niamh Liston Darragh Maher 3C EmmaRedmond Mikey Artur 3D Joseph Hayes Shantayan Banerjee 3E Jamie Griffin Sophie Rusk 3F Sam Gaynor Shauna Finnegan A fantastic group of students. Well done all. We are very proud of you Ms. Mills
TY Full Attendance Awards
Created : 01 Dec 2022, 5:55 AM
Archived : 31 Jan 2023, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to the TY students who received Certificates in acknowledgement of their Full Attendance for the months of September and October.
Grace O' Toole -Shannon College of Hotel Management
Created : 30 Nov 2022, 12:38 PM
Archived : 30 Jan 2023, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to Grace O’Toole, Class of 2020, who is currently studying Commerce in Hospitality Management, at Shannon College of Hotel Management. Grace has been selected to represent the college at this year’s EM Cup (European Mise en Place Competition). The competition takes place in Maastrict in February. It offers students the opportunity to build networks with members of the industry all over Europe, develop their public speaking and marketing skills, as well as stretching them outside of their comfort zones! The college has built a great reputation for itself in the competition, winning most recently in 2019. As part of the judging process, Grace has been tasked with running a social media page for the team and creating a “rumour around our brand”. A portion of the overall marks is allocated to their social media interaction. We would appreciate it if you could support Grace and her team by following their Instagram page if you have an account, which is: @shannons_roots_emcup2023. Here, you can follow their journey to Maastricht and learn more about the college and competition. Thank you K Harney
3rd Year Study Skills Workshops
Created : 29 Nov 2022, 6:35 PM
Archived : 29 Jan 2023, 12:00 AM
Third Year students attended Study Skills Workshops today. These workshops were full of practical and useful information on how to study effectively. Each student received a Study Journal that they can use to plan and track their study going forward.. All students should now better understand how they learn and how to plan their study schedule. Wishing all students success with preparation for their Mock Exams. Ms Mills
Literacy Audit
Created : 29 Nov 2022, 4:28 PM
Archived : 29 Jan 2023, 12:00 AM
Developing our students' literacy skills is a key concern for us here in Cross and Passion College. We believe that good literacy enables our students to fully participate in society and reach their full potential. The Literacy team would appreciate your feedback from this questionnaire to help us with our future planning and assess our current situation. We estimate it will take about 7 minutes to complete this questionnaire. Many thanks for giving us your time. Ms.Burke on behalf of the Literacy Team. docs.google.com/forms/d/1gGtixgLeGD-bK1VvEIxH-G28CHg8iU-qWzcrGkrJMRE/edit?usp=drive_web
DCU Anti-Bullying Centre - Bystander Behaviour Online Research Survey
Created : 23 Jan 2023, 1:03 PM
Archived : 28 Jan 2023, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian, I hope this email finds you well. I am contacting schools to invite them to participate in a nationwide online research survey developed by the Anti-Bullying Centre at Dublin City University in association with Webwise. The Centre hosts the UNESCO Chair on Bullying and Cyberbullying and the Irish Research Observatory in Cyberbullying, Cyberhate and Online harassment. Parents/guardians of post primary students in your school provide their consent (via the below link) for their child(ren) to participate in the survey. Bystander Behaviour Online Research Survey - DCU Anti-Bullying Centre dcueducation.fra1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cwJ0DOfyvfkVJps The survey is fully automated, confidential and anonymous - upon the parent/guardian opening the survey link, they will be presented with a Plain Language Statement providing them an overview of the research survey and its objective. They will then provide their parental consent confirming their agreement for their child(ren) to participate in the research survey. The parent/guardian will then share the survey with their child(ren). Similarly, the child(ren) will also read the students' Plain Language Statement and provide their assent to participate in the survey - they will then complete and submit their responses online to the survey. The above will automatically route to ourselves. What this survey is about The research survey is about how teenagers respond when they witness or learn about someone being bullied online. What we ask of you We seek to invite the students of your school to participate in this research. To that end, we very kindly ask you to make the survey link available to the parents/guardians via the school app or whatever method your school communicates with parents / guardians of your students. The deadline for completion of the survey is Friday 27th January. Thank you in anticipation of your school's participation in this research. Your contribution and collaboration is invaluable. With Very Best Wishes Angela - DCU Anti-Bullying Centre
Selection Box Collection for Portlaoise Action to Homelessness
Created : 28 Nov 2022, 8:09 PM
Archived : 28 Jan 2023, 12:00 AM
Well done to James Deane 6L for organising a collection of selection boxes for P.A.T.H. to distribute to homeless families for Christmas.. Many thanks to all who so generously donated to this collection. P.A.T.H were very thankful to collect such a large donation that will help a number of families.