Displaying 1601-1610 of 2243 results.
Updates - April 7th
Created : 07 Apr 2020, 8:32 PM
Archived : 07 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Good evening everybody, I hope this message finds you all well in these challenging times. With the weather as beautiful as it is, I am again appealing to the entire school community to continue in the national effort to 'flatten the curve' and beat the Covid-19 virus by staying at home and maintaining social distancing. It is very tempting to meet up with friends, especially as we would normally be enjoying Easter holidays, but we must continue to listen to the expert advice which will save lives. I hope that our students are managing to find a balance during this holiday period of rest and enjoyment and some study. Perhaps you didn't quite manage to keep up with the work that your teachers had provided over the past three weeks - now is an opportunity to catch up. For our exam students, this period would have always been a key time for you to revise and prepare - difficult as it is, keep going, keep preparing. For parents, Dr Nadia Ramourtar's presentation for the parent body of a fellow Le Cheile school on positive parenting of teenagers in a time of crisis(pandemic) may be of interest to you: zoom.us/rec/share/-5VRNLv-rGVOG53xtWLwW_UeEcPoT6a8hHQa-_sPn0mHLa_wEQe2XDWhPDTGschO For all, this link brings together many of the 'free' resources which have been made available during the current crisis - a mix of fun, sport, education, entertainment etc covid19.shanehastings.eu/giveback/ Thanks to Ms Carty for recommending this short video entitled Self Compassion youtu.be/-kfUE41-JFw My thanks to Ms McDonnell for compiling the attached PDF document of useful contacts should they be required during this time. You may have heard that RTE will screen Shakespeare classics for students beginning this Saturday, see here for full details: www.rte.ie/culture/2020/0401/1127835-rte-to-screen-shakespeare-classics-for-students/ Hamlet from the Globe is available here for two weeks www.youtube.com/user/ShakespearesGlobe Some English resources available here: www.youtube.com/channel/UCpa_LRroUEUQcWZnOWS1p7A Remember Twitter, using the hashtag #edshareie , and YouTube are full of educational resources that you can dip into over the holidays. Take good care everybody. J Leonard

Mock reports now available
Created : 07 Apr 2020, 12:57 PM
Archived : 07 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians/Students, I hope everyone is keeping well and continuing to follow the advice we have been given regarding staying home, social distancing and washing hands. 3rd and 6th year mock reports are now available through VsWare. I know these are difficult times for exam students and in some cases the corrected papers may not have been seen by your teachers as they hadn't come back to the school before the closure. There could be reasons why marks are different to what you hoped for, such as questions missed out, timing issues etc. Remember that mock tests are designed to give you a sense of what the exam will be like. You will not have been as well prepared in February when you sat these as you will be in June. The revision you have done and are continuing to do will ensure that you do even better in the final exams. Take good care everyone. J Leonard
6th Year - Year Book Committee
Created : 04 Apr 2020, 11:46 AM
Archived : 06 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
The Year Book Committee are working away and would like to request the following please; They are looking for stories about: Sports Day / Competitions Results Day Musical School Tours Poland Carol Service TY (specific activities) First Day in CPC Best moment in CPC Quarantine Senior Citizens Christmas Party Any funny memories from CPC even if they are outside these topics are welcome as well. They are not looking for these to be essays, just a short paragraph to put in the Year Book.  Also, we are still looking for photos to be sent to us for the yearbook. Please email yearbookcpc2020@gmail.com Many thanks Ms Mills
Updates - April 2nd
Created : 02 Apr 2020, 2:05 PM
Archived : 02 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Good afternoon everybody, I hope you are keeping well and safe. Some of the notifications that go out on the school app are targeted to specific year groups. In order that you receive these it is important that you have selected the correct year for your son/daughter in your profile - when you open the app, click the 3 lines at the top left and click on the name that is top of that list to check details. If you make any changes be sure to click Save before leaving that page. All app notifications can be read by everyone that has the app (and by everyone on cpckilcullen.com under the News section) but you might not receive a push notification if you have selected the wrong year group for your son/daughter. For example, this week I have been in touch with 4th year parents and students to guide them in selecting subject preferences for 5th year. This is continuing through VsWare and all details and instructions were posted through the app. If you missed any of this please go back through the News & Notifications on the app from the last week. The deadline for this process is Monday 6th April. Please find attached to this notification application form and contract for those interested in Leaving Certificate Applied (For further details on this contact sabrinamills@cpckilcullen.com). Ms Mills has offered to arrange video meetings for any parents/students seeking further information on LCA (make contact through Ms Mills' email above). For 6th years, you might find this link useful: jigsawonline.ie/young-people/leaving-certificate-in-the-time-of-covid-19/ It is possibly the best piece of advice I have seen. I know it is such an uncertain time for you in particular. Ms Harney has asked me to draw all parent's attention to this important announcement: Primary and Post-Primary School Transport Scheme Applications: It should be noted that in regard to the Primary and Post-Primary School Transport Schemes, applications for School Transport for the 2020/2021 school year are currently open and can be accessed online at www.buseireann.ie/schooltransport . . The closing date for applications is Friday 24th April 2020. I want to once again thank the whole school community - students, parents and staff for your support and engagement in this extraordinary situation we are all in. The messages of support from parents have been so appreciated. I know that the staff of Cross and Passion College are working extremely hard in difficult personal and professional circumstances to ensure that we support our students in the best way possible. As we move towards the Easter holidays it is important that everyone takes a break to ensure that we tend to our own wellbeing and health and that of our families. Students would have been preparing to engage in a period of revision and rest over this period and that should continue. In the event of an extended school closure it is important that we are all refreshed and prepared for that eventuality. In the meantime I will of course keep you updated with any developments as soon as I hear them. I wish you continued good health and safety, stay home, wash your hands, save lives and support our frontline services in the amazing work they are doing. J Leonard


Attendance and Punctuality 2020
Created : 19 Dec 2019, 5:26 PM
Archived : 01 Jun 2020, 1:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians/Students, please see the attached document which outlines the procedures that will be in place from 6th January 2020 with regard to punctuality in the morning and after lunch. The vast majority of students attend on time and it is hoped that these measures will improve the punctuality of all students. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. J Leonard, Principal.

6th Year Saturday Study
Created : 10 Jan 2020, 2:26 PM
Archived : 31 May 2020, 1:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians/Students, I am delighted to say that Saturday study for 6th year students will begin tomorrow, 11th January 2020. Sincere thanks must go to our Parents' Association, who so generously volunteer to supervise, Study will run from 10am until 1pm on Saturdays (apart from holidays), providing students with a quiet place to study. I hope that those who avail of the opportunity find it beneficial. J Leonard, Principal.
Subject preferences for 5th year
Created : 31 Mar 2020, 1:58 PM
Archived : 31 May 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians/Students, thank you to those who have entered their subject preferences since my notification yesterday. Can I remind everybody that you must select a subject in each of the drop down menus in all 7 spaces in VsWare. This is essential to ensure that you don't end up with a subject that you definitely do not want. While every effort will be made to cater for your preferences, there are no guarantees that you will get all of your desired subjects. Please also remember to complete the Google Form in yesterday's notification. Mr Dowling has asked me to include a link to information on the LCVP programme, particularly the Powerpoint overview of the programme towards the bottom of the page here: pdst.ie/JCSP-TY-LCA-LCVP/LCVP If you have any further questions about LCVP please contact Mr Dowling at seandowling@cpckilcullen.com or Ms O'Malley at aoifeomalley@cpckilcullen.com Remember you have until Monday 6th April to submit preferences. Keep safe everyone J Leonard
Suggestions for reflection and prayer
Created : 30 Mar 2020, 12:03 PM
Archived : 30 May 2020, 12:00 AM
My sincere thanks to Ms J Burke for compiling the attached document with a suggested daily schedule of prayer and reflection during these extraordinary times. Ms Carty has also passed on a recommendation for the Insight Timer - Meditation App, which is free and may be useful in supporting us through these times. Best wishes J Leonard

Message from Ms McDonnell for 6th year students and parents
Created : 30 Mar 2020, 11:28 AM
Archived : 30 May 2020, 12:00 AM
Good morning everybody, I hope you are all well and managing to keep a study routine as we enter this week of distance learning. Please see the attached message from Ms McDonnell offering support and guidance to 6th year students. Keep going and stay safe J Leonard

Subject preferences for 5th year
Created : 30 Mar 2020, 11:01 AM
Archived : 30 May 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians/Students, I hope you are all well. As I mentioned last week, planning for 5th year continues and I am now inviting you to indicate your preferences for next year. 1. Please complete the Google Form here for each student: forms.gle/ZyGPHfFF6kT2Svte6 2. Please log in to VsWare (parents/guardians) Select Student Options on the left hand side, read the instructions and select subject preferences with your son/daughter from the drop down menus. A demonstration video is available here: vsware.wistia.com/medias/kr62eqh02z Please remember it is vital that you choose a subject for all spaces. Incomplete forms will not be accepted. The order of your preferences is important, please consider carefully the subjects you most want to do. This is not a race, entering preferences quickly does not impact at all on getting a subject so please take your time but be sure to enter preferences by Monday 6th April. Incomplete subject preferences will be completed on your behalf. I am attaching some information of the Leaving Certificate Applied programme. If anybody wishes to apply for a place on this programme or would like further information please contact Ms Mills at sabrinamills@cpckilcullen.com Thank you and continued good wishes to you all and your loved ones. J Leonard
