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Created : 05 Mar 2021, 9:47 AM
Archived : 05 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear students and parents/guardians, The State Examinations Commission last night published further information regarding the 2021 Leaving Certificate examinations; 1. Coursework Completion dates 2. Orals, Practicals and Music Practical Performance Test 3. Timetables 2021 4. Candidate Entries and Candidate Self Service Portal Leaving Certificate Applied The arrangements for the timing of all LCA assessments to take account of the period of school closure is currently under review by the SEC and will be included in an LCA Guide which is being finalised and will be issued to schools in the coming days. 1. Coursework Completion Dates The following information updates and replaces information about extensions in previously issued individual subject circulars for the 2021 Examinations. Coursework Leaving Certificate 2021 - Completion Date Home Economics - Completed Already LCVP Portfolio of Coursework - March 12 Economics - March 15 Design and Communication Graphics - March 19 History - April 23 Geography - April 23 Religious Education - April 23 Agricultural Science - April 23 Art - May 20 Technology - May 27 Construction Studies (project) - May 28 Home Economics (Textile Studies Elective) - May 28 The SEC will issue further guidance to schools on the requirements for each subject prior to the closing date(s) for submission. 2. Orals, Practical Skills Tests and Music Oral Examinations Oral examinations in Gaeilge and the Modern Foreign Languages will be arranged by schools during the Easter period and shortly after, outside of tuition time and subject to public health advice. Tests should be undertaken in school by a teacher of the school wherever possible. There will also be flexibility to source a teacher locally, should the need arise. The tests will be conducted by the locally appointed teacher, recorded and returned to the SEC for marking. To facilitate the orderly conduct of the marking, the tests must be held between 26 March and 15 April. Noting that the SEC will not be involved in the delivery of the tests in schools, or in the identification of teachers for this work, guidance on the conduct of these tests will be provided by the SEC no later than 15 March. Practical Performance Test in Music The Practical Performance Test in Music is planned to take place in the second week of the Easter holiday. The tests will be conducted by examiners appointed by the SEC. Running the tests outside of the school term means that there will be fewer personnel and students in the school and more space will be available for ensuring physical distancing between the candidate and the examiner. Further details on the arrangements for the tests will be provided as soon as possible, based on the public health advice. Components Not Proceeding on Public Health Grounds. It will not be possible to proceed with the day-practical examinations in Construction Studies given public health considerations. Candidates who sit the examinations in this subject will be resulted on the written and practical coursework components with the marks for the practical skills tests reallocated to the practical coursework. 3. Timetables 2021 The timetables for the written Leaving Certificate and Leaving Certificate Applied examinations in June have been published and are available on examinations.ie The following tests will take place in May with the exact date yet to be announced; LCVP Links Modules written examination; LC Computer Science final examination and LCA Information Technology (Specialism) examination. 4. Candidate Entries 2021 and Candidate Self Service Portal For 2021, the SEC has, as part of its digital strategy, introduced a facility to allow school-based Leaving Certificate candidates to confirm their subject and level entry details. The Candidate Self Service Portal (CSSP) will open for this purpose on Wednesday 10 March at 12 noon and will remain open until 6 pm on Tuesday 16 March. For candidates attending recognised schools, the portal will be pre-populated with the data entered by schools through the PPOD October returns process. This means that only those subjects which candidates have been studying in schools will be displayed on the portal. In line with the normal process, candidates will be able to add any subjects that they are studying outside of school or withdraw from subjects. Candidates will also be able to indicate whether they want to take the examinations, or to receive SEC Accredited Grades, or both. External candidates, those who entered for the examinations directly with the SEC prior to the closing date of 12 February 2021, will be asked to confirm their levels, based on the information already provided by them to the SEC, through the Candidate Portal and to make their selection of examinations, Accredited Grades or both on a subject-by-subject basis. Further details concerning arrangements for students attending recognised schools but studying subjects out of school and students studying entirely outside of schools will be available shortly. It should be noted that in both cases, for reasons of equity and fairness these students will need to be able to provide substantial evidence of their learning to be eligible for consideration for Accredited Grades. Selection of Levels It is extremely important at this stage that schools engage with candidates regarding their selection of their level in each subject. Candidates should be advised by their teachers to select the level at which they are currently studying each subject. SEC will use this information for planning purposes. We will also provide this information to schools through a turnaround document for review. Candidates will have a further opportunity at the end of April/early May to confirm their levels in each subject. At that time, candidates can also withdraw their intention to take the written examination but they will not be able to indicate their intention to sit examinations after the 16 March 2021. The level selected by candidates at the end of April/early May will be an absolutely final decision when it comes to the level – Higher, Ordinary or Foundation – in which they will receive their accredited grade in each subject. As teachers will then be in the estimation process, candidates (or schools) will not be permitted to change levels for the purpose of the accredited grades process after that time. Candidates opting to sit the examinations will be permitted to change their levels in respect of the written examinations on the day of the examination, as they are in a normal year. Candidate Numbers and Matrix Before using the Candidate Portal for the first time, candidates will be asked to create their own account and will need their examination number for this process. A matrix of Leaving Certificate candidate entries, showing the subject and level selections for each candidate, has issued to schools this week together with a set of self-adhesive labels, showing each Candidate’s Name, Date of Birth and Examination Number. When you receive this mailing, you are asked to; o Distribute the labels to each candidate o Use the level selection on the matrix to consider whether the candidate is entered at the correct level and engage with candidates as required o Check whether any candidate in the school in not on the matrix or whether any candidate appears on the matrix who has left the school. Such changes must be notified by email no later than Monday 8 March 2021. To access the portal candidates will need their Personal Identification Number as part of the verification process. For most candidates this will be the first four digits of their PPSN. As not all candidates have a PPSN recorded, we will be contacting some schools by email later this week in relation to any candidates for whom we do not have a PPSN. Schools will be asked to provide the PPSN details so that we can arrange for the candidates to have access to the portal when it opens. Candidates unable to take their examinations Some students may be at very high-risk from COVID-19; some students may be required to self isolate and/or restrict their movements for all or part of the period of the examinations; or they may have a bereavement or other medically certified illness which prevents them from sitting the examinations. Unlike in 2019, when there was an alternative sitting of the examinations for candidates who were bereaved, there will be one sitting of the 2021 Leaving Certificate. Any candidate unable to take their examinations as scheduled, for any of these reasons, will receive Accredited Grades (whether or not they have opted for Accredited Grades). I will continue to update you with information as soon as I receive it. Kind regards J Leonard
2nd Year Home Economics Bake Off Competition
Created : 03 Mar 2021, 11:33 PM
Archived : 03 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Well done to 2nd Year Home Economics students who entered the Valentines Bake off Challenge. Everything looks delicious. Super work!
TY students participate in Body Confidence Webinar and How to Program a Mini Computer Workshops
Created : 02 Mar 2021, 3:25 PM
Archived : 30 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
TY students had a very busy day in addition to their normal classes with two very interesting experiences. As it is Eating Disorder Awareness Week, BodyWhys.ie organised a very informative and positive series of speakers to share their thoughts on a range of topics such as Culture and Body Image, Social Media and Media Literacy, How running impacted upon my relationship with my body, Body Confidence in Men. We then participated in a Program a Mini Computer workshop facilitated by the Munster Technical University where we were shown how to use Microbits. It was a fascinating insight to coding and the impact it has on our daily lives.
Royal College of Surgeons Health & Happiness Course
Created : 02 Mar 2021, 8:12 AM
Archived : 30 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
The Royal College of Surgeons Ireland are running a course on health and happiness. It is open to all members of the public. If you are interested, please go to the following link. www.rcsi.com/dublin/news-and-events/news/news-article/2021/02/rcsi-launches-course-on-health-and-happiness
CPC Musical 2021
Created : 01 Mar 2021, 10:39 AM
Archived : 29 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear students and parents/guardians, please see attached an important announcement from the Music department regarding this year's musical cancellation. Obviously it is regrettable that we will not be able to put on a musical this year but unfortunately the ongoing restrictions and continuation of remote learning for TY students has led to this. I would like to thank the staff and students who have engaged so well in the process of auditioning and rehearsing in the most challenging circumstances and I have no doubt that the students will have benefitted from the experience. There will be brighter days ahead and hopefully in 2022 we will be back on stage! Kind regards J Leonard

Breast Cancer Ireland TY talk
Created : 27 Feb 2021, 3:53 PM
Archived : 29 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Nicola Turley from Breast Cancer Ireland shared her story with TY students along with a very informative talk on breast cancer signs and symptoms in addition to advice on self check. Our thanks to Nicola for joining us on Zoom.
Letters for parents/guardians
Created : 26 Feb 2021, 3:55 PM
Archived : 26 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/guardians, I attach two letters for you to read; one from Norma Foley, TD, Minister for Education and one from Dr. Ronan Glynn, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Department of Health. Kind regards J Leonard


Update for 3rd year students and parents/guardians
Created : 26 Feb 2021, 3:34 PM
Archived : 26 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear students and parents/guardians, as you know the government announced last week that the Junior Cycle examinations have been cancelled for June 2021. To date, we are still awaiting further guidance from the Department of Education as to how 3rd year students will be assessed to reflect their achievements in Junior Cycle. It is likely that the format will be similar to last year, a mixture of an in school assessment(s) and consideration of the achievements in learning throughout the 3 years of Junior Cycle to produce a result for students. This will likely form the basis for a school report which will be followed up with a state certificate of completion of the Junior Cycle years. All of this is yet to be confirmed but I wanted to give you an update given that the announcement by government is now one week ago. While we await further guidance, it is important that you continue to engage fully in remote learning in all of your subjects. As you know, plans are in place for your return to school after the Easter Holidays so it is important that you keep going in the weeks ahead until then. Your work during this period of remote learning will be part of your teachers assessment of your learning in each subject. The website below is a dedicated webpage for Junior Cycle updates. You can see below the most up to date message there is. I hope you enjoy the weekend, stay safe and I look forward to you returning when the time comes. I will update you as I receive further information. J Leonard www.gov.ie/juniorcycle This page provides information regarding planning for Junior Cycle assessment 2021 and 2022. Further information regarding arrangements will be posted here as it becomes available. Following a Government decision on 17 February, Minister for Education Norma Foley TD confirmed that the Junior Cycle examinations will not be run in 2021. Schools will be provided with guidance on continuing to engage this year group in online learning and assessment during the period of school closure and through in-person learning when schools re-open. Due to public health considerations, and the logistics of running the Leaving Certificate examinations, it is not considered feasible to run the Junior Cycle Exams 2021. This decision follows intensive engagement with education stakeholders bilaterally and through the Planning for State Examinations 2021 Advisory Group and sub-group.
IT Carlow Virtual Escape Room fun
Created : 26 Feb 2021, 12:26 PM
Archived : 26 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
TY students had a very enjoyable, although competitive experience this morning in the science based Virtual Escape Room hosted by IT Carlow. Well done to all who participated. Congratulations to our winner Ben Cahill, second place Emma Farrington, third place Cathal Stein and fourth place Tadhg Conroy.
TY students are enjoying RCSI Mini Med, Pharmacy and Physiotherapy Courses
Created : 25 Feb 2021, 10:04 AM
Archived : 25 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Many of our TY students are gaining a valuable insight to careers in Medicine, Pharmacy and Physiotherapy through fantastic courses delivered by the Royal College of Surgeons Ireland this week. From listening to esteemed professors to seeing surgeries performed, students are enjoying the opportunity to learn more about these professions.