Displaying 571-580 of 2406 results.
1st year subject preferences
Created : 15 Nov 2023, 3:24 PM
Archived : 25 Nov 2023, 12:00 AM

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I hope this email finds you all well. 
It is hard to believe that we are at that stage of the year already where we ask your son/daughter to indicate their preferences for the subjects they will continue with following the taster programme in 1st year. As you know, the students have been trying out subjects on a rotational basis since they joined us here in CPC and they are now in the final rotation having experienced all subjects. This is important as it allows students to experience the subject for a short time to see if they like it and it allows their teachers to tell them about the subject and what might lie ahead.
Each year we do our best to accommodate students with their preferences. However, please do note that some subjects will be oversubscribed. It is really important that care is taken to rank the subjects in order of preference so that hopefully students get a subject that they will be happy with. Once subjects are allocated there will be very little possibility of changes due to the resources available to us. 
From today, 15th November, you will be able to select subject preferences through VsWare. When you log in to VsWare, on your child's profile, click into 'Student Options'. Follow the instructions fully to select subject preferences for your son/daughter. Please note subject choices are not allocated on a first come first served basis - take time to talk to your son/daughter so that the correct preferences are entered. Please fill all preferences by 22nd November at the latest - if no preferences are selected then they will be assigned for you. Please complete the subject choices in order of preference. That is, the subject you would most like to do is put in 1 and the subject you would least like to do is put in 7. You must fill a choice for each number 1-7. Click Confirm when finished.
A video link to explain the selection process on VsWare is available here https://vsware.wistia.com/medias/nr3tejf165 and a read along guide is available here https://support.vsware.ie/parent-app-notes-options
Thank you for your cooperation with this process.
Kind regards
J Leonard
Mass to Bless the School Year
Created : 25 Sep 2023, 9:34 AM
Archived : 25 Nov 2023, 12:00 AM

As a school community we are delighted to be celebrating mass this coming Thursday in Kilcullen Parish Church. At 9:30am a class from each yeargroup will gather as representatives of the entire school community to  participate in a mass to bless the new school year. We would like to extend an invitation to any parent(s), grandparents or family members who might be available to attend, you would be most welcome.


Vaping and Men's Health Upcoming Webinars
Created : 10 Nov 2023, 3:51 PM
Archived : 23 Nov 2023, 12:00 AM



Please note the upcoming HSE Health and Wellbeing Webinars below on Vaping and Men’s Health as well as the ongoing Stress Control online programme. We would appreciate you sharing this information with teachers and parents who may be interested. Please email us at: healthandwellbeing.communications@hse.ie if you would like to get in touch.

 Register here to join us on Thursday 16th November, 12pm – 1.15pm, to celebrate International Men’s Day through hearing from men sharing experiences that have prompted them to become advocates for men’s health and wellbeing. We have a great line up of speakers planned who will share their expert insights into working with men and boys to make a difference.

The online Stress Control Programme is currently live for free evidenced based stress prevention and stress management to improve mental wellbeing. Following the sessions and the timetable attached. As well as the YouTube videos there are free resources available on www.stresscontrol.ie

Fergal Fox


Fergal Fox

Head of Stakeholder Engagement and Communications

HSE Health & Wellbeing, Strategy and Research, Healthcare Strategy



Shoebox Appeal
Created : 15 Nov 2023, 11:13 AM
Archived : 22 Nov 2023, 12:00 AM

Team hope will collect our shoeboxes 9am Friday. Any outstanding shoeboxes please bring them in to school tomorrow Thursday 16th November. 

Thank you to everyone who supported this very good cause. Your gift will bring so much joy and huge smiles to vulnerable children overseas. 
If you didn’t get a chance to make up a box you can still donate online at teamhope.ie 
Thank you. 
TY Prefect Training
Created : 22 Sep 2023, 2:15 PM
Archived : 22 Nov 2023, 12:00 AM

Our newly appointed TY Prefects had their training session today. Facilitator Pat Murphy spoke about leadership qualities and brought the students through a range of activities to enhance their understanding of this skill. Symbols shared included the Peace Candle which represents creating peace at home, at school, in the workplace and in the world. The symbol of the Lighthouse represented how the student will guide others in their role as prefects and as a beacon of safety. We are looking forward to the official conferring ceremony for our prefects which will be held next week. Well done Prefects! Ms Mills 

Ember team training 23/24
Created : 21 Sep 2023, 6:22 PM
Archived : 21 Nov 2023, 12:00 AM

Ember Team 2023/24:

The five TY students, along with the Ember liaison teachers, Ms. H. Bucke and Ms. L.Whyte , have just returned from a three day, two night residential training programme in the Ovoca Manor in Wicklow where they spent time working as a team, planning events/activities and improved their interpersonal skills such as active listening and cooperating together.

The roles below have been decided on by consensus;

Chairperson: Mikey Arthur 

Secretary: James Meehan 

Public Relation Officers: Katie O’Donnell & Amy Schmelter 

Administrator: Lilly McQuarrie

They are now in a position of leadership, where they will be influencing, encouraging, and guiding other students in CPC in faith.

The aim of the Ember Programme is to;

- Create opportunities for students to experience faith in a way that makes sense to them.

- For the students to act as leaders, while also engaging in opportunities that have the potential to deepen their own faith.

Our students thoroughly enjoyed their training and look forward to bringing back their new skills, knowledge and ideas and sharing them with their peers in CPC. They also will liaise with last years Ember team for guidance. They are already busy planning their first event as CPC’s Ember Team. 

They ended their training with a commissioning ceremony, led by Fr John McNamara, representative of the archbishop. 

Tasty Tiramisu
Created : 21 Sep 2023, 1:04 PM
Archived : 21 Nov 2023, 12:00 AM
Our Hotel, Catering and Tourism 6th Year students enjoyed learning how to make Tiramisu today as part of their Italian cooking module. Thanks to Ms M O Malley for her guidance in creating this delicious dessert.
Second Year Retreat
Created : 21 Sep 2023, 12:56 PM
Archived : 21 Nov 2023, 12:00 AM

Dear Second Year Parents and Guardians,

Please see the attached letter regarding your son/ daughter/ student's upcoming retreat.

Thank you,

Religious Education Department

1st years enjoy lunchtime in CPC
Created : 20 Sep 2023, 7:30 PM
Archived : 20 Nov 2023, 12:00 AM
Today our 1st years had an opportunity to try out our brand new furniture in the assembly hall during lunchtime. As well as the chance to mix as a year group, sit and eat and chat, there were games to play and some music to add to the atmosphere. Please encourage your son/daughter to come along and continue to develop friendships. 
1st year parent information evening
Created : 20 Sep 2023, 7:26 PM
Archived : 20 Nov 2023, 12:00 AM
Many thanks to all parents and guardians who attended our information evening yesterday. We hope you found it useful and look forward to working with you in the years to come.