Displaying 601-610 of 2406 results.
Your School Needs You!
Created : 07 Sep 2023, 11:15 AM
Archived : 07 Nov 2023, 12:00 AM
Lidl are running a competition to help schools’ ladies football teams win prizes. And it couldn’t be easier to help CPC! All you need to do is do your grocery shopping in Lidl! If you download the Lidl app and register CPC as your local secondary school, then you can collect stamps each time you spend €40. Follow the steps in the picture to help us win new jerseys, or even a cash prize! 
Sixth Year LCA Hotel, Catering and Tourism visit Mexico
Created : 07 Sep 2023, 11:15 AM
Archived : 07 Nov 2023, 12:00 AM
Under the direction of Ms M OMalley, the students created beautiful, tasty fajitas today. It was a wonderful way to get a flavour of Mexico in Kilcullen! Well done everyone.
A draft TY Programme Statement and SC SPHE curriculum are available for consultation
Created : 17 Oct 2023, 8:48 AM
Archived : 04 Nov 2023, 12:00 AM

Message from the Department of Education


As part of the ongoing redevelopment of senior cycle, the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) is currently updating the Transition Year Programme Statement and developing a curriculum for Senior Cycle SPHE.

A draft TY Programme Statement and SC SPHE curriculum are available for consultation. 

There are several ways to engage with the consultations, all of which are outlined in the links below. We would very much appreciate if you could share the links with your networks and encourage parents, students and teachers to participate in this important aspect of the curriculum development process.

Transition Year | NCCA (closes on October 20)

Senior Cycle Social, Personal and Health Education (SPH… (ncca.ie) (closes on November 3). 

U16 boys basketball trials
Created : 04 Sep 2023, 7:04 PM
Archived : 04 Nov 2023, 12:00 AM
Reminder that the trials for u16 boys basketball will take place tomorrow in the complex from 4-5.

Anyone interested in playing must attend. 

This is open to 3rd and 4th years born in 2008/2009 
HPV catch up program
Created : 23 Oct 2023, 11:50 AM
Archived : 02 Nov 2023, 12:00 AM

Dear Principal,

The Laura Brennan catch up program for Human Papilloma Virus(HPV) vaccine  has expanded to offer HPV vaccine to boys/males up to and including the age of 21 years. These boys were in school when the vaccine was introduced for first years in 2019 but it was not available to boys in higher school years at the time.

Boys, currently in sixth year, who were in 2nd year in 2019 did not get access to this vaccine. They can now get it, free of charge, through this catch up program.  All other boys in the school currently and all female students  will have been offered it in first year. If they did not avail of it at the time they too can get this vaccine now.  


Laura Brennan campaigned to make this vaccine available to all as she herself battled a terminal illness caused by this virus. This virus can cause, anal, penal cancers, genital warts and throat and neck cancers  in males. In women it can cause, anal, cervical cancer and genital warts and also neck and throat cancers. The HPV 9 vaccine, in a single dose, gives protection to boys and girls against HPV.

In her memory, until December 31st, this vaccine is being made available to females up to 24 years of age  who missed out on this vaccine and now also to males until 21 years of age.


Please can you forward on this information and the above attachment to all parents of  children in your school. We, the school team will continue to visit schools to provide the HPV vaccine along with the  MenACWY and Tdap vaccines to first years.  However parents of first year children may have older children who missed out and would now like to avail of this very effective and important vaccine.

We are running clinics through the Laura Brennan catch up program, on the 25th of October 2023 in the sports Hall, Maynooth College, North Campus and it is available to non-students and students of the college and in the Old Health Centre Newbridge , Henry Street on the 1st of November. Registration is available through www.hpv.ie . It would be useful to share this information with you 4th, 5th and 6th year students who are eligible to consent for vaccines themselves from the age of 16 years.


We will be running a small number of clinics in the south of the county in November which will appear on www.hpv.ie  as they become available. This catch up program finishes in December and vaccines will only be available for first year students after this through national vaccine programs. HPV is a safe and effective vaccine.


Kind regards,

Deirdre Lane

Public Health Nurse

School Immunisation Team,

Kildare West Wicklow

Research Study Social Media Apps
Created : 17 Oct 2023, 10:14 AM
Archived : 31 Oct 2023, 12:00 AM
Dear School Principal,
I am writing to you on behalf of research experts from Dublin City University and Google - information for your reivew available here
We would be most grateful if you would kindly share the below survey link with the parents / guardians of your students via Iclass, Aladdin, School Website or whatever means you communicate with your parents / guardians.
For those students aged 12 to 17, please note that parents or guardians should initiate the survey, grant their consent, and then invite their child to participate.  
Your involvement will be helpful for researchers to design interventions and prevention measures for social media apps. 

We are eager to learn how young people use popular social media apps like TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter (now X), and others. Sometimes, unpleasant experiences occur on these platforms, and we want to understand them better. Through this survey, we aim to gather insights on young individuals' interactions with various social media features and any exposure to mean or hurtful content. We will not ask young individuals to share any personal experiences, instead, we are are  only interested in knowing if someone encountered such content through specific social media features (like, stories, comments, reels). 

Thank you for your kind assistance and attention.
With Best Wishes
Angela Kinahan
Riarthoir ionaid | Centre Administrator
Oifigeach Oideachais | Ionad Friththromaíochta  | Ollscoil Chathair Bhaile Átha Cliath
|  Anti- Bullying Centre   |  Dublin City University 
CPC students star on Culture Night
Created : 04 Oct 2023, 9:37 AM
Archived : 31 Oct 2023, 12:00 AM

It was lovely to hear that CPC students Jenny Dowling and Eleanor Steed were part of the cast who performed so brilliantly to three full houses recently as part of the Culture Night celebrations. Well done to all!

Delicious Dinners in our Sixth Year LCA class
Created : 31 Aug 2023, 11:22 AM
Archived : 31 Oct 2023, 12:00 AM
Well done to our LCA students who created delicious pasta bolognese dishes, both meat based and vegetarian, during their Hotel and Catering class. Under the direction of their teacher, Ms M OMalley, the students practised their chopping skills. Well done, everyone.
CPC Parents Association Clothes Collection Fundraiser
Created : 29 Aug 2023, 4:45 PM
Archived : 29 Oct 2023, 12:00 AM

The CPC Parents Association are hoping to help us all with our end of summer wardrobe clear out by having a clothes collection on Saturday 23rd of September. Orgnanised in conjunction with Bag2School this clothes colection will also help raised much needed funds for a charity close to our hearts, Laura Lynn House. So put the date into your calendar and start filling those black sacks! 

Boys Basketball Trials
Created : 28 Aug 2023, 10:07 PM
Archived : 29 Oct 2023, 12:00 AM
Trials will take place next week for the U16 and U19 boys basketball teams 

U16 (born 2008 or later) - Tuesday 5th Sept in the complex from 4-5

U19 (born 2005 or later) - Thursday 7th Sept in tbe Complex from 4-5

Any player who would like to play but can’t make the trials please contact Ms.O’Malley