Displaying 541-550 of 2406 results.
LCA Trip to the Criminal Courts of Justice and the Aisling Hotel.
Created : 06 Oct 2023, 12:33 PM
Archived : 06 Dec 2023, 12:00 AM

Today our 5th and 6th year LCA classes visited the Criminal Courts of Justice in Dublin where they had an oppurtunity to tour the building, visit courts in session and listen to a presentation from a  Barrister about the Court System in Ireland. Followed by a guided tour of the Aisling Hotel and a presentation on the inner workings of a busy Dublin Hotel. A very worthwhile trip enjoyed by all. Ms Mills

TY Student of the Month - September
Created : 05 Oct 2023, 9:04 PM
Archived : 05 Dec 2023, 12:00 AM

Each month we will celebrate our TY students who have shown great effort and dedication to their class work and have been nominated by a number of their teachers for outstanding achievement across a number of subjects.

This month we are delighted to celebrate five fantastic TY Students of the Month - 

4A Luke Costello

4B Grace Doyle

4C Megan Alcock

4D Aoibheann O Brien

4E Dylan Labuschange

What an achievement to have a number of teachers select you as overall Student of the Month for September.

You can be very proud!

Well done. 

Ms Mills 

TY Achievements of the Month - Cooperation, Helpfulness and Effort
Created : 05 Oct 2023, 8:51 PM
Archived : 05 Dec 2023, 12:00 AM

At todays TY Assembly we celebrated student achievements throughout the month of September. Four of our TY students were nominated for this award by their teachers for being cooperative, helpful and showing great effort. What a great award to celebrate! Congratulations to Garvin McDevitt, Sam Gaynor, Noah Mahon and Logan Lynch on this great achievement.

Keep up the great work all.

Well done!

Ms Mills 


TY Achievements of the Month - Leadership
Created : 05 Oct 2023, 8:38 PM
Archived : 05 Dec 2023, 12:00 AM

At todays TY Assembly we celebrated student achievement throughout the month of September. Three of our TY students have shown great leadership skills in many different areas. These students are proactive, show great teamwork and work well at motivating others. Congratulations to Sadhbh Murphy, Aisling O Regan and Megan Alcock on this great achievement. 

We are all so proud of you!

Ms Mills

TY Achievements of the Month - Rugby Coaching
Created : 05 Oct 2023, 8:22 PM
Archived : 05 Dec 2023, 12:00 AM

At todays TY assembly we celebrated student achievement throughout the month of September. Four students in TY have taken on the role of coaching rugby to junior students. They train the students, organise games, wash jerseys and organise all of the logistics. Congratulations to Rhys Byrne, Matthew O Gorman, Conor Clarke and Luke Costello for this great achievement. 

Well done all!

Ms Mills 


TY Prefect Conferring Ceremony
Created : 05 Oct 2023, 8:10 PM
Archived : 05 Dec 2023, 12:00 AM

Our TY Prefects were presented with their badges today by Mr Leonard at their Conferring Ceremony. Each of the badges has a lighthouse symbol displayed on it.  These badges are a visible sign in the school community of who our Prefects are. They symbolise how Prefects are leaders and act as guides to other students. They are a symbol of safety and of someone who can be relied on and asked to help. Our TY Prefects will have a number of roles and responsibilties throughout the school in the year ahead. They will assist with a number of events, activities and projects. Overall they will help to make our school community a more positive and inclusive enviroment. They are a fantastic group of young people and we are very proud of them all!

Ms Mills


TY Prefects 2023-2024


Emily Strong

Katie Barrett

Ailbhe Cashin

Leah Keogh

Luke Costello

Ailbhe Vanhengel

Shauna Finnegan



Eleanor Steed

Clodagh Burdis

Evey Brand 

Grace Doyle

Ben Scanlon

Sophie Rusk

Laura Collier

Noah Mahon



Anna Williams 

Megan Alcock

Sam Gaynor

Grace Crowley

Marybeth Delaney

Rhys Byrne



Keelagh Kelly

Aoibheann O’Brien

Caoimhe Keenan



Mikey Arthur

John Bissett

Darragh Taaffe


CPC Student, Staff & Parent Reading Competition Notice
Created : 05 Oct 2023, 2:39 PM
Archived : 05 Dec 2023, 12:00 AM
The student literacy team is excited to announce their new competition for all students, staff and parents. The competition is to see who reads the most pages monthly - a book a month can be ambitious for some but everyone can read some pages and help their team out! At the end of the year we will announce a winner overall...prize information to follow!!! We have created a Google Classroom (GC) page for students and staff to join and submit the titles and number of pages read every month. We will send reminders via the school app and GC to submit information before the end of each month and updates on which team is in the lead. Even though we are already into October we hope to still see lots of entries by the end of the month! Unfortunately parents do not have access to Google Classroom so please email Ms Burke at joanneburke@cpckilcullen.com every month with your books read. The Google Classroom code to join is ucyapba We look forward to seeing your entries...be on the lookout for our Literacy notice board in school to check which group is in the lead! The Literacy Team
Rotary Youth Leadership School Final
Created : 05 Oct 2023, 1:47 PM
Archived : 05 Dec 2023, 12:00 AM

Congratulations to TY Student Eleanor Steed who was selected as the Cross and Passion College Rotary Youth Leadership school winner. Well done to Adam Bermingham and Sam Gaynor who also did excellent interviews and meant the judges had a very difficult decision. Best of luck to Eleanor when she competes in the Club final on Monday 16th October.

Sweet Treats in Sixth Year Hotel, Catering and Tourism
Created : 05 Oct 2023, 1:07 PM
Archived : 05 Dec 2023, 12:00 AM

Students created beautiful Swiss Roll cakes today under the direction of Ms M OMalley whose hens provided the delicious free range, organic eggs used in the recipes. A perfect accompaniment to an Afternoon Tea. Sincere thanks to Ms OMalley for generously sharing her eggs as well as expertise and guidance. Well done everyone!

Information Note for parents or guardians of Junior Cycle students
Created : 04 Oct 2023, 2:48 PM
Archived : 04 Dec 2023, 12:00 AM

Please find attached a Junior Cycle Information Note from the Department of Education for parents or guardians of Junior Cycle students.


The purpose of this note is to provide parents with some useful information regarding the changes made to the Junior Cycle Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting since the implementation of the Framework for Junior Cycle.


The note is also available online at the following link: https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/9be14-junior-cycle/
