Displaying 201-210 of 2406 results.
Leinster Irish Post-Primary Boys and Girls Junior and Senior Schools Golf Competition 2024/2025
Created : 20 May 2024, 11:05 AM
Archived : 20 Jul 2024, 12:00 AM

Please see below communication from Golf Ireland:


The 2024-2025 Irish Post Primary Schools competition season gets underway in September.  The competition categories – Junior (Under-16) and Senior (Under-19) – will remain as before for Boys and Girls.  A decision was taken following review of last year’s competitions by the National Championship Committee, that the 2024-2025 Schools competition will be run as an individual competition only.  There will no longer be a team event.


Registration is now open through links below:


Leinster Irish Post-Primary Junior Boys and Girls (Under 16 on 1 January 2025) https://www.golfgenius.com/pages/10601388538043857399

Leinster Irish Post-Primary Senior Boys and Girls (Under 19 on 1 January 2025 www.golfgenius.com/pages/10601407524752095741


Please ignore the date on registration for qualifying.  Dates have not been confirmed yet for each venue.  All qualifying venues will take place from early to mid-September 2024.

We will endeavour to do our best to assign students to the venue closest to their school.


Competitions Regulations for the competition can be viewed https://www.golfgenius.com/pages/10601407523175037433 


Please forward this email to your students and/or parents at your earliest convenience as we are eager for students to enter before they depart for summer holidays.  Students can register for the competition using their parents email address as the contact email.

Saturday study for 6th years tomorrow
Created : 17 May 2024, 8:50 PM
Archived : 17 Jul 2024, 12:00 AM
Saturday study available for 6th years tomorrow from 10am to 1pm. Entry from Daybreak side only.
TY Celebration of Learning
Created : 17 May 2024, 7:36 PM
Archived : 17 Jul 2024, 12:00 AM

Our Celebration of Learning today was an outstanding celebration of the talents, enthusiasm, effort and kindness of all our students. We are so proud of each and every student. The development and progress for each of them has been a joy to see. It was extraordinary. We celebrated all aspects of student achievement and are delighted to acknowledge all the hard work and effort of all our students this year. Each student received a pack with all their certificates enclosed.

Our Award Winners were

TY Dedication and Enthusiasm Award- Matthew O’Gorman

TY Creativity and Enthusiasm Award- Luke Costello

TY Outstanding Leadership Award- Eleanor Steed

TY Empathy and Inclusion Award- Rhys Byrne

TY Personal Development Award- Amy Schmelter, Emily Strong, Garvin McDevitt, Alex Curtin

TY Community Award Dylan Labuschange, Aisling O'Regan

TY Environmental Award Caoimhe Keenan, Rebecca Brown, Ella Brown, Grace Carroll, Zoe Thackaberry

TY Entrepreneur Award- Joseph Hayes, Oscar Monks, Noah Mahon 

Pop Up Restaurant Best Chef Award- Aoibheann O’Brien

Pop Up Restaurant Best Creative Design- Matthew O’Gorman, Rhys Byrne

Pop Up Restaurant Best Leadership- Luke Costello


4A Student of the Year  Luke Costello 

4B Student of the Year  Alex Curtin

4C Student of the Year  Sam Gaynor

4D Student of the Year  Aoibheann O’Brien

4E Student of the Year  Dylan Labuschagne

Overall Students of the Year- Eleanor Steed and Rhys Byrne


Subject Choices for 5th year
Created : 17 May 2024, 11:26 AM
Archived : 17 Jul 2024, 12:00 AM

Dear parents/guardians,

This morning, current TY students received their choice subjects for 5th year.

As you know, we listen closely to the students in terms of deciding what subjects to run - if not enough students opt for a particular subject then unfortunately we do not have the resources to run it. We do our very best to ensure that as many students get the exact subjects they want to do but you will understand that it is not always possible. The ranking of subjects is very important and so priority is given to student subjects in this regard. If a student did not get a subject they wanted it is likely because the class was full by the time it got to their ranking of the subject or because the subject is scheduled to run at the same time as a higher ranked subject that they have been assigned.

Below are the option lines for next year's 5th year:

Opt Block 1

Ag Sci, Biol, Phys, DCG, Fre, Ger 

Opt Block 2

Geog, Tech, Econ, Chem, Hist, Fre 

Opt Block 3

Geog, Const. Studies, Home Ec, Mus, Fre, Ger 

Opt Block 4

Biol, Const. Studies, Accounting, Art, Hist, Comp Sci

Please study this information carefully - obviously your child can not study two subjects that will be on at the same time. 

Should your child wish to change an option please send me the full details to joeleonard@cpckilcullen.com and I will see if it is possible, depending on space available in the class. At very least I will add their name to a waiting list as sometimes a place can become available in classes which are currently full. Please note, I will only reply when a change is possible but I will make note of all requests.

Students taking the Leaving Certificate Applied Programme do not need to worry about this as the programme follows a set curriculum.

I hope your son/daughter is pleased with the choices received and I wish them well in their studies after a hugely successful TY.

Kind regards

Joe Leonard


3rd Year Tour Thursday 16th May 2024
Created : 16 May 2024, 11:04 PM
Archived : 17 Jul 2024, 12:00 AM


3rd Year students of Cross and Passion College had an unforgettable day of adventure, team building and adrenaline at the Castlecomer Discovery Park, Kilkenny. Activities included archery, team challenge, orienteering, octagon and zipline. Many thanks to our enthusiastic teachers Ms Clancy, Ms Flanagan, Ms McMahon, Ms N. Murphy, Ms S. Murphy, Mr O’Toole, Mr Page and Mr Regan who accompanied our 3rd Years and their Year Head Ms Burke. Students were encouraged to move out of their comfort zone and inspired to try out many new and different challenges in this beautiful woodland setting.

5th Year Tramore Trip
Created : 16 May 2024, 6:44 PM
Archived : 16 Jul 2024, 4:30 AM

5th Years had a great day out in Tramore. Students enjoyed surfing and exploring the sand dunes on an Eco-Walk in the glorious sunshine.


Oscars 2024
Created : 16 May 2024, 4:49 PM
Archived : 16 Jul 2024, 4:30 AM

We were delighted to celebrate another spectacular event in TY yesterday, our 2024 Oscars! Students have been working hard to produce fantastic films with the support of Susan and Lavinia from Movie Magic. Students voted for their favourite movies in fourteen categories including Best Direction, Best Movie, Best Actor, Villain and Hero! We are especially grateful to Georga Dowling of Food School who generously spent two days building a spectacular decorative backdrop (which included over 10,000 fairy lights!) to the Oscars in our Assembly Hall. Our thanks also to John Swift of Mex Events who loaned us the red carpet and ropes. Our thanks to Daniel Groome  for all his hard work editing the movies into the many categories to allow us to enjoy the event. Thank you also to Conor of Wilkins Sound. Well done to all our students who presented awards. It was a very glamorous way to spend a Wednesday afternoon!

Fabulous Fun in the Sun!
Created : 16 May 2024, 3:50 PM
Archived : 16 Jul 2024, 4:30 AM

Our TY students enjoyed a fantastic day in Bay Sports, Athlone. It was action packed with activities, paddle boarding, canoeing and tackling the biggest water based inflatable obstacle course in Ireland! Students loved every moment with a number saying it was one of their favourite activities this year!

Jeremy Burke Modern Music Bursary
Created : 15 May 2024, 12:48 PM
Archived : 16 Jul 2024, 4:30 AM
Congratulations to Max Haughton - Winner of the inaugural Jeremy Burke Modern Music Bursay. Huge thanks to the Burke family for establishing this incredible opportunity for our music students in honour of Jeremy.
Newbridge Educate Together NS 20th Celebration
Created : 15 May 2024, 11:17 AM
Archived : 16 Jul 2024, 4:30 AM

Please see attached flyer re the above
