The CPC Parents Association are running their first clothing collection of this new school year on Saturday September 21st.
It's the perfect time to do a wardrobe clearout and get ready for the change of season.
Bags of unwanted clothing, shoes or soft toys can be dropped to the bike shelters at the top of the avenue between 10am - 3pm on the day.
These collections are a great fundraising activity for the parents association while also allowing us to support the wonderful Laura Lynn foundation.
Afterschool study will finish at the earlier time of 5:45pm on Tuesday 24th of September to allow for the open night which starts at 6:00pm. There will also be a change of rooms just for that day. The changes are as follows: Room 29 will he in Room 1 Room 30 will be in Room 2 Have a lovely day, Terri
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Cross and Passion College Parents' Association will take place in the school Assembly Hall on Tuesday 17th September at 8pm. All parents/guardians are welcome to attend on the night to find out more about the work of the PA and share their ideas. This is your opportunity to be actively involved in your son or daughter's school. Please come along if you can.
Dear students and parents,
please see an important message from the SEC. It is essential that all students sitting Leaving Certificate exams of any kind register on the portal by the deadline. The school can not do this for you - you will not be able to register for exams, choose levels, access results or apply for an appeal without being registered on the portal.
Kind regards
J Leonard
Dear Principal,
In 2021, the State Examinations Commission (SEC) as part of its digital strategy, introduced a facility to allow Leaving Certificate candidates to confirm their subject and level entry details online (including adding or withdrawing from subjects), replacing the previous system of using individual Leaving Certificate candidate (E7) entry forms. The use of the online system, the Candidate Self Service Portal (CSSP) will continue for the 2024 Leaving Certificate.
The portal will open tomorrow Wednesday 17th of January 2024 for candidates to register and activate their account and confirm their subject entries and levels. It will remain open for this purpose until 5pm Friday 02 February 2024.
Can you please advise all candidates in your school that it is essential that they register through the Portal as this Portal will provide candidates with the opportunity to confirm their subject choice and levels, to also allow future access to their results and for the later stages of the process such as the appeals application process.
The candidate portal can be accessed on from 1pm on Wednesday 17th of January 2024
There is helpdesk support available at 1800-111135 or 1800-111136 between 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday until Tuesday 02 February 2024. Outside of these hours you can email
Your sincerely
Entries Section
State Examinations Commission
Good afternoon all,
just in case anyone has missed the notice on our fundraiser website HERE - all weekly prize winners will receive their prizes when school reopens after the summer break.
Thank you for your continued support of our fundraiser and congratulations to all of our recent winners!
Joe Leonard
Dear Parents,
There is a Zoom webinar for 6th class parents taking place next Thursday, the 20th of June, from 7.00pm to 8.05pm, that you might find useful.
It will provide information about supporting your child with their transition to secondary school.
There will be input from a school chaplain, a youth information officer and an adolescent psychotherapist and a quick look at the Step Up website also.
The webinar is free and is organised as part of the statutory Planet Youth project.
You’ll find further information, and the link to register, at:
Please note the event is not organised by CPC or connected to us in any way but may be of interest to you.
We were delighted to learn that some of our students achieved great success recently in the Kilcullen Community Games.
The under 16 swimming relay team came home with a gold medal and are now the All Ireland Community Games Champions for the medley relay event. The team was made up of Sean Hoey (3rd Year), Xavier Mahon (2nd Year), Tiarnan Donnelly (2nd Year), Jack Higgins (incoming 1st year), and Felix Mahon (incoming 1st Year).
Sean also came home with a 4th place medal in the Under 16 Butterfly and Xavier made it through to the Under 16 Backstroke Final.
Congratulations to all!
We were delighted to celebrate our TY students who along with Fifth Years Adam Mikey Beckett and Niamh Hourihan volunteered to help at a number of important recent school events including the Sixth Year Graduation Breakfast with a delicious lunch in Fallons of Kilcullen today. Our thanks to Head Chef Duro Vdovic who gave students a tour of the kitchens and explained the intricacies of a busy service. Thanks also to Patsy and her staff who looked after us all so well. We are so proud of the commitment of each student and were delighted to present Hospitality Certificates of Appreciation.