Displaying 1161-1170 of 2408 results.
Civvies Day - 15th March 2022
Created : 29 Mar 2022, 10:00 AM
Archived : 29 May 2022, 12:00 AM
Thank you to everyone who donated to the civvies day collection on March 15th.
The Student Council collected €940 in total.
A donation of €470 will be made to the Irish Refugee Council as a part of their Putting Down Roots project.
€235 will be donated towards the Voices of Children charity and the remaining €235 towards Come Back Alive - both charities work with families in Ukraine.
1F Solar System Projects
Created : 25 Mar 2022, 2:50 PM
Archived : 29 May 2022, 12:00 AM
Well done to students in 1F who presented their solar system projects in class on Thursday. The students produced fantastic projects. They learned all about the structure of the solar system, the planets, their shape & size and their distance from the sun. A very creative group ! Well done 1F.
Ms. Doyle
3rd Year Positive Behavior & Productivity Reward Card
Created : 25 Mar 2022, 7:22 PM
Archived : 25 May 2022, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to 3B on acquiring the most stamps this week on their Reward Card.
Well done to all students in 3B.
Gaeilge Galór!
Created : 25 Mar 2022, 10:43 AM
Archived : 25 May 2022, 12:00 AM
1st year Irish students had great fun today as they became weather reporters "as Gaeilge".
This not only improved their Irish oral skills but also their confidence in public speaking.
1C ag ceiliúradh Seachtain na Gaeilge an tseachtain seo caite!
Created : 24 Mar 2022, 11:16 AM
Archived : 25 May 2022, 12:00 AM
1C celebrated Seachtain na Gaeilge last week by using their art skills to make some wonderfully colourful posters on the topic of Old Irish Sayings.
2nd Year School Tour May 12th.
Created : 23 Mar 2022, 5:20 PM
Archived : 23 May 2022, 12:00 AM
A reminder that the link to pay for the 2nd year school tour to Tayto Park will close on Friday 8th April. Payment can be made through the school app.
Students are asked to return their permission slips as soon as possible please.
Any student who is unable to attend the tour please let me know.
Thank you
Ms Mills
3rd Year School Tour
Created : 23 Mar 2022, 4:30 PM
Archived : 23 May 2022, 12:00 AM
A reminder that the link to pay for the 3rd Year school tour to Tayto Park will close on Friday 8th April. Students are asked to return their permission slips as soon as possible.
Any student who cannot go on the tour is asked to inform Ms Fennell.
Leaving Certificate Subject Choice Fair for TY Students
Created : 23 Mar 2022, 12:05 PM
Archived : 23 May 2022, 12:00 AM
TY students had the wonderful opportunity to engage with our current Sixth Year students as part of their preparation for Senior Cycle subject choices. Huge thanks to our Guidance Counsellor Ms McDonnell and all the Sixth Year students who took the time to provide valuable information and insights to help our TY students with this important decision which they will be making shortly.
Saturday study
Created : 20 May 2022, 9:13 PM
Archived : 22 May 2022, 1:00 AM
A quick reminder that Saturday study continues tomorrow for 6th years - 10am sharp to 1pm.
CPC, crowned the first ADHD Friendly School in the country
Created : 22 Mar 2022, 1:13 PM
Archived : 22 May 2022, 12:00 AM
ADHD Ireland has completed a pilot of the new School Accreditation Programme and is now ready to roll out the programme nationwide. On the 16th of March, we were very pleased that ‘CPC’ Kilcullen was crowned the first ADHD Friendly school in Ireland.
The ceremony was a credit to the dedication of teachers and staff of the college, who have done amazing work committing time to expand their knowledge of ADHD and to learn strategies to support their students in the classroom. With a prevalence of 5% for ADHD, this equates to 1:20 children.
“We were determined to start this programme for our students, we wanted to understand ADHD and get the tools to support them in their educational journey” said Aimee Kelly, The Junior Years Learning Support Coordinator.
The programme was designed to include teachers, SNAs and parents within the process. The main goal of the project is to provide an understanding of the needs of young people with ADHD and to give practical information. The project is delivered throughout the school year, via online training delivered by industry professionals from ADHD Ireland and the ADHD Foundation (UK).
“We are more confident now to accommodate our students with ADHD and we can recognise their needs, plus we see the difference in boys and girls with the condition, that is a great ability when you want to provide equal education opportunities to all your students” said Madeline Scully Senior Years Learning Support Coordinator.
At the start of this school year we had the goal of upskilling as many staff as possible in the area of ADHD, this led to some whole staff CPD and then a group of staff pursued additional training. We are delighted to be making progress in this area and to be able to provide a more comprehensive and inclusive experience to our students.
Also, a big thank you to Nicola and her team in ADHD Ireland for all their wisdom and support AND for the lovely muffins they brought along to celebrate with us on the 16th!!