Displaying 1121-1130 of 2406 results.
The Grimm Tale of Cinderella
Created : 25 Apr 2022, 2:46 PM
Archived : 25 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
The excitement is building as we enter our final weeks of rehearsals for our TY production of Katie McCann's 'A Grimm Tale of Cinderella' in The Moat Theatre on Thursday 5th and Friday 6th May at 7.30pm. For a great night out please purchase your tickets (€12each) at moattheatre.ticketsolve.com/shows/873629618/events/129389271
Green Schools
Created : 25 Apr 2022, 12:19 PM
Archived : 25 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
We are working towards a greener school. Students have placed new green recycling bins in each classroom. A student each class will empty these bins weekly in an effort to reduce what we send to landfill. The bins will be used to recycle dry materials such as paper, cardboard and dry plastic. Organic bins are also being used in the Home Economics rooms and the staff room. This waste includes food waste and it can be composted. Well done everyone for supporting this project.
First Year Activity Day May 12th
Created : 25 Apr 2022, 9:51 AM
Archived : 25 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Welcome back to the Final term . It promises to be a busy Month of May. For those who may have overlooked the First Year Adventure Day payment, It can be made on the school app up to the 28th April. If there are any difficulties do please get in touch with me. And I'd also like to remind that if there are issues around cost, please do contact me. denisdennehy@cpckilcullen.com The school year at this end feels like it has flown.
Department of Education review of the Action Plan on Bullying and the Anti-bullying Procedures for Primary and Post-primary Schools.
Created : 31 May 2022, 3:56 PM
Archived : 22 Jun 2022, 1:00 AM
The Department of Education is currently reviewing the Action Plan on Bullying and the Anti-bullying Procedures for Primary and Post-primary Schools. As part of this work the Department is seeking your views about what should be done to prevent and tackle bullying in our schools. The Department is inviting you to make written submissions and to complete a short questionnaire as part of the public consultation process. The consultation can be accessed on www.gov.ie/schools-anti-bullying-plan-review/ . The closing date for receipt of submissions is Tuesday 21 June 2022.
Reminder about upcoming Parents Association Clothes & Books Collection
Created : 19 Apr 2022, 5:24 PM
Archived : 19 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Saturday 30th April is fast approaching and with it an opportunity for you to donate any unwanted clothes and books. This is a great opportunity to free up space in your wardrobes and on your shelves while supporting the PA in their fundraising efforts.
First Year Adventure Day May 12th
Created : 13 Apr 2022, 5:04 PM
Archived : 13 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
A great term two and the adventure of term three... We have had a very successful end to the second term on the sporting front. Our historic first Rugby trophy was acknowledged with a victorious assembly taking place in the Complex. Mr. O' Grady briefed the Year on all our future International Rugby Stars in our midst. Special thank you to Mr O'Grady for managing the team. Perhaps not so historic our Midlands Basketball victory which took place on Thursday 7th. While it may not have the historic value of the rugby win given our very long tradition of major national awards in Basketball but it is an important marker nonetheless. Senior winners start early when it comes to schools competition. Ms O Malley and Mr Wheeler are congratulated on their expert management of the team. The word is that there is great expectation about the prospects for the Soccer team who Mr Gibbons assures me will see greatness. A special word to the First Year Camogie team who have been busy laying foundations for future success under Brain Cody's appointee, Mr Prendergast. Brian Cody recently admitted that the Camogie team in CPC is one of the finest and Mr Prendergast is reported as having said we ain't see nothing yet! The other exciting news is that the First Year Adventure day will take place on May 12th. We will leave early 8 30am and will return by 4 00pm. The Kilkenny Adventure has been the choice of venue given its activity oriented day. The assembly last week brought to the fore that this group has been unable to meet as a large group in its first year in CPC. So this will be a huge opportunity to ‘throw off the shackles’ which have been associated with what are now hopefully being remembered as the Covid years. We will hopefully celebrate a ‘post covid’ last term in an active and fun manner. It promises to be a fairly exhilarating experience and the stuff of great memories. The cost of the adventure day will be €45 which will include transport and the cost of the payment facility. In keeping with the ethos of the school we would ask that if you are in a position to give a little extra we can add support for those who might find this expense to be worrying. We don’t want participation being threatened by expense. And I would ask that if you are concerned about expense in this regard or for all future expenses please do contact the Year Head denisdennehy@cpckilcullen.com payment are now being taken in the Shop on the school app. Payment will be accepted until Thursday April 28th. This is my first experience of working with the school app for this kind of event. As of today 24% of the year group have paid using the shop on the school app. So that's a great start and proof it works! if you experience any difficulty please contact me.
Happy Easter to the entire CPC community
Created : 08 Apr 2022, 3:32 PM
Archived : 08 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
I would like to wish the entire school community a restful and peaceful Easter break. Classes resume on Monday 25th April. Best of luck to all 6th years doing language oral and music practical exams in the coming week. Due to the exams and the holidays Saturday study will resume for 6th years on 30th April. Kind regards J Leonard
Le Chéile Day - End of day message
Created : 08 Apr 2022, 1:52 PM
Archived : 08 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Le Chéile Day - Whole school activities included: 1. Civvies day took place today with this years' theme Unity in Diversity, some staff and students wore jerseys/clothing representing their country/county they are from. All money collected by the Student Council will be donated to the following three charities; Concern (50%), SCOOP Campaign (25%) and Enable Ireland (25%). 2. Each staff member was given the Le Chéile prayer and a small sweet treat on their desk to have with their tea/coffee at break time to celebrate the day. 3. Each student in the school received a lollipop and listened to the concluding message and Le Chéile prayer during last class. Some 6th and 3rd years helped with this. Thank you to all who participated in today's activities, for Le Chéile day, across all year groups and staff. #BiLeChéile Ms H. Bucke & Ms. A Kelly
Le Chéile Day - 5th Year Celebrations
Created : 08 Apr 2022, 1:37 PM
Archived : 08 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Our 5th years celebrated Le Chéile Day by: Writing a poem to be submitted in a Poetry Competition. Each student was asked to write a poem titled ‘Inclusion in Our School - What does it look like?’ The winners of this competition were: Hannah Brady Corina O'Keeffe O'Reilly Nia Connolly Kyle Corcoran Congratulations to the winners. They were presented with prizes this morning. Thanks to everyone for their participation with the competition and to the English teachers for facilitating this today. #BíLeChéile Ms. H Bucke & Ms. A Kelly
Le Chéile Day - 3rd, 4th & 6th Year Celebrations
Created : 08 Apr 2022, 1:24 PM
Archived : 08 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Our 3rd & 6th years celebrated Le Chéile Day by participating in a 'Choose a PenPal Activity' earlier this morning ~ this activity involved each student writing five nice things about a another student in their class group, recognising diversity. Our 4th years celebrated Le Chéile Day by participating in the 'Celebration of Names' Activity. #BíLeChéile Ms. H Bucke & Ms. A Kelly