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Created : 09 Feb 2022, 9:19 AM
Archived : 09 Apr 2022, 12:00 AM
The Junior Cycle 2022 exam timetable has been released by the Department of Education.
Created : 03 Feb 2022, 4:56 PM
Archived : 03 Apr 2022, 12:00 AM
In 2021, the State Examinations Commission (SEC), as part of its digital strategy, introduced the Candidate Self Service Portal (CSSP) as a one-stop-shop for a range on online services for Leaving Certificate candidates. The CSSP will be used again for the 2022 Leaving Certificate so that candidates can confirm their examination entry details and access other services such as results and appeals. The portal will open at 12 noon on Thursday 3 February for candidates to confirm their subject entries and levels. It will remain open for this purpose until 12 noon on Friday 11 February. During this time Leaving Certificate candidates will be required to register and create their portal account, confirm their subject and level entry details, and add or delete subjects from the records presented to them. Leaving Certificate Applied Year 2 candidates will be required to register and create their account only. The portal will be pre-populated with the data entered by schools through the PPOD October returns process. This means that only those subjects which candidates have been studying in schools will be displayed on the portal. When the portal opens candidates will have the opportunity to add any subjects that they are studying outside of school or to delete subjects if they are no longer intending to present for examinations in particular subjects. Candidates will not be able to add additional subjects after the portal closes on 11 February. When the candidate entry confirmation process has concluded on the CSSP, the SEC will provide schools with a report of the entries for the candidates in the school for review and conformation Selection of levels It is extremely important at this stage that schools engage with candidates regarding their selection of their level in each subject at this time. Candidates should be advised by their teachers to select the level at which they are currently studying each subject. The SEC will use this information for planning purposes. We will also provide this information to schools through a turnaround document for review. Candidates will be asked to confirm their levels later on and will be permitted to change their levels in the written examinations on the day of the examination, as in previous years. Access to the Portal Leaving Certificate candidates will access the portal at www.examinations.ie from today Thursday 3 February at 12 noon. A CSSP Before You Start Guide 2022 will be provided which candidates should read before commencing the process. To access the portal, candidates will need the following: * their examination number (The SEC provided these to schools before Christmas) - if for any reason a student has not received their exam number or misplaced it, it is available from Ms Harney * Personal Identification Number (PIN). The PIN will be the first 4 digits of the candidate’s Personal Public Services Number (PPS number) * an email address and mobile phone number to which the candidate will have regular access to over the coming months. Examination Fees 2022 The Minister for Education has decided that there will be no fees levied for the 2022 examinations; Leaving Certificate, Leaving Certificate Applied or Junior Cycle. Schools are asked to ensure that candidates, parents and guardians are advised that the fees for the 2022 examinations are being waived.
Reminders and updates
Created : 16 Mar 2022, 10:10 AM
Archived : 31 Mar 2022, 4:27 PM
Good morning all, following an amazing opening night performance last night, the TY musical 'Time of my Life' closes this evening. Well done to everybody involved in providing us with such a memorable experience. As you know, following classes today, school will be closed until Tuesday 22nd March when classes will resume at 9am as usual. As per the school calendar, there will be no classes on Monday March 28th, due to Junior Cycle whole school training for staff. I hope that everybody has an enjoyable St Patrick's day. Kind regards J Leonard
Neurodiversity Celebration Week
Created : 22 Mar 2022, 10:09 AM
Archived : 31 Mar 2022, 4:27 PM
This week is Neurodiversity Celebration Week in CPC and around the world! We will be keeping you informed of the ways that CPC is building on its inclusive and equitable culture and supporting the neurodivergent members of our school community. Neurodiversity Celebration Week is a worldwide initiative that challenges stereotypes and misconceptions about neurological differences. It aims to transform how neurodivergent individuals are perceived and supported by providing schools, universities, and organisations with the opportunity to recognise the many talents and advantages of being neurodivergent, while creating more inclusive and equitable cultures that celebrate differences and empower every individual. We are delighted to share these links that were sent to us by ADHD Ireland: Parents, teachers, adults www.allabilities.ie/neurodiversity-celebration-week Kids / creative classes at the same time as parents talks www.eventbrite.ie/e/kids-part-neurodiversity-celebration-week-tickets-274185304627
Time of My Life Dirty Dancing
Created : 17 Mar 2022, 3:24 PM
Archived : 31 Mar 2022, 4:27 PM
Huge Congratulations to everyone involved in our incredibly successful musical 'Time of My Life Dirty Dancing' whether on or off stage. Our students have gained an extraordinary range of skills and experiences. Thank you to our amazing audiences. Thank you also to our generous sponsors which included complimentary Lily O'Brien chocolates for our audience, wonderful raffle prizes and advertisements. Sincere thanks to Brian Byrne @Kilcullen Diary for creating this amazing video of photographs from the performances. youtu.be/4pPkZzvIPzs
Positive Behaviour Challenge Winners: 2B! Well done.
Created : 16 Mar 2022, 4:25 PM
Archived : 31 Mar 2022, 4:27 PM
Well done to 2B on winning the Positive Behaviour Challenge. They had a massive 578 tokens from their teachers for their fantastic effort and attitude over the last three weeks. Each student was awarded with an Easter Egg. Well done to all classes for the great effort they have made over the last three weeks also. Enjoy the long weekend and keep up the great work all! Ms Mills
1st & 2nd Year Boys Gaelic
Created : 22 Mar 2022, 1:52 PM
Archived : 31 Mar 2022, 4:27 PM
Training will take place on Wednesday after school for these teams in preparation for their semi finals. The 2nd Year Team will be away to Creagh College Gorey on Thursday with a throw in time of 11:30.
Time of My Life Dirty Dancing Musical
Created : 13 Mar 2022, 10:47 AM
Archived : 31 Mar 2022, 4:27 PM
Thanks to Brian Byrne @KilcullenDiary @k_nationalist for this article on our upcoming musical Time of My Life Dirty Dancing. Tickets are selling fast. To secure your seats, buy your tickets at lunchtime outside school reception.
Be Part of the CPC Civvies Day on Tuesday March 15th
Created : 11 Mar 2022, 1:39 PM
Archived : 31 Mar 2022, 4:27 PM
This civvies day the school is proudly donating money to three charities who are doing fantastic work. (1) Voices of Children helps children affected by the war in Ukraine. (2) Come Back Alive is a Kyiv based charity that aids the Ukrainian military effort. They provide Ukraine with auxiliary equipment, personal body protection, training and other supplies. (3) Putting Down Roots is an environmental arts project. The project will see 8,000 trees be planted in County Offaly to represent the number of people seeking asylum and living in Direct Provision in Ireland. With a donation of 5€ per tree the project aims to raise 40,000€ to go towards young people in Direct Provision. They run an art therapy programme that supports children psychologically and socially. We are very proud to be supporting these amazing charities and your help is greatly appreciated. There are over 800 students in CPC,€2 from each of us could raise over €1600. Please make a special effort on Tuesday to contribute. Thank you all
3rd Year Reward Card
Created : 11 Mar 2022, 12:41 PM
Archived : 31 Mar 2022, 4:27 PM
Well done to all the students in 3B. A great effort again this week and another full card was submitted. Class Captains Adam Bermingham and Chen Liunare photographed accepting their Certificate of Recognition.