Displaying 1701-1710 of 2406 results.
Important information for parents/guardians and students ahead of school reopening
Created : 26 Aug 2020, 12:35 PM
Archived : 26 Oct 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,
I hope you are all keeping well. By now I am sure you have had a chance to read through the information I sent to you last week. I appreciate there is a lot of detail in it and a lot to go through with your son/daughter. It is vital that everyone has a clear understanding of the changes that have to be implemented. I have received a small number of queries from parents/guardians and we are doing our best to address these and respond. In some cases we are waiting for clarification on issues from the DES, for example, with regard to guidance on support for students who may not return to school immediately for various reasons. Your patience is appreciated as this remains an incredibly busy time with work continuing in the school to prepare for reopening.
Today, I am attaching information that has been supplied by the DES specifically for parents/guardians and students. The attached PDF documents provide advice for parents/guardians and information from the HSE.
In addition the DES have published information videos for parents/guardians and students here:
In particular, the video here youtu.be/69fIzlMXrMM should be watched by all students.
This video should be watched by all parents/guardians youtu.be/03RXGM1hMMI
Best wishes
J Leonard
Pdf-1 Pdf-2
Return to school: supports for parents (Webinar starting today at 7pm)
Created : 24 Aug 2020, 6:15 PM
Archived : 24 Oct 2020, 12:00 AM
From Monday 24th August, Newbridge Family Resource Centre is hosting a week of online workshops, webinars and live questions and answers sessions to support parents and children with the transition back to school. Please find details attached.
First up is a webinar delivered by Bronagh Starrs focusing on strategies for parents to support the return to school.
Session 1: Monday 24th August @ 7pm
Join Bronagh Starrs, internationally renowned psychotherapist, trauma specialist, academic and author for this webinar which will focus on supporting parents to navigate the school return following the extensive absence during the last academic year and the challenge of living with Covid-related anxiety and uncertainty. A trove of helpful strategies will be discussed.
Webinar link: us02web.zoom.us/j/83840771331?pwd=TmlHZzl4UUk4REdXek8vWHJldk5lUT09
Details of the other workshops can be found on the Newbridge Family Resource Centre Facebook page m.facebook.com/newbridge.frc/
Update on Reopening plans in CPC
Created : 21 Aug 2020, 9:08 PM
Archived : 21 Oct 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/guardians and students,
I hope you are all keeping well and beginning to look forward to returning to CPC. As you are aware, there will be many changes in schools up and down the country to try to minimise the risk of the spread of Covid-19. The resources I shared with you at the end of July have formed the basis of our preparations for reopening. I am attaching a copy of the CPC Covid-19 Response Plan. I am also attaching a Question and Answer document which might help to answer queries you may have about our reopening.
The role of parents and students in our reopening is key. Without the cooperation of both, the plan will not work. I will be in touch throughout the week ahead to emphasise key points and to provide further details ahead of reopening..
For now please study the two documents carefully to prepare for our return. Parents and guardians please speak with your children and discuss the changes outlined in the Q and A document.
In a slight change to the provisional return details I sent previously please note the following:
Monday 31st August - all staff in school (no students)
Tuesday 1st September - 1st years only 9-12.15 - staff meetings/planning until 4pm
Wednesday 2nd September - 3rd and 6th years only 9-1.15 - staff meetings/planning until 4pm
Thursday 3rd September - 2nd, 4th and 5th years only 9-1.15 - staff meetings/planning until 4pm
Friday 4th September - all year groups in for full classes
This phased return for all will allow time to explain in detail the changes to our students, as well as the normal induction information at the start of the year.
I want to thank you for your patience and understanding in what I know is an anxious time for us all.
Best wishes and take care
J Leonard
Pdf-1 Pdf-2
Ms Maria Barton RIP
Created : 21 Aug 2020, 7:43 PM
Archived : 21 Oct 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/guardians and students,
it is with the most heavy heart that I have been informed that our dear colleague Ms Maria Barton sadly passed away last night following illness. Our thoughts and prayers are with Maria's family and friends at this most difficult time. Maria will be dearly missed by the entire school community. I know that many of our staff, students and parents, both past and present, will have very fond memories of the support and friendship Maria provided to them. Those fortunate enough to have known Maria are devastated by her loss.
Ar Dheis Dé go rabh a hanam dílis.
J Leonard
SciFest competition success
Created : 17 Aug 2020, 9:03 PM
Archived : 18 Oct 2020, 12:00 AM
While work continues apace for the reopening of CPC (full details to be published before the end of this week) it was fantastic to receive the following message from Ms Doyle and Ms Higgins about the success achieved by Aideen Stein in the SciFest competition:
"The annual SciFest competition that we attend with science club did not go ahead this year due to Covid-19. The organisers of the competition made it possible for entrants to upload a video of themselves explaining and showing how their project works , along with an online version of their project diary.
Aideen Stein in 2C entered the online version of the SciFest competition. We were both delighted that she had entered the competition during such uncertain times.
We have learned that Aideen won 3 awards for her project !!!!! She designed an app that scans household food products to determine if they are suitable for your pet to consume. This involved inputting a large data base of food to cover a range of pets.
Aideen has won the;
Intel award for Best Technology Project.
Junior Innovation Award
Irish Science Teachers' Association Award
We are over the moon for Aideen and so proud of her achievements . It is so deserving for all her hard work . We are so delighted for her !!!
Hopefully SciFest will organise a collection of awards once things are safe to do so."
Congratulations Aideen and well done to Ms Doyle and Ms Higgins for their support and guidance.
Message from Ms Fox - TY 2020-2021
Created : 16 Aug 2020, 2:53 PM
Archived : 17 Oct 2020, 12:00 AM
Transition Year 2020/2021 Musical - Little Shop of Horrors
The music department has been meeting and discussing options for the transition year musical 2021.
The year ahead is full of uncertainty, but all going well and depending on the unfolding circumstances regarding Covid-19 we hope to put “Little Shop of Horrors” on stage in March 2021.
In order to make best use of the time we have we are asking students who are interested in lead parts, to make an audition recording of songs/acting found on the link below. Smart phone recordings are perfect. You are expected to fully act out the part whether it is song or acting.
These can be posted to the Musical “little shop of horrors” Google Classroom by August 30th for initial viewing. Students unable to audition online will be given an opportunity to do so in CPC, but we strongly encourage you to show initiative by studying the parts and songs in advance of returning to school.
The code to join is
Audition pieces
Auditions Little Shop of Horrors
Little Shop of Horrors links to help with auditions
1.Some where that’s green
2.Little Shop of Horrors
3. Dentist
4. Grow for me
5.Fed me
All Shook Up - final night ticket refunds
Created : 15 Aug 2020, 8:53 PM
Archived : 17 Oct 2020, 12:00 AM
Good morning everybody,
you will remember that the closure of schools on March 12th from 6pm meant that the final performance of All Shook Up by the CPC Transition Year class of 2020 could not take place. That was a cause of such disappointment but I'm sure the memories of the three performances that week will live long in the memories of all involved and all that were lucky enough to attend.
Unfortunately, it will not be possible to stage the final night in any fashion. Therefore, on production of valid tickets for the final night, refunds will be processed by Ms Groome once school returns. Precise details of how this will be facilitated will issue in time.
I would like to thank all who purchased tickets to support the school.
Hopefully by March 2021 we will be able to have another musical with the TY class of 2021.
Best wishes
J Leonard
School Reopening Update
Created : 10 Aug 2020, 10:28 AM
Archived : 10 Oct 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,
I hope you are all keeping safe and well. Following my last update at the end of July, I just wanted to keep you informed of progress on the plans for full school reopening. The challenge ahead is significant to meet the requirements laid down in the government's COVID-19 response plan for safe reopening of post primary schools.
Currently we are working on changes that will maximise distancing between individuals in the school building and minimise movement around the school. These changes will be significant and I will provide full details well ahead of return once all arrangements and works in the school are complete.
At the moment we hope to welcome back our new 1st year students on September 1st. All other years, with the exception of 4th year, will return on 2nd September. 4th years will be welcomed back on Thursday 3rd September. The first day for each group will be induction and will not be a full day. There will be a need to go through the various changes and new arrangements with all year groups in detail. Full details and times will issue in due course for each year group.
Your patience is greatly appreciated at this time. I know it is an anxious time but I want you to be reassured that our target remains a full reopening of CPC for all students.
I will be in touch again shortly.
Best wishes
J Leonard
Reminder - no classes on Monday 28th September
Created : 25 Sep 2020, 12:59 PM
Archived : 09 Oct 2020, 12:35 PM
Good afternoon all,
a quick reminder that the school will be closed on Monday 28th September as per the calendar in the school journal. I hope the students enjoy the rest on Monday and look forward to welcoming them back on Tuesday.
I would make a special appeal to parents and students to heed the public health advice to limit the number of social contacts in line with guidelines. The need to follow all of the guidance on distancing, face coverings, hand hygiene etc. does not stop at the weekend or at 4pm during the week. Each one of us needs to consider our actions now more than ever.
A reminder too that if your child is unwell not to send them to school but instead contact your GP and follow their advice.
Best wishes for a pleasant weekend
J Leonard
School reopening
Created : 28 Jul 2020, 5:05 PM
Archived : 28 Sep 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/guardians and students,
I hope this message finds you all well. As you will no doubt have heard through the media, the government last evening published their plans for the reopening of schools at the end of August. The much anticipated plans outline a way forward in reopening schools in such a way as to minimise the risk of the spread of Covid-19.
Planning was already underway here and the guidelines now allow that planning to accelerate over the coming weeks to ensure that we are ready for our first school day on August 31st. I will be back in touch well before then with further details about reopening.
In the meantime, I am attaching a letter from Norma Foley TD to parents.
Full details can be found here: www.education.ie/en/Press-Events/Press-Releases/2020-press-releases/PR20-07-27.html and here: www.gov.ie/en/campaigns/a128d-back-to-school/?referrer=http://www.gov.ie/backtoschool/
I hope you continue to enjoy the summer and look forward to welcoming back our students in the not too distant future.
Best wishes
J Leonard