Displaying 1291-1300 of 2408 results.
Admin office
Created : 06 Jan 2022, 10:11 AM
Archived : 06 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/guardians, due to staff absence please be aware that our admin office will be largely unattended today. Messages of an urgent nature can emailed to admin@cpckilcullen.com We would ask that all non urgent messages are held back for now. Thank you for your patience.
Return to school - classes begin at 10am tomorrow
Created : 05 Jan 2022, 8:38 PM
Archived : 05 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear parents and guardians, I hope this message finds you well and that you have had a lovely Christmas. Happy new year to you all. I know that many of the school community will have been impacted by Covid over the break and I hope everyone is keeping well and that any illness has been mild. As you are aware, classes will begin tomorrow directly after mass at 10 o'clock. This will be a challenging term with student and staff absence inevitable. I would continue to ask for your vigilance in watching your children for symptoms of Covid and not sending them to school if in any doubt. Furthermore your patience will be needed as we try to manage staff absence in line with public health guidance. We will need to manage the ability to have a full cohort of students in school day by day. As you are aware from media coverage there is a serious national shortage of substitute teachers available. The department of education has issued guidance today to schools regarding the following: **Public Health continues to advise that the two most important actions to prevent the introduction and spread of COVID-19 (and other respiratory viruses), are: *ensuring no-one with new onset symptoms attends school, and; *that all recommended infection prevention and control measures are in place in line with school COVID-19 response plans. The key infection prevention and control measures that are focused on keeping COVID-19 out of schools and reducing the risk of spread of infection in schools are the use of appropriate hand hygiene, enhanced cleaning, good ventilation practices, mask wearing requirement, maximising physical distancing and antigen testing. Public Health has confirmed that there is no change to these infection prevention and control measures. **Students and COVID-19 (Post Primary Schools) If a post primary student has tested positive for COVID-19:  They will be contact traced by the National Contact Tracing Team.  The National Contact Tracing Team will contact them and ask them to identify their close contacts.  The student who tested positive will have to isolate for 10 days from the day their symptoms started or for 10 days from the day they had the positive PCR test. The student can return to school after this isolation period, provided they do not have a fever/temperature during the last 5 days of their isolation period. Students who have symptoms of COVID-19 should stay at home, isolate and arrange to have a COVID-19 test. There are 2 types of COVID-19 test available from the HSE: antigen tests (home test kits) and PCR tests (done at a test centre and sent to a lab). Students (or anyone between 4 to 39 years of age) who has symptoms of COVID-19 are offered antigen tests firstly and they do not book a PCR test unless they get a positive antigen test result. Note – If a student is identified as a CLOSE CONTACT of a case in their HOUSEHOLD they will have to restrict their movement as per national guidelines for household close contact and get a COVID-19 test as soon as possible. Further information is available at www2.hse.ie/conditions/covid19/testing/get-tested/ Students and COVID-19 (Special Classes) Where a positive case occurs in a special educational setting (special classes), Public Health will undertake a public health risk assessment. The purpose of this public risk assessment is to identify the appropriate next steps in the best interests of all of the students in these settings. This is in recognition that within these settings there is a higher probability that there are students with medical vulnerabilities and students who may have greater difficulties with infection prevention and control measures. Substitution for post primary teachers Given the current high case numbers the Department recognises that schools will continue to require additional substitute cover in the period leading up to the mid-term break to assist in dealing with absences during this phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. If operational challenges occur due to staff absences schools are expected to maximise on-site education for state examination year groups and fifth year classes. At all times schools should facilitate as many students attending as possible while providing remote teaching to classes in these circumstances. Schools should also priortise in-person teaching for children with special educational needs. I hope that we will have a positive and healthy new year and I look forward to brighter days ahead. Best wishes J Leonard
Parents Association Annual Christmas Tree Collection & Disposal Fundraiser
Created : 03 Jan 2022, 12:10 PM
Archived : 03 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Are you beginning to think of taking down your Christmas Tree and wondering what you will do with it? Let us take care of it for you! The CPC Parents Association are available to collect and dispose of any unwanted Christmas Trees on Saturday January 8th. The cost for this will be €10. This PA fundraiser was very popular last year so get in touch to ensure your tree has a spot on our trailer. You can get in touch by emailing crossandpassionpa@gmail.com
1st Year Boys GAA Match - Monday 28th February
Created : 27 Feb 2022, 5:46 PM
Archived : 01 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
A reminder for all boys involved in 1st Year GAA that there is a game at 10:45 in Kilcullen tomorrow. Players are to leave class at 10:00 and are expected to be back in class at 12:25.
Prof Tess Lambe on BBC Four Royal Institution Christmas Lectures with Jonathan Van-Tam explains how vaccines were created and work.
Created : 30 Dec 2021, 8:56 PM
Archived : 01 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to our past pupil, Prof Tess Lambe on her wonderful explanation on how vaccines were created and work. It was a clear and fascinating insight to the power of vaccines. An example being how Smallpox went from 15 million cases worldwide to zero, thereby eradicated by vaccines. Prof Lambe further explained what Covid 19 is and how the vaccine she co-created works.
2D's Raffle Winners
Created : 23 Dec 2021, 11:20 AM
Archived : 23 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to the winners of our raffle yesterday : Zoe, Joseph and Tyler. Thank you to Evey in 2D for kindly donating the delicious chocolate orange eggs. For anyone who missed out on the opportunity to purchase a calendar, they are currently on sale in Woodbine Books and would make a lovely Christmas gift.
Happy Christmas
Created : 22 Dec 2021, 8:28 PM
Archived : 22 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
I would like to wish the entire Cross and Passion College community a very happy Christmas. I hope everybody stays safe and is able to spend time with loved ones this holiday. School will reopen on Thursday 6th of January with classes starting at 10am to facilitate attendance at mass in Kilcullen. Well done to all of the students and staff for a wonderful term and thank you to all parents and guardians for your continued support of our school. Best wishes J Leonard
Raising the Progress Pride Flag
Created : 22 Dec 2021, 9:09 AM
Archived : 22 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
Last week our Student Council raised the progress pride flag, a flag designed to place greater emphasis on marginalised LGBT+ communities. Here at CPC the gospel message 'All Are Welcome' is one we take very seriously and the progress pride flag is symbolic for our school community as it sends out a message that our school is inclusive spaces for all Flags are a very powerful symbol and we look forward to raising more flags over the course of the year so people can get an insight into our ethos and our values.
U15 Girls Soccer win away to Prosperous
Created : 20 Dec 2021, 5:00 PM
Archived : 20 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to the u15 girl’s soccer team who beat St. Farnan’s of Prosperous today on a score line of 8-0. They were brilliant from start to finish and it was great to see so many girls get a game. The goals were scored by Saoirse Purdue(2), Della Cowper Grey(2), Miya O’Byrne, Amy Schmelter, Grace Hurley and Ciara Dempsey. Great end to 2021 for the girls.
Created : 20 Dec 2021, 11:46 AM
Archived : 20 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
Any 5th year students interested in doing after school study in the new year please get in touch via email to aoifeomalley@cpckilcullen.com Please include full name and class of the student in the email. Thanks you