Displaying 1271-1280 of 2408 results.
School Transport Scheme
Created : 24 Jan 2022, 9:24 AM
Archived : 24 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
The Department of Education is in the process of conducting a review of the School Transport Scheme. The review encompasses the School Transport Scheme for Children with Special Educational Needs and the Primary and Post Primary School Transport Schemes. The review is being conducted with a view to examining the current scheme, its broader effectiveness and sustainability and to ensure that it serves students and their families adequately. As part of the review process the DE is conducting a stakeholder engagement process with parents/guardians, children/students, the education partners and other relevant stakeholders. Parents and guardians are being invited to complete a survey, which is accessible via the attached link dessurveys.education.gov.ie/surveys/Parent-and-Guardian-SchoolTransport-Survey and on gov.ie at gov.ie/schooltransportreview. Post-primary students are also being invited to complete a survey which is accessible via the attached link dessurveys.education.gov.ie/surveys/Post-Primary-PupilsSchool-Transport-Survey and on gov.ie at gov.ie/schooltransportreview. The closing date for completing these surveys is Thursday 10th February 2022.
Catholic Schools Week - Monday - Living life to the full with God
Created : 20 Jan 2022, 9:04 PM
Archived : 24 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Today we reflect on how, for Catholics, living our life to the full means living our life with God. We have various images of God, and these images can change as we journey through life. Therefore, as the life of the Catholic and the life of God are intertwined, so too are the life of a Catholic school and the life of God. Walford Davies wrote a hymn called ‘God Be in My Head’. On an individual level we pray ‘God be in my heart and in my thinking’. We pray that ‘God will be in the heart and in the thinking’ of all our Catholic schools. We hope to see God’s love in action every day, but especially as we gather to celebrate the sacraments.
CPC student achieves "out of this world" success
Created : 21 Jan 2022, 12:03 PM
Archived : 21 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
You might have seen a feature on RTE about CPC student Brendan Brown's (1st year) success in a recent competition which has seen his art work launched to the International Space Station (ISS). in a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from the Kennedy Space Centre in December. You can read all about it here www.rte.ie/news/2022/0120/1274902-kildare-artwork-space/ Well done Brendan from all in CPC!
CAO Information
Created : 18 Jan 2022, 11:30 PM
Archived : 18 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians of 6th Year students, A reminder of important CAO deadlines over the next two weeks: Students must make their application before 5pm tomorrow (Thursday 20th January) to avail of the discounted fee of €30. The fee will then increase to €45 for any applications made between 20th January and 1st February. Students can add courses if they wish up until 1st February. The only courses that must be listed by the 1st February are restricted/portfolio courses. The initial CAO deadline is the 1st February, however the CAO will reopen again in early May and students can then use the Change of Mind facility to add courses/change order etc. A reminder in relation to DARE applications: Students who are eligible to make a DARE application and have not yet started the process are asked to do so as soon as possible as it can be a time consuming application and all documentation must arrive in CAO by 15th March. If you have any questions regarding the above information please do not hesitate to contact me at elainemcdonnell@cpckilcullen.com Kind regards, Elaine McDonnell 6th Year Guidance Counsellor
Mock exams - important information and payment details
Created : 18 Jan 2022, 2:26 PM
Archived : 18 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians, I hope you are keeping well. As notified also by email, I am writing to you with regard to the Mock Exams which will take place in February (Junior Cycle 14th-18th, Leaving Certificate 7th-18th). The mock exams provide an important objective and independent assessment in each subject as the exam papers for the mocks are set and marked by teachers outside the school. A small number of teachers set and correct their own exams as it suits the subject better. This is factored into the cost. This gives each student a very accurate idea of how well their study and revision is progressing. In this regard students establish clearly the areas in each subject where they need to focus. It helps teachers also to evaluate the effectiveness of the teaching and learning of their subject. Arising from the cost of buying the papers and paying for their correction, the cost is: €110 per student in 3rd year €130 per student in 6th year €70 per student in 6L This needs to be paid by Monday 14th February 2022 at the latest please. Please pay Mock Exam Fees through the link you receive through the school app. If for any reason you are unable to do this please contact the school office to arrange an alternative method. There is an option to pay in full or in two installments. Unfortunately, while medical cards may cover the cost of State Examinations the same facility is not available for the mocks. The school can not cover the cost of mock exams so it is essential that payment is received in order to facilitate correction for your son/daughter. Kind regards J Leonard Principal
A minute's silence in memory of Ashling Murphy
Created : 17 Jan 2022, 3:47 PM
Archived : 17 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear students, parents and guardians, Schools are being asked to observe a minute’s silence in memory of Ashling Murphy, who will be laid to rest tomorrow. The 23-year-old teacher was killed on Wednesday evening as she ran by the Grand Canal in Tullamore, Co. Offaly. Her funeral mass will take place tomorrow at 11.00 am. To coincide with the funeral, the INTO, ASTI, FÓRSA and the TUI have asked that students and teachers in schools across the state fall silent in her memory. "All schools across the country are being asked to observe a minute’s silence at 11am on Tuesday, 18 January in memory of Ashling Murphy,” the unions said in a statement. "We are encouraging schools to fall silent to remember a beloved primary school teacher, taken far too soon, and show our solidarity with her friends, family, colleagues and pupils as Ashling is laid to rest." As there are no classes tomorrow, I am asking all students, parents and guardians to please pause in whatever you are doing tomorrow at 11am to observe a minute's silence. The staff of CPC will observe a minute's silence together during our training. With thanks J Leonard
Leinster Final Day for Kilcullen GAA
Created : 15 Jan 2022, 10:13 AM
Archived : 15 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
The very best of luck to Kilcullen GAA today in their Leinster Final. Throw in is at 1pm in Newbridge. A very special mention to current CPC student Cormac Barker. We're all behind you here in CPC Cormac and look forward to you bringing in the Cup next week. Bring it home lads
Kilcullen Vigil Oct 14th
Created : 14 Jan 2022, 10:05 AM
Archived : 14 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
As in various other locations througout the country there will be a vigil in Kilcullen this evening at 4 30 pm at Cnoc Ailinn sculpture ar the endge of the town. Bring a tee light with you.. Our thoughts are with the Murphy family, friends and local communities at this time.
CPC Young Scientist finalists
Created : 13 Jan 2022, 3:38 PM
Archived : 13 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Tomorrow Friday is a big day for Emma and Charlotte the awards ceremony will take place tomorrow afternoon. Regardless of the outcome the girls are winners! The have acquitted themselves well with the judges. The exhibition is a virtual on line event this Year 2022. The girls were interviewed by the judges in the online format and the judges were certainly impressed by their knowledge of the subject matter and in particular way by their confidence in making their pitch. Mr Leonard has previously made the podcast of their interview with Brian Byrne available in the school app. Well worth the listen. We hope to broadcast some of the award ceremony beginning at 1 00pm. We wish them well tomorrow afternoon. We expect that this will not be their last visit to the BT Young Scientist Exhibition. Looks like they may have 'contracted the Science virus' for which their is no known antidote. Professor Tess Lambe sends her congratulations and interestingly enough she was a Young Science Entrant
Girls Rugby Trainig Firday 14th @ 1 20pm
Created : 13 Jan 2022, 3:20 PM
Archived : 13 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Girls Rugby Training will start back for 2022 on Friday 14th (tomorrow) beginning at 1 20pm and will take an hour. The training session will take place on the main school pitch. Please bring your boots and gum shields. if your new years resolution involed taking up anew sport or just rugby the session is open to new players.